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... In Manobester, aservant girl, after obtaining some cyanide of potassium for removing ink from linen, left some of it in a saucer on a table. In her absence a child, three years old, seized the saneer, and tasted the liquid. A eurgeon was called, but in ten minutes the child was dead. A railway train. proceeding from Whlitby to Pickering on Saturdayplunged overhead into the fen bogs. in ,The ...

Preston Election Petitions

... Preston Election Petitions, HOUSE OF COMMONS.-THURSDAY. (FROM OUR OWN REPORTERS.) The committee appointed to try the petitions presented' against the retun of Mr. Grenfell and Mr. Cross for the borough of Preston, at the last election, on the ground of corrupt practices, met at eleven o'clock on Thursday, in No. 9 Committee Room. The committee is composed of the following members of parliament ...


... _ AN AMOROUS POLZCEM&N. On Wednesday, at lary lebuon Police-court, Patrick Farrell, 866 , was brought before Mr. Brough on by direction of Sir R. Mayne, charged with violation of duty and- indecently assaulting a married woman. named Susannah Jenkina. RHenry enkivs, a gaslighter, living at 17, John-street, Portland-town, deposed that ever sinc3 last Monday weak defendant had been in the habit ...


... I . i - I THE NEWPORT MURDER., At-the Monmouth Assizes, on Saturday, AfattllcluFrancics, a tailor- and haullier, aged twenty-aix, was indicted for feloniously killing and murdering, his wife, Sarah Francis, by cutting her throat with a razor, at Newport, on ?? of March last. The prisoner looked very pale, and appeared 'to besu.ffering from mental depression. He was arraigned, and pleaded not ...

Birmingham Police Court

... mirminflaill vlolla 900. YESTURDAY. Before Sir Jalet 1latcliff fMdf~or) anid T. Budlatey an-1 W7. Bichsards, Esqr~s. STATISTrus 3av A SHIOEuLAc -The vicinity of Snow Hill And livery Street is so much infested by a lot of thieves and black- guards, professing to Black your boots,' that tho footpaths are frequently and greatly obstructed. Orders having been given to the police to abate U~ ...


... I SOUTIUEftN DIVISION. I ?? .- .. .- ?? . CROWN COURT. BEriFORE Mit. BARlOIN NVATSON. f MONDAY, AbCtUST 15. SENTENCES. b Edward Miller, who was convicted on Saturday of s having obthrtned about i£20 worth of baby ap arel by c means of a forged order, was brought up thits morn.t ing and sentenced to five years' penml servitude, Ralph Fletcher, convicted on Satturday of bigam, was cog bO iellt ...


... Last week a lady applied to the lIon. C. G su Norton, at Lambeth police court, for his advice th respccting the conduct of her husband -to whom she ha had nut been then quite two months married, andt whose name she had so forgotten thlat sie could not S spell it, and had actually to go home to provide we herself with the sarriage certificate to rofresh her wt neailory-who, she said, was ...


... LANCASHIRE SUMMER ASSIZES. SOUTHERN DIVISION. ap CROWN COURT. th BEFORE MR. BARON WATSON. re! THURSDAY, AUGUST 18. pe SENTENCES. Cc John Rone (aged 43), porter, for a rape on his own child, nine years of age, 15 years' penal servitude. to James Mawdesley (aged 18), for an attempted rape on Elizabeth Langton, 15 montls imprisonment. o Alice MI'Aliter (aged 32), for the manslaughter of ap Sarah ...


... MONDAY, AUGUST 29. BEFORE 71Ri. PRESTON (DEPUTY STIPENDIARY). RzsnSLro BAL.-Artnur Stewart, a ?? officer, was charged wvch having aesauited police-oosta'bls 763. Mr. Cobb appeared for the defence. The prisoner was going off duty at eleven ocl ck on Saturday morning, but soon afterleaving the ffeelastreet station he was met by Superintendent Bilmmer, wboaillred that he was drunk, and requested ...


... -1AN]VPTCR . :QT. ' ; 'fe TN lrr. Commningsker ?? Ha y TUESDAY.' it, Newport, Coal.Meronbnti-This3w1ias ti eitting'for cht of assignees, at whieh proofs fotr litO £200 wer aumithed, and the choice was carried by Messr& Savty;'Vla'l sel4, and Prichard. *'EDNESDAY. Rn JoHN Acocr, Uheltenham, BuIldpi.Mr.'Stone said tbat in this case somg information bad veiy' reeptgly reached the crepitor for ...


... POaLICH I LGEN -r* MANSION-HOUSE. ErraTs or FEELURG LoNELY.-Charles Hedge, a nilitary-looking man, was charged on remand with having jumped into the Thames with intent to drown ?? Johnson, a lad about seventeen years old, said that as he was amusing himself in a Mat at Custom-house-stairs, he saw the prisoner jump off the quay into the water, and immediately pushed the boat to the spot. As the ...


... THE MVIDER INEAR LEEDS. LEEDS, SATURDAY EVENING. f At the Leeds Town Hall, this morning, before Mr. Ralph r Marbland and Mr. John Hope Shaw, the men arrested at Dewsbury, the other day, on suspicion of being concerned in a the burglary at tle house of Mr. Blakeloy, at Batley, about I a week ago, were examined on suspicion of being concerned in the murder of Richard Broughton, at foundhay, near ...