Advertisements & Notices

... - BT1E7 TO AUBiTEALIA UNDER SIX'tly DAYS. PASSAo hoINY £14 OD VPWAIDR Tthe Con ssigut of flan r c at&Co., Melhounze, ,BLACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH -AIC AUJST~tALIAN EX. - ROYAL MAL AClflTS AND co AGLE LINE 01? pICK1. T5 In~ cnfuunc ouwiththoceebate uiir Uleano OIlppor GRzAT BRITAIN AND ROYAL AEU&R'.r. Appointed to Eall pncmalluy frons LIrVkPOOL on the 5th andt 15th of each Month. ~ROOFALO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'e Birmni?1an Daiy Post ib published every Monday, Tuesday, Wedeesday,. Thursday, and F'riday, and is on sale in all the principal towns Warivickshire, Worcestersliire, Staffordshire, hire, and Salop, by eight o'clock in the :uorning, The SaturdaydH Enemi.n PsE, a weely oxnal for the Wrking classes, priced t.-ee halfpence, con- I taining a well-arranged sunayot I local and general neivs of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEBT of ECUAI)OR.-The EIGHTH HALF. TEAtilt Y DIVI1)ENDI bein-g, nt thc ratC of Ten Shillingp err cett., wvill be rAI'I on the Ionds of thc Consolidated Debt of te: Iter'ubhic of Ecuador on andt aftcr Tusdav, the ist November r.cxr, at thc ofiiec of thc Ecuatorin Conttmisoion tf Agency, e. il. Au~tin-friaro, w here forms of claim may be obtained. (Octber 14, 183). ROYAL ENGLISH OPERA, COVENT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL:OTIOES. . U NTVE1RSITY or, lblINBT P.tGLi | tJ ?? OCT~OBE7A 18is9. NoTICEI IB E5RE By GTVE', fhat the FIRST MEETING of the'. GINERAL. COUNCIL. of te: UNIVERSITY OF EWDtSBU&Gg willtakeplaceon Fa77nDAYtbe 28thieuirent, at Tweive o'clogs 'in the ( Hnll of~the.General Assembly -oT the Churbh of Sc6t- I land, when the General Councillvill procee&- (1) To the Election of the Charlcicllor; (2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *a61c wb auctionh. -- AUBURN VILLA, NEAR HIGEBIRY CHAPEL, COTHAE - ROAD. 'JfESSRS. FARGUSwillSellbyAUCTION, 5,LVJ on the Premises, on TUESDAY Next, the l8th Oat., AUl the next and exeellent 'OHUEHOLD FURNITURE, CHINA, GLASS, A few BOOKS and ENGRAVINGS, And Effeots of a ledy deceased. at her late Residence, A1BURN VILLA COTAEl -ROAD: G 8i amask curtains ad poles, mabo any chairs aud oe.u bOia ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW MDENG WEALT-I' S EE the ProtsylsrIof THE PUBLIC LIFE AS. SlRANCE CbOMPANY, 47. Charing Cross, Lon- don, which des.cyibe3 the way to obtain £10,000 CogSO'S payable during life; or £5,000 COnsolS payable at death, for a Premium of One Gaina.- No other charge nor lability. No le~hica! Examination. No References to Friends required- Male and Female lives admitted ?? for prospectuaese Forms of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVfHE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS 1 JLALL OTER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. pie.err i. R. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWSat' ithle RAILWAY STATIONS at THEE PENCE Per SINGLE COPY. ,dwill SUPPLY alt COUNTRLY BIORKSELLEkiS and NEWS' ,,GT nae~terms as will enaislo them also to sell the DAILY EWatthoomarked yriee of lTHE PENCUPer SINGLE Copy., &EVITT& nd MLOORE'S AUSTRALIAN LINXi D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. W All Letersa to be pre-paid. r p0 O{RGANISTS.-An Organist WYaianted Cfor theb oman Catholle Church at Itoscroen iltr yearly salary, Ihirty Pounds. The present circumstances of tihe town and neiglibourbood offer good prospects of genoral success to a musicjnaster of ability who would settle thera. Addreas 'Very Re,.itDIakc lioscrca. lkE -LAKW._- Wanted, by a Solicitor residing T h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of ;tc- , EDINBUtIGH AND GLASGOW RAILWAY. Ix- G LASCIOIVW FAST-DAY. In THCRSDAY, '20TlI (C'IOOra. Ir. n BYtUe .7 AM., 2.30, a11d .30 P.M. )fl, Tlf5O VD5SAY ft:d TI{LnRSnAY, the ro- or-d 1thClass Return Tickets 311. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DN- ~aar ;t7asayS Ne BY ORDER. to Company's O0fices, ied Glas~gpw, 16th October, 18.59. Wd. DU3MDARTONSHIRE RAILWAYS hri) A N D L OC: H L OM O o N D S T E A M E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QATtDAY EVENING CQNCERTS, ONC RT UALt4 i)P.D NEIgSON-STR-nM. SIXTEEN I'sl SAMON. C-N SATUlJDY LVENING NEXT, Tmu 22ND INST., M11. MILNE, THE OELEn3RATED SOOTTI811 VOCALIST. P A !LL (llV. IHIS FOPU=AIR 3MSICAL ENTERTAINMENT BALLADS AND SONGS OF SCOTLAND. ILL1TBTiATIONS. Of a' the aids the wind can blaw.' '1Bounln Prince Charlie. 'Cat up and bar the door. When the king cormes owre the water. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... $ATUIWAY E RViING CONCERTS, CONOER3EA14 iLVBUD NELSON4I3TmT. ; , 8EA50~~EA~N. 01N BA5tRD[AY Glmvllto T TH1C mD BT, - . -*16 . *TflLNEn .UB CALSBRAVED SCOTTI13 VOCALISZ PO UIQAXIC-ERTlET T OFTSONG 0 s LAND. ILL1JBTRAMONSB Of- ' the sho the mn blaw. BonniePlo1e (.lbrlle. Ghet Mrn barti bu Gti a a n ;o door. cornea ?? the wa&te. omeundbr mypIdlea ,, - owea ofte bb t Th e w e raa lire. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMIGRATION ! EMIGRATION TAPSCOTT'S LINE OF PACKIETS FOR NEW YORI, PHILADELPHIa, BOSTON, &c., EVERY FIVE DAYS. X mASSEN(3BRS8, before securing their Pas. ? sagees will please call on J. W. AING and Co., our Sole Agents for North. umberland, who can give al information-to Passengers going to any part of the world. This line took 3500) souls to one port in 12 months without a serious accident. ...