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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... A NGIO-PERUVIA.N DEBT.-The DIVI- A DENDS on the TmILEE per CENT. DEFERRED BONDS becoming dute on the 1st of October next, wi t bhe AID by Messre. Antonv Gibbs and Sons on that or any followio ng day betwveen the bools of Eleven and Two. Lists in1y be hld on aplpliction on and aftcr the 20th instant, anld the (oo1poils must be left three clear days for ?? natilon 10, llisholgi;te-sh cet Within, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lliTEST-ED] E' FUNERAL CONI- W ET PSENY, 32, lHyk-pat, Vk,. Bcst Clasi Funeral, with Ile(d coffin, elc, &c ., hear.c and foulr, two coaches (1,airo), conule te,uelbeutc~ttas £2S II O Second Class ditto ?? ?? 10 n 0 Third Class, Mith hearsc and coach (pai rs) ?? 0 (I 1'onrthC laoss~ ?? ?? .. .3I OJ[ URNING.-JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. lVM . -.1fr. B:ECKL1Y bcs-s to hiform his nuumerous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jI 0 1LLNE of PACKETS.- ItNSP jE Iort Phi!ottip) direct, to sail OCltobeor 1 V.11obc 2), Nt.',osrs. Green'sspllenodid clipper, AI1. . ,l toils re, .ttr, .,oio ?? Commaniioder IlOio T' '1his~ fine ohip. having a. full poop oilers scrO superior accommodation for - 1111j1v to P'tilitppo, Sthaw, ant 'Lowthoer, oo'e' or to F. (Jrocn anot Co., 72, Corn- toM.J. Dl. Wilcoclos, agent there. ?? -il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thle beautiful IBritish-built ,roiiXOIItAS, Al1; itl h lit vessel, constructel. by tlio ,> ,*br ~I NM.jrej iPolo, hats sttperior aceommdAt- Iket i, 3, White Lion-ejurt, Corahill Iiekt zp:1,loel~h I.l-street, 12.0. CAPE of GOOD HOPE, ,iwl, thle llritlli-built clipper barquc A I ears,, 3.51 toutS register fi~ i~1k.l~itttl~ie Iotltsh. This line vesgel has or CAPE of G0 00) h1PE0 f ' ?? the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IWPIE, for goods and passen- * ~ ?? is ?? clipper ships to ?? I)Wk, 1 2yet, tons register, for I 19 car,, 35A tound register, fur TABLE \,AI Syar, 217 tons register, for ALGOA 1:32, 1,eadeahall-street. WALL LINE of PACKETS - I- 'lIA'IAGE Ii I ONE\ Y.-rFor MELBOURNE .idie~c* o. eictbr1, and wilt csll at Pliymouth, ,ajcdid clij-pur ship LL.OC~, A 1,46 ,tons register, Jol Ow, Cominder ; j:,4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE is hereby giveii, that, tinder (late of 1s1 2a3 July hlast, the Peruvian Govermeli S;vof~Iall notiwied their illtention of r(eciving 'LENDFtS forth.) ! ONSIG ?? of C-UANO for SAI.E in SPAR N. p'er,,ons o irous of od ooror to thejiitloe ?? v 0ofically Hacinda OomcLUat Limo tjO), vho vill talw jinto conside!ration ll aUtbose- t d coO to hniid prior to thc let November next, and vill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --Olt BONIBAY, the beautiful British-built WA clippor-ship XEPMUAS, A 1; tileiL ton tX Dcks. This tine vessel, constructed by the ijcrn' f e, celebrated Marco Polo, offers the most favourable C'ije, f;. hider, Nai Darke, 3, Whi te Lion-court, Corahill; f eti~',ji jklig,132, Leadernhall-street, E.C. F o th CPE of GOOD HOPE, inh e temer, the British-built clipper barquu f~~1 101 sears,, 354 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3)i 30\NIBAy, the beautiful British-built~ cippr .ship XEPI J.LkS, A I; ,,aI,,lDcso , This fine vessel, cotistructed by the IdT5 ?? rolo, hiss superior aeccommoda- o -Cii Cot1d-ciass passengecrs. NCreand DIark, 3, WNhite Lion-court, Cornhill; ?? l ifjiL, 132, Leadeahall-street, E.C. JIt thle, C APE of GOOD HOPE, la s illi Septeenbler, the liriti~sh-buailt clipper barqusl 1j('LN, Ai 1 10 years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f Gow HOPE, for goods and passen- Al ie, leaiitiftil Britishl-bui~lt clipper ships to . 110 years5, 131 tons register, fur TABJLE OtA 1 12 years, 362 tons register, for I I , O~i~iAl 1D years, for TABLE BAY. ,lYI', A IliS y.-ar, 287 tons tegister, for ALGDA. - FIeliitg, 132, Leailvnhalltr- cte. ~i j;1~ I' T ?? A S TEl It N.- I ii, ird~lert ,hinch oci'urred onl board the IIIn tauit, ticll,,,c, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w m EAT EASTERN for AMERICA.- rC l. jc.kT EASTERN is appointed to leave itolyhead ?? t'ni1ted States, on tile 29th instant. ftr pi ?? only will be takien. natt ncluding otowlird's fee and provisions,bu er liqluoT5, which canl be obtained on board), £19 to e it .S, RI~itietra. totrn tickets, granted at a farc and a sodothr iforaton apply to the Great ShipCosm- 5~j i, l~e Wiliamstroet, L~ondon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lI' of GOOD HlOPE., for goods abnd passen- ]i cr -i'he fllowint beautifulo Britiah-built clipper hitis to ,jil t (flli~ilic~tN~UCOlIA. A 112n years, 231 tons register, for tl :l 10 years, 314 tons register, for TABLE n D.k 3(t-olU ENT, A 1 8 years, 287 tons register, for ALGOA BEAi;-, Son, Ticling 13°, Loadenhall-stret. 0It BONIBAY, the beautiful British-built clippershiip XEtUTAS,. A il I In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ) OYAL ENGLISH OPERA, LI COVENT-.ARDENi, Under the ?? not of Mis, Io,)L ISA FYNE and ?? f 1N. ?? il N fv; ih ,Sl'ASO, on Monday, October F.-Stiige 3tcan ?? Mir. E. STIItlTN(, EW THEATRE ROYAL ADELPHI.- N StU! l' i ;xI'd :. fmanager, Mt-. Bi. W\ llioA.I'L lh I ,lei:Ilid Nely Theatre, replete With everY coalfol't, wil OPElIN th' t'ON Monday next, SpletlbOrC 26, ?? fccm~ioni ?? I'k;am~in W }ter ...