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Advertisements & Notices

... 1859. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. Oct. 2 Su. TuF FIFTEU7NT1 SUNDAY AFTER TEINITY.- Morning Lessons-Jeremiiab xxxv.; Makv. Evening Lessons-Jereni. xxxvi.; 2 Cor. SUNDAY SERVICEs T THE CATHEDRAL.-Mornlng, King in C. Evening, King in C; Anthem-' Goa is gone up. (Croft.) Oct. 3 M. Moon, first quarter, S.32 p.m. - 4 Tu. Sun rises at e.7; sets at 5,31. - 5 W. Twilight ends 7.22. - 6 Tll. Faith, V. & X. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ENGLISH OPERA, st. J.R COVENf-GA4RDE-S,ad t'nrier the Managemnent of Mfiss LOUIS PYINE ad f SMIr. W. IIARRIISU'NO wil OPN' or hr EASO0'N on Monday net October 3, with (for o the first timteon the Engliih stagc) Meyorbeer's highly popular sil operat of flINolAII. The libretto of the Englishe version of Di- o noralh by Itenry, Chorney, Et~q. o The Oper-atic Coinpiaiy wvill coinpr ice the ...


... What charming insight into the inner life of the Outwards Board is exhibited the proceedings at the Borough Police Court yesterday! What virtuous men these Outwards Commissioners are! How courteous to each other ; how creditable to the constituencies which they are supposed to represent. What an unanswerable argument they offer in favour of the constitution popular assemblies ; and what ...


... The latest news from China brings no confirmation of the report that the Pekin Government was prepared to make instant and adequate reparation for the attack on the Anglo-French flotilla at the mouth of the Peiho. Matters remain in statu quo, excepting that seriou3 disturbances have broken out in Shanghai, in consequence of the cruelties connected with the coolie traffic, earned on by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVERYBODY'S JOURNAL. No. II, Wednesday, October 5tbh. Price THREE-RALE-PENCE, contains- The THREE LIVES, e Romance. By Albany FoublSnquE, jun. Cbaptcrs 3and 4. A LEGEND of FAIRLOP FAIR. By George Moore. LOSTI LOST ! By Samuel Lover. My UNCLE ROBINS. By William Brough. NEWS in the CRADLE. By G. A. Sale. FIRESIDE READINGS from LIVING AUTHORS. Anne. tated by W. C. Bennett. STORIES of CAMP LIFE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CST. LUKE'S CHUCH.-ON SUNDAY, Oct. 2nd, this Church will be OPENED, if God permit, when TWO SERMONS will be preached by the REV. W. CARUS, M.A., Canon of Winchester, and Rector of St. Maurice, in that city. Divine service will commence it the Morning at half- past Ten; and in the Evening at half-past Six. A collection will be made at the close of each service, to meet the deficiency in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUNYER'S OLD BELL HOTEL, HOLBORtN HILL, LONDON, OPPOSITE FETTER LANE. The most central situation; near Inns of Court, Theatres, ec. ILLUSTRATED ,0;8 PRICED CATALOGUE OF \ Forwarded Free by Post &Nt \ Ul0l application. '8d WICROSCOPE PHOTOGRAPHIC NOVEL- E TIES.-J. A MADIO, 7, Tbrognmorton-street, has just prodteed th(; first Two of a Series of mlinute PHOTO- GRAPHIC PORTRAITS of LIVING C1 ...


... War-Office, Paia-Maix, Sept. 30. Royal Horse Guards. —Lieut.-Col. and Brevet-Col. W. Fordjce-Buchan, from half-pay unattached, to be Lieut.- Col., vice Brevet-Col. the Hon. G. C. W. Forester, who exchanges, receiving the difference between infantiy and cavalry ; Major and Brevet-Col. B. H. B. H. Vyse, to be Liaut.-Col., by purchase, viceG. W. Fordyce-Buchan, who retires; Capt. and Brevet-Major ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jgixrtlarueouz, JU BARRYS REVALENTA ARABICA CR0C00 D LATE POWDER contains the greatest amount of easily asslinilated nourishment for strengthening delicate per- sons, children and infants with weak stomach, chest, or nerves, and, at 3d. per meal, affords a delicious breakfast, lunch, or sup- per. It is the best dietetic homospathic preparation, and may be eaten either alone or mixed with Du ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M~ME LIST.-IONDON, MIDDLESEX, and G~ ?? Fi RST PUBLICATION FOR 18,9. IIS,tso PFltSONue sho hooc taken out Gonerd, GAME CERTIFI- CATs~.5 t XI Us. 1(-1. ea~h, ieeludlng the additional duty of 10 Per moo-. un Icr teb Act of I Vslot., can. 17. ISobeduel 5).) AbAtbf, WVilliama Ward, Esq., 146. Bladan, W., Cockspajr Mtr, L'cdrard-ro.wtBoils, Col. J. V6., 5, Yors.-streot, Abbott, Frederick J., Esq., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0yEBqMEm' SCHOOL of MINES, and G cf OSCIENCE APPLIED to the ARTS. DrrCUTOR, Sir RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISON,D,C.L. M.A. P.R.S. &O. Dnuring the Session 19'59-60, which will commence on the ,,d October, the following COURSES of LECTURES and PRACTICAL PEMONSTRATIONS will be given:- i. chymistty. Biv A. W. flofmann EL It P.RS. &c. a Metallurgy. y John Percy A it b RKS. 3. Natural History. By T. H. ...