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Advertisements & Notices

... [ADVERTnMEIM T.] THE WIRRAL WATERWORKS. TO TIrE EDITORS OF THE LIVERPOOL MERCURY, Gentlemen,-I observe a flourishing account of an intended laying of the foundation stone for a water tower at Oxton, under the noble auspices of the Earl of Shrewebury and Talhot, in connection with the Wirral water scheme, and that it is to be followed up by a grand dinner at the Rock Ferry Hotel, which is ,to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U EVIVAL SERVICES jN BRIGHTON Pt, STREET CHAPEL. TO-MORROW and DURING THE WERE. Rev. J. EKIR, Forenoon-Rccbject: All 'Things but L1ss for Christ. Rev. Professor FlSNEY. Afteriwon-Sulgecit Excuses for Sin condemns God. Evgning--God's Com- nandmcnts not Grievous. Prednseday--God is Love. 2'hursdlay-God's Love Commended to us. Firiday- Not Far from the Hingdom of God. JFeek .i'ght lcl Meliccs at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... stisiu% eavb-(CONTuxUnED.) T O ] NA M I L L E Stationer, Accot-Baok' U Enanialled Paper and Envel Manufacturer, Bookbinder Engraver Lithographer and Printil; largest Stocl OL:PAP Ii 'and STAiIONERY in 4hlasgow. RETAIL WAREHOUSE, 122 ,AM STREET, (Corner of South HlIanoM qftreet). EXPORT AND WHOLESALE WAMREHOUSE, 1 AND 8 SOUTH HANOVER STRIET; F-A C T O Y - 1-7 8 DIM I'D LE R 8 T ?? WHOLESALE AGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 01~h BfiStl NALL. RXD LtoN.savABE PornFieTrt. HlEN&V HART. aful Me0spa1y -o Meoose Wilek Culverg Ot SMg en Adndelo-5d 04,toIs.on Wenesday, nsoD.TheGTot Miic an Ogden.a BB ZOOLOGICALACE. og Amgt-Open aot Nicne at &ditountieedEnieSre LU of mralorwors. ueedavi, Tigihurdy.adFrdyOna kTes. ?? Chorals SefomnchbibeVe.Aeo Anofeisogah GudeaOnShloslding hiden, airpec. Raoryalp PatilTen. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UTNDER THE IMMEDIATE PATR ONAG C The EARL or OARLIIBA. ?? SI J~ ~ M The BAHIL (tF IlIr'O SI ?? FAAMnAstAl, KT, rn.H FACY BZAA andIISH1IBITION of J. th DEWSIUEYME~l1~N1CS NSI TUTION will be held I0 te PULIC ALL oniit, ~la ygs ~sai h October. 1K9. Door ope at leve o'cock ~m.acii (lay. AdmiOiOO-th Octber.2e.S'.; 6t. ls7th, 1s.; 8lih 65. seasn Tilset, Is 64.each 133281 r B ILLS OfEXCEIANGFE LOST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1859. CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK. Oct. 2 Su. TuF FIFTEU7NT1 SUNDAY AFTER TEINITY.- Morning Lessons-Jeremiiab xxxv.; Makv. Evening Lessons-Jereni. xxxvi.; 2 Cor. SUNDAY SERVICEs T THE CATHEDRAL.-Mornlng, King in C. Evening, King in C; Anthem-' Goa is gone up. (Croft.) Oct. 3 M. Moon, first quarter, S.32 p.m. - 4 Tu. Sun rises at e.7; sets at 5,31. - 5 W. Twilight ends 7.22. - 6 Tll. Faith, V. & X. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N EIAATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Engagement of MADLLE. PICCOLOMINI For Fivo Nights only. Xv. ITARRIS has the honotir to annoulce a sories of ITA- LITN OPERAS, conmcncing on SATURDAY, October ]st, io59 with t1e following ?? Artistes:- iiic. }lCCOLOMIXI, Signor v I` RCURLI, I j3,1l(le. DELl.'ANESE, Signor ROSSI, cignor BELAIIT, Signor CASTELLI, s -cr C ORSl, Signor BADI, ?? BILETTA. Leader-31r. LEVEY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE'AT RE ROYAL, BELFAST, T will OPEN for the Season this Evening (MON- Ay), 3rd Oct., under Now Management, and with an entirely New Company, when will be performed Idassinger's admired Play, A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. Sir Giles Overrcacll,. - Mr. Wybert Rousby. largaret, ?? . Mrs. Stoddart. Aftcr which, the Comedietta FAINT HEART NEVER WON FAIR LADY. The interior has been thoroughly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N EV MANTLES for the AUTUMN.-, M ofecrs. JkY have the honour to annource the RIECEIPT of their lATTERIN MANTLES from PARTIS. The shapes ara nowr being copied, and Mantle-si miade fram them to suit Afe-,rS. Ja-'q particular lbusine~s. The French MAntles are made up prnllcipaill of'rich ilack Veidret, and as they arc only boulght for pattern'5 to-v ill bih 'sld minler c't pci-i-. TIIE LONDON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AG B 1,I 8 T.-LONDO f, G ~ MIDDLESEX, and WESTM~xi4SVE ON, FIMfT PUBLICATION FOR 1859. ,9 LTST of PERSON who bare taken out Genrcral GAME OJIR- TIFICATES at £4 Os. 10d. earl,, including the Additional Dut fe of i per cent,, undsr ?? 3Vict.,cap.I17. (SiChodilaD.) Abbott, William Ward, Esq., 23 Bledford row 1. Abbott, Eirederick 3. Esq,, Inner Temnple Adams, Thomas, 4 Bow churchyard Adams, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OYAL ENGLISH OPERA, st. J.R COVENf-GA4RDE-S,ad t'nrier the Managemnent of Mfiss LOUIS PYINE ad f SMIr. W. IIARRIISU'NO wil OPN' or hr EASO0'N on Monday net October 3, with (for o the first timteon the Engliih stagc) Meyorbeer's highly popular sil operat of flINolAII. The libretto of the Englishe version of Di- o noralh by Itenry, Chorney, Et~q. o The Oper-atic Coinpiaiy wvill coinpr ice the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &1 12 vetirs, Ii2 tons regiSter; It li.3aii lupvtia r Ilcocsmuiatlaion for otile CAP of GOOD HOPE, 2111 t N~vetilTthe ne~w clippe~r barqseo - II ;YA I It)oea 451) tolls O.m, C ?? iIct'ttIIiiadtti-sIII grea;t height, fand IL fitted ex fo'~l3jr VrhieL cabin pas- ht I tihit inc,'lhacks. Will take a limited tthe Cotiftna~ni'ir, Rt. P. EIs, on ti: l'icklieig, 132, Let lenhall-street, B.C. li'ii ...