... SUPPOSED MURDER ON BOARD D SHIP. Advicos from Boston, J ly 13, say- The United States revenue cutter WNilliam Appleton, lieutenant Commander Itandolph, arrived at Key West on the 29th ult.., on a cruise tothosouth-oast coast of Florida. She brings the mato and two seamen of the sohooner Enterprise, of New Orleanm, lost on the 8tb ultimo, on Hillsborough inlet. The men are charged with the ...


... C'O'UN TY OF, ANTRIM. CROWN COURT. BIELPAST, SATURIDAY'. Tilts morning, at a quarter past ten o'clock, the flon. Justice CHRISTIAN, wholi was accompaniiedI by thle IiiGIu-Snn'ieteP (George Gray, Esq.), took his seat inl the Crowni Court. Theo CLnsRn of, tile CRbOWN (Walter Bourne, Esq.), having. read thle Commission, thle Grand Jury, whose names appeared in Friday's Nless-Letteir, answvered to ...


... lf.lS OF COURT BIFLB COfPS. A genieral meieting, of the members of the Inns of' Ctourt, to rticeive tho report of the conemittee for the praiposed voluoteer rifle c.,rps, and agtee to th- rules anti regulatrions for the goverument of the body, was bell at LDnnoln's-inn- h.11, on Swa'ivd~y atterno(n. There was8 a large atrtendance. Mr. SELWYN, Q.C., M.P., was called to the chair. The kHon. ...


... LA Wi INTELLIGBENE-SATUIDAY. plROBATE AND DIVORCE COURT. AVBCLtY V. AUDILBY. This was a petition presented by Mrs. Barbara Aubrey, ueekin-g . judicial separation against her husband, Colonol Harcourt Wynne Aubrey, on the ground of -dultory. It appeare that Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey wore married at Gretna Green in the yenr 1814, since which time they had had ciglelten children, cleven of whom were ...


... 7-CR1 TRIALS-SATURDAY. FrRST DIVISrON. (Before the Lord President.) I Og GEORGE TAYLOR V. JOHN' SEWELL AND CO. a his case John George Taylor, jeweller and ,enI merchant in Glasgow, is Pursuer; and John &01vel and Company, jewellers in London, and dessft Ingls and Leslie, W.S., their Mlardatories, are Defenders, The case is fully eiplaiued in the follow- . i sues which were sent to the jury ...


... SuMMUR ASSIZES. I t .(inOat ODFrO ORSROI5POlBNDETS.) 'CABLOW, SATUtDAT.-Birae v. JtsIainey and DB Za l -Tntsi ~case was resumed at the sitting of the court , Mr. Curran addressed the jury for the defendant; Mr. e J. A. Byrne for tbe plaintiff. The action was brought to b vepover.ddatnage for a broach of contract. The plaintiff a. was the uspagor of fthe household department of the defendants, ...


... SEEREWSBURY ASSI-ZES. FNISI PRIUS COURT.-SATURDAY. ; (BEFOBE MR. JusvIcE BYrsES.) HolrosooAr rmX ANeOTHIER V. MomoAr.-Mfr. Phipso, QO.C., and Mr. Motteram for the plaintiffs; and Mr. Skinner, Q.C., and Mr. Gray for the defendant. The plaintiff in this case was Mr. George Hickman, of the Scrm of Hickman and Company, ironmasters, of, Tipton and Bilston, and the defendant Mr. Thomas Morgan, iron ...


... POLICE INTEbLi GBN0CRSAunDAY. 31AISION-HOUSJH. sei A MODEL POLICEMAN.-A5i9 Urassky, a rather ~ood- to lookng oma, wa chrge wit asauling er us ndeV The Posector aid washereto cargemy wifie with T assaultin~ me yesterday ; but we sette te case between us, and ?? Lord Mayor discharged her Latnight she in. i quired why I had not sold my furnitue adI told her be- n causes I had not had time, but ...


... SATURDAY, JULY 30. BEFORE MR. J. S. MANSFIELD. FEmALya CHAIRGEO WhIT STREET ROssERY. -Margijret Hughes and Elizabeth Jones were charged with b ;ll-g abtaulted and robbed ilizabeth Reynold. .'dir. Bluckapli a red for the defence. The proseeutrix stated that she vas 14m, % through Elihot-street on the previous evening, andvae e, by the prlonera, whoasked bhr to treat them. Ehe took Sla im into a ...


... JURY COURT-SSTU}RDAY, JULY 30. FIRST DIVISION. (Before the LonD PIRESIDENT ant a, Jury.) Jo(uri UrOGrGE TAiYI.oI, jeweller rad general merchant ia, Glasgonv, r. JoRx SErWML & Coa3zrxP, , mnaufacturers, London. I ; This case was set down for trial to-day- upon the following issues:' 1. Whether the pursuer wval employed by the defenders to sell goods for them in Scotland, Ireland, and the North ...


... ACTION v DAMAGES FOR DEFAMATION. sMAV IGLcaI! This'action bad its 'origin in that nlost prolific source of I litigation here, MLeod's sequestration. The pursuer is _Hugh Mair, boot and shoe manufacturer, Jamaica Street, s-Glasgow, and the defender William Inglis some time printer, thereafter money-lender, carrying on business and designing himself as merchant in High street, Glasgow. The issue ...


... ASSIZE - LYTZLLIOBEOF HOM lRCVJIT-M IDSTONE, JULYr 30. HOME ~CIVIL SIDE. [1efore lift. Justice CRO WDBR1 anld a Spoeal Juri. loc SMITH V. BIRD. Jo The plaintiff in this action, Captain Aaron Stmith, soiighl !fur to recover' from th. defendant, Mr. Henry Harrington Bitrd, chi the sum of £130, upon his ac.-eptauice to a bill of exchange Be( for that amount. ~ihe defendant pleauded that Captain ...