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... The Art-Joubnal.—London : J. S. Virtue. The Nun, engraved by N. Lecointe, from pictnre by J. G. Schceffer, in the Royal collection; and a charming view the Drachenfels, from Bonn, by B. Brandard, from picture by J. A. Hammersley, are the principal engravings in this beautiful expositor of art, together with a statue engraving of Maidenhood, by W. H. Egleton, from the original oi~ C. ...


... Osborne Hottse, Jclt 29.—Her Majesty in Council, wpon representation of the Right Hon. the Lords of the Committee of Council Education, is pleased to appoint the Itev ; . Joseph WooUey, and LL.D., late Fellow ot St_John's College, Cambridge, to one of her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, and to order that his appointment bear'date the Ist day of July, 1858. I House, 29. —This day had audience ...


... 13. The Queen has bmi pleased to direct letters patent to passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Karon the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland the Hon. H. and to the , J 1 ** hotly lawfully begotten, by the name, le, and title Baron Taunton, of Taunton, in the county of Somerset. Q u has also been pleased to direct letters S n J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRESSING CASES, DRESSING BAGS, AtND HIGliLY-FiN18IiED ELEGA.\C'I S rou PRESENTATION, IN GREAT YVAIIETY. XECHI and BAZIN, 4, LE'M)EN1IALL STREET; 112, REGENT STIU:ET; ANi) CRYSTAL PALACE, SYDENIIAM. Tl11E AD VA NTTAGE afrorded to the PUBLIC I in the EST A D L1I S -MEN ?? of ?? CLARK, 132, JEGENT-STREET, ?? Merchant Tailor, mainly arises from ?? ?? of the bost West-end Private Tailoring tradtes ...

Curious Compromise a Railway Company.— Some of the payments the Greenock Railway Company to parties injured by ..

... arc curious, among which may mention that of a mam who got a black eye through the collision, and who received by way of solatium a season ticket for a year and a-half.—Ayr Observer. Sebious Accident the Nobth Kisn't Railway. —An accident of a serious nature, but which was fortunately unattended with loss of life, occurred on Tuesday night near the Lewislinin station of the North Kent Railway. ...


... Caution to Farmers and Shxepowners.—A most sad affair has occurred in the parish of Cudham, Kent, Lusted arm, the occupation of Mr. James Francis. Mr. * rancis has- been in the habit for several years of using a wash to his sheep, containing mercury and soft soap, as a preventive against tlies. He has generally had it applied by dipping them, but this year laid them on then sitie and poured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANN TOMKINS, (Widow of the late T. ToAinie;s,) CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, MAGDALEN STRE'ET, OXFORD, TN returniug her grateful thanks to the Nobility, .L Gentry, Clergy, Mlembers of the University, and Public generally, for the liberal patronage bestowed upon her Iate husband for a period of 25 years, begs to intimate that it is her intention to carry on the ...


... War-office, August 23. sth Regiment of Dragoon Guards —Major-General the Earl of Cardigan, k.c.b., to be colonel, vice General Sir Johu Slade, Bart., deceased. Ist Dragoons—l.ieut. C. P. Holder to lie captain, purchase, vice Glyn, who retires. Lieut. P. Radford to be captain, purchase, vice Sandeman, who retires; Cornet C. Hall to lieutenant, purchase, vice Holder; Cornet R. W. Caldwell be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IHEDGES AND) BUTLER R ECOM3MEND the followving WINES:-St. Julien Chlret (pure, w ith body), 30s. and 3is, per doz; Clarets of senperior grobth, I2s, 48s., ON., 72s., 84s., and 9e'i. ; Cliablis, 3ts., 42s, and ISs. Sbauterne, Iis. and Os.; Red and Whlite B13xg9nedy, Nis, 4Ss, tOs, to 9i6s.; Cbam- pagne, iSs., t;ON., 72s., and S-ls; Hrck 'nd Mloselle, '30s., 2s., 4Is., ?? T2s., to ]211s, Shol s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. G-o G~eaes Pupil may be treated with, either oh A zznow or at MichaelmRs. Terms moderate; advantages levery ?? 30, Bradford's Library, Thiame, eOxon. e, eodon s& North-Western Rsilway. ,, A CHEAP EXCURSION TRAIN willileave e A OXFORD, for LONDON, on MONDAY NEXT, m August 15. id Leave OXFORD ?? ?? .30 n a; ,, BICESTER. ?? .760 *r. ,, WINSLOW. ?? .8.15 ,, r, Returnieg ...


... (CONTINUED.) The Cadmus, 21, left Naples for Leghorn on Thursday, the 18th, and the Centurion, 80, on the same day for Malta. The Exmontk, 90, remains at Naples. Captain Vivian Craig, deputy-governor of Millbank Prison, has been appointed governor of Pentonville Prison, vice Mr. Hoskings, who retires. Captain J. J. Wallock has been appointed deputy-governor of Millbank, vice Captain Craig. The ...


... Mr. Jesse Corbon, collector income and property tax at Hull, lias been committed prison for the nonpayment of the last half-year's collection, lie admits having disposed of the money, which amounts to about 500/. of Wilt at Salfobd.—At the Liverpool Assizes on Thursday, Hardy, Hope, and Berry, the three men indicted for the forgery of the will of Ann Dean, at Salford, were sentenced to 14 ...