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Advertisements & Notices

... Ver7y desirable PROPER[TI, either for (1 Sicss, a Private Residencc, or ,for a Nelditcl Practitiolwr'. ,l 0 be LET, Nvith early ?? I I PREMISES forming the angle of Broad-strect and |, Turl-street, now in the occupation of William Doak, Esq., w Burgeon, formerly occupied as twvo houses; containing thrie ft sittiug rooms, surgery, four bed rooms, two kitcheins, large arrched cellair, an d ...


... Agents—The Misses Ttbtle. AEBlTiis. —Mr. and Mrs. Wiliams, Madrid House ; Rev. Lewis, House ; Mr. and Mrs. Horneman, and Mrs. Hamilton, Crescent House; Mr. and Mrs. Sandle, Cheltenham House; Mr. and Mrs. Wright, the Misses Hardy, the Misses de Lisle, Dundas House; the Misses Lettis, Byam House; General and Misses Hewettson, Mrs. Freake and family, Longton House; Dr. and Mrs. Macartney and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD COMMEMORATION. Mr. POWELL'S GIIAN) CONCERT WILL TAKIE PLACE THIS EVENING, Sattuday, July 2, In the TOWN HALL. Doors open at half past Seven, and commence at right.- Reserved Seats (not nunmbered), 6s. ; Unreserved 4s. ad.- Tickets to be obtained only at Charles Powell and Co.'s Fancy Warebouse, 31, High-street, Oxford; as the number -of tickets wvill be limited, it will be necessary to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALCOCK & KNIGHIT, Auctioneers, Valuers, House & Estate Agents, BENGE 'OUIIH, EVESIIAM. L ADIES anid Gentlemen visiting London should lDINE at the CGAE DE L'EUROl'E HOTEL and TAV'ERN, adjoiniing the llityinarlket Theatre.-CGafd Dinnet in the Grand Saloon, 3s. Cd., ready fromt 6 till 8. IVI [LLAM JOMX IVILDE, Proprietor. A LITERAL TRALNSLATION of the NEW A TESTPAMENT, onl 1isfinite Rules of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO be LET, with irme(diate possession,- Complete CGROCERY PREMISES, situate in thc busi- iess towtn of Abirrgdon, consisting of a Dwelling House, plate-glass front shop, iiarehoouses, &c. A first-rate trade hasbeen c:rriedl on therein for tlhe last twelve years. Rent ?? lr.Wm'a.TyrrellSuitton courtney, Abingdon, Berks. ro be LET,-A lOUSE atid SHOP, late irn the T occupation of Mr. L. CASTLE, ...


... The heavy rains of last Satnrday and Sunday week have effected very senous injury to the heavier wheat and barley crops. Previous storms had laid a good deal of corn, and at early a period the season, that the sauinlesof some of our best wheat and barley growers must greatly deteriorated. lliere is more com lodged than has occurred for several years. It is noticed, too, that the ears of the ...


... ®clcgr:i}ih. PORTSMOUTH, SATURDAY, JULY IG, ISSO. Sunday Lessors. —Fourth Sunday after Morning—l Sam. 12, John 5.—l Sain. 13, 1 Tim. 1. real Nijrlit. Tlie suspension of hostilities between the belligerent armies on the banks of the Jlincio is an event not less mysterious than it was unexpected. Hncl any man ventured to presage that event ten days ago he would have been pitied as a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMAS NALDER, (From Jlessrs. Chlytoln, Shittlelweorth, and Co., Lincoln,) AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER, FOUNDER, &c., CHALLOW WORKS, near WVANiTAGE, Berks. v Agent ftfoi the pin1ci2,alt gricnltit0r6l IMleAment 1Jak;crS at their c2rica. Steam Engines and Implements of every description eare- fully repaired. New Fire Boxes put into Portable Engine Boilers. ?? -lLTISTATED CATALOGI'ES. ROYAL ...


... Private letters from the head-quarters of Prince Napoleon state that another great battle on the banks the Adige is expected, and that the Austrians were believed to have about men in line. A captain of a regiment of infantry engaged at Solferino has written to his family m Paris, that such was the ardour of the rrench troops that in the afternoon, when the order was given to charge one of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e, JAMES HOLMES. m JF JAMES HOLMES, a brick-maker, and a AI native of MMarylebone, 'Middlesex, who was enlisted for rt the Royal Artillery at Oxford about the beginning of June, *n and rejected in London about the 7th of June last, will apply te to Sergeant Nix, of the Oxford City Police, lie will hear of a something to his advantage. DRESSING CASES, DRESSING BAGS, le AND HIGHiLY-FINISHED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAM BAKER, CABINET MAKER AND UPHOLSTERER, ESPECTFULLY announces that hie has now X purchased the late Mr. HERBERT'S BUSINESS and entire STOCK IN TRADE, at the extensive and commo- dious Premises, No. 1, Broad Street, Oxford, where in future his business will be chiefly conducted. In consequence of this arrangement, and to effect neces- sary alterations, the STOCKS of CABINET and UPHOL- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMAS NALDER, ?? llMesrs. Clayton, Sbiuttleivorth, and Co., Lincoln,) AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER, F1OUNDER, &c., CHALLOW WORKS, near WANTAGE, Berks. &4w Agent for the principal Aqriclturnal Aiplement mcaers eat ther priLces. Steam Engines and Implements of every description care- fully repaired. New Fire Boxes put into Portable Engine Boilers. **b ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES. Royal Agricultural ...