Advertisements & Notices

... iaie bM .E 1 tl DAMAGED RAISINS BY AUCTION. A r m lO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ON ACCOUNT ] _L ofwhom it may concern, at ilie Stores of, r. ROBERT GROGAN, DONEGALL QUiY, at Twelve o'clock, on MONDAY, 14th insth. i 41 BARRELS SEEDLESS MIUSCATEL RAISINS, Damaged on board tole orMoult, of Malsgof lit 4094 SALE OF FURN ITU RE, PIANOOFORTE, ENGRAVINGS, & &, & &c. To be SOLD by ; AUCTION, at the FALLS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ieu~. 1at& ted odefol.. epaaioe.. AppyanthehlrillCHIO 1.05110that pero~i.l opplf- 50.10w lust ?? o 4r ij ?? th Q ies,, tu..o aspicaiiilt1 wunt be madeo y ete pest paldI, ,.withntheoc direction3 Cansenc, heateaid to. 01H0LFE, AI.INTS AND PUBLICANS._W,%,TjED T tij i.TeonnCY Of ii. good INN, in or near i~verpeo].2 o aob ?? PuIBI ~sicoet Ta ?? Mtarket.-. l nte Reme~ II~Tljn ne. BE LYT. a large ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'VPat r aeweulug advetlluenments In the Mercury are Ze`:;It3Wr, to attendi to thu ?? explanatioltem- o 'ntquy at thu tuny-lte senais Weat persona applIL- CON t Unltist be ltalift'l lt oar doos. Aibliiea (capita'- lutter' utf number]3 llerclnry IDlc~ mu mta that oppllea3tlon mus1t be made &zj Utter, pu-oepa, e-.. in no rtthrr sway. Aplidioiu iota, ?? cnnfunrnty usith thesw direetlono eannetF bu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTHERNASSURANCECOMPANX, 18 1, zMOOR-4ATE-STRlSET, LONDOX. 5sTAaLIg55ED Ih- 1836. CAPITAL-;£1,259,760. AMOUNT OF INVTESTED FUNDS ON THE 31se JANUAIIY, 1859, £401,449 3a. 2d., Progress of the Company during the last three years. 1857. '1858. 159. Fire Premiums..,. 891,308 3 6 £101,230 13 G £109,179 14 7 Life Prenlu ?? £Gl,962 18 3 £e75,920 7 91 80,216 18 8 LONDON BOARD OF DIRECOTORS. Cbairmuan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A VISIT TO MR. FINLAY'S IRONMONGERY ESTABLLlSHMUtNT, 40 BtECIiANriN STUEET.tNiD IfUMFORD VORliS-. We wcre much surprised by thle extent and elegancei.,6 this . Faitablishiment, whic, for variety, excellence, and stle, exceeds: * sny'tbing of tho lind wvo ?? illm il utnlgow. No old, rejectud, f vr ased-up Stock is visible here. r- d -, ?? Withu 1IsI hew PATENT GRATES cspeciallv vesvee d.Iijjt1W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESTON ST. PETER'S INFANTS' SCHOOL. SERMONS are to be preached at St. Peter's Church, on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13. Morning 10-30, by H.M. Inspetor, REV. W. J. KENNEDY, M.A. ; Evening, 0.30,eby REV. CANON RICHSON, M.A. There were 240 at the examination, October 19th, 1859. £ s. d. Debit balance ?? 37 0 Mistress's salary .10 0 0 Estimated school requisites, fuel, &c ?? 10 0 0 Estimate for desks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IL CAKE.-lI. XV. DOBSON has constantly on sale 0 Linseed Oil Calke and Meal, Cotton Seed Oil Cake and Meal, and Rape Cake, fib., kcb. Corn, Seed, and Guano Warchousc-32, Lord-strect. %iMPIOiIrAN'r DISCOVERY.-J. W. PIPE'S premier - exhibition instantaneous LIQUID HAIR DYE, after twenty years' experience, can now defy any competition to produce so permanent brown or black without the least ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j\ SA,\F'l )AXIi SURZE C[-RE FOER TfIN NEEVtI)S X NJ) Dl'llMl'AATIEI.-AN ACTi'IOF CH A ITrY. - A Gentletan -ihavig becn curer of Nervous Debility, of long stnijklil, Inn after inuchl nental and bodily sle!Ol, tfinks it ?? charitable ?? ?? such infornma- tion to otbel sinilarly situate, s ma: restore therm to , halth, vithoit eNpO-irc. Full ?? sent to any alddress, by enck sing~ one postagle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ENGINEERS. W HITW'VORTH'S DECIMAL RULES, r ev from 2S. eac11. Sold by SAMUEL PEARSE, 93, FORE STREET, ExeivFn H1, IIGH STREET, EXETER, OPPOSITE THE GUILDHALL. T GLOW'S WATCHES and CLOCKS are I- the cheapest offered to the public. Silver Watches from X1. Gold, from £8. Clocks, from b8. nnd upwards, SILVERl ELECTRO PLATE, IN EVERY VARIETY. ?? Ringe s.,ad Jewellerly Qf cverp description, Gold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By Permission of the Reverend the Vice-Chancellor and the Worshipful the Mayor. TOWN HALL, OXFORD. Mr. C. POWELL HAS much pleasiue in stating that his SECOND GRAND EVENING CONCERT WILL TAKE PLACE On FRIDAY, DECEEIBFR 2; For which he has engaged the ORtEAT TENOR, Mr. SINS REEVES2 AND MD. BRINLEY RICHARDS, Pianist to the Queen. ARTISTES. MADAME RUDERSDORFF, MISS PAiLMER, MR. SIMS REEVES, MR. GEO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATIONS.S MeMessrsrs. Cnd.. DAY coniues tobheest4lbed eon 0d cases of Nervous Debility, Trembling of the Hands, Deeprs. sion of Spirits, Indigestion, &c.; their mode of treatmut is very expeditious, and involves no actuaal r rcsraitin diet or occupation. Fee-Tea Shillings. A guarastee giren for the cure. Country Patients, b y forwarding the fee, reil ie promptly attended to, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lyATRE ROYA4L DUBLIN. f I SEVENINGG (Saturday), November Ztb, the per- JTu will commence with the admired Comedy of THE iohTBEAsURE i Charles Howard, Mr Blake; Captain galdenblu5hl, 3Mr S Calanem; The Hon Leicester FPut- ltler. ,,G FNeville; Lady Florence Howard, Miss L 10rm Gertrude, M iss F Hayden. To be followed by the Ws of A SHEEP IN ?? CLOTHiNG,.-Colonel Percy 3fr ?? Colonel Lord ...