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Advertisements & Notices

... PA'ER aund ENVYELOPE iMIAKE, 308 }lIGH 1OLBO(tI So ehaige for stamping and a saving ot full 6f. in the p dou:d Good cream-lid note paper fide quires 6d super thiek &(., 5 quires is; black bordered do, 5 quires is; Indik note, 5 quiras ie. Sermon paper 4s 6d ; letter or draft 4r.; straw paper Ss; and foolscap 6s Gd per ream; useful cesnentod enselopes 4d per 100; otfiice envelopes 5s per 100O, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NMIGRATION O AUSTRALIA. Free Ei Passages ar now granted to Melbourne, for Single Female Domestic Servants, and to Married Couples not having more two obildren under 12 years of age-the Men being Agricul- tural Labourers, not otherwise engaged, except as lilway ex- cavators, &c. By order, TItO. K. ROB2ETS, Exwy PLACE ST. AsAPEH, . Government Emigration Agent for North Wsles, - Postages to and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LIVER ESTABLISHMENT. 7,040%.. 2s. Oc. Y MIAE J. CARMICHAEL A'I GYP wedii 1 vraasnl in. ariantparet, drwv gynnyg eyhoeddus public' terailer' i--hn ytnidirieilole'e- Etifeiditleth 3P 7lItbdilwr) bolou Sl'li lu 9 -crthfawr John 1ilirgum, Sidanydd, Hereford, yr hon, 21r ??''2lvl ni,wyddanl a brynwvyd goyifer 5 9Iydrer, lS.59 ye. rristlell i'r swrm o 5,013p. 7s. 3c., a gynnygir mewnl arwrth- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE 'B'Y MR. FE, LTOW. LLANDIUDKO. SA1,E 01' I)W'SIRABLE3 PROPEIRTY. t 010 BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Mr. GOliOm I 1 FELTON, at the St. George's Hotel, LIandiudno, on satur- day, the 8th dlay of October next, at three o'clock in the after- r noon, in the following or such other lots as may be then deter- .e mined on, and subject to conditions to be lien produced. LOT 1. All that Dwelling House, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. BRATTA.-In the accolnt of the meetingat Llanidwvrog, in our last wveek's impression, for emanated, read amounted t £6 W2e Wd. OUR SPECIAL EDITION. The Special Edition, on Monday last, was sent to all Who ordered it, except one or two omitted by accident. Other persons, of course, could not expect it. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. V. Z,,accepted., B :ckW(O;l Jst received, Will be noticed in our next. The i' Manuhester Giiardiou is wrooi. 'T'he fumily name is Lloyd-the title, Mostyn. The Qunee does not go to Bangor Cathedral on the 16th. We are not in the habit of omitting correspondence if w'e have the opportunity of inserting it; but the pr'essurc of advertizeimnits sometimes compele ust to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. Alpha is very well written, but we have no wisih to puff hotct in other p1laces. The DI usie of Nature hde been aeneived. EnnRATM.-In the letter headed Improvements at Conway, which appeared in our last, for £1 read £50. 'J'he error wa s tist result ot an, inadvertance, for whiell ?? writer hastens to allolto glze. The. orpoeetion of Conv.,y sonie time eso, liberalh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPiOOL, BEAUMARIS, BANGOR, & MEXA1 flRIDGE. ON anad after SATURDfAY, the 15th of October, teDRUID Steamer, Captain H saNTEn, Will leave MENAI BRIDGE ?? and Satur- days, at 10 s.ns. ;and leave LIVERPOOL on Tuesdays and Fridays, at 10 a.nm., until further notice, calling at LLAN DUDNO, weather permitting. Liverpool, PiuscH & Co..; Menai Bcldge. OWEN OWENS. 13th October, 1859. COINWAY AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The greatest Blessing and Comfort to Housekieepers is EARPER TWELVETREES' PENNY PATENT SOAP POWDWDER. FR1 FR:ENCNC:H AND ITALIAN. T. 11ANNEQUAtT gives lessons in both languages. Ap- ID) ply to Dr. H., Grove House, Llaududns. LIANCHESTER HOUSE, MOSTYX STREET, CONFECTIONERY AND REFRESHMENTS, F. DUNPHjY, Successor to iessodames Williams amn Cross. HOUSE A AGENCY OFFICE, LLANDUDNO. ARTIqT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CYNNWYSIAD. y fib a'r Babaeth eto, a'r Pab wedi INo1 . 35 Pa fodd y mae yr egwyddor wirfoddol yn gweithio yn Ngbymru --:- 35 Marwolaeth R. Stephenson, ..3I. . 35 gSWYvDIOX CaEFYDDOL:- Y Diwvgiad Crefyddol yn America ;-Llythyr at Tesa r.i.s . 8 ,.. .36 'llanion .. 3G y gwaith a wnaeth y Pareb. J. A. James, yn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nw owrf=- : an r: a. Stwr LON CPtan JO. II'5 LI owben cel on herreg r Statre hr 9 5alns'we'terprmt' g this MOthaeafllwv.- BailinOi RFTLROM LIVERPOOL. 1 CT° theRY. [New Landing Stage.]o. I --Oonda7 5. 0. even. 1 Saturday -10 0- morn. s WedayiV * 4 Tesday- 12. 0 even. B7 Wledned 7 6 , O' mom 20 Thursday S . 0 . 10 PondaY -7 So' s*~~ Satuid&Jy 4. 15. 12 Wednesday 10O. .,, 1 ThusdasY . 0. ...