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Advertisements & Notices

... By Permission of the Reverend the Vice-Chancellor and the Worshipful the Mayor. TOWN HALL, OXFORD. Mr. C. POWELL HAS much pleasiue in stating that his SECOND GRAND EVENING CONCERT WILL TAKE PLACE On FRIDAY, DECEEIBFR 2; For which he has engaged the ORtEAT TENOR, Mr. SINS REEVES2 AND MD. BRINLEY RICHARDS, Pianist to the Queen. ARTISTES. MADAME RUDERSDORFF, MISS PAiLMER, MR. SIMS REEVES, MR. GEO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Warneford Ecclesiastical Charity. T HE Trustees will hold their next Annual Meeting in tire montB of January next, to appropriate the current year's income, in accordance with the terms of the Trust, for promoting tho Buldiing, Re-building, Enrlrrg- t ing and Repairing Churches, Chapels, and Parsonage Houses of the Established Church of Egigand, in districts i prinrcipcrlly inhabilcd by ...


... THE PROPOSED REGENCY CENTRAL ITALY. TURIN, Nov, 14. The Piedmonlese Gazette of to-day publishes the following:— Prince de Cnrignan gave an audience yesterday evening, at nine o'clock, to the Chevalier Mingnotti and the Chevalier Peruzzi, who had come here to request the Prince to accept the regency conferred upon him by the National Assemblies of Parma, Modena, the Romagna, and Tnscany. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ILKS! SILKS!! SILKS!!! , ?ATTERNS POST FREE. TIIE AUTUMN STYLES IN Crossover and Checked Silks, $21 i-i. Gd. full dresss by Slhepherd's Check Silks, ex £1 Is. Od. by Stripee, Checked, and Crossover Poult de Soics, &I £l 7s. Gd. Jasper Bar and Bayadere Glacds, £1 s. Gd. Rich Raised Satin Bars, Ft .t'1 lls. 6d. Novelties in Spitalfields and French Silks, £1 15a. Gid.1 Li lbs. 6id. Rich ...

Advertisements & Notices

... By Permission of the Reverend the V ?? and the WYorshipful tbe Mlayor. TOWN HALL, OXFORD. Mr. POWELL AS mucl pleasure in announciug that his Second H GRAND EVENING CONCERT WILL TAKE PLACE On FRIDAY, DECEMIBER 2; ?? wvhich he has engaged the GREAT TENOR, Mr. SIMS REEVES., Andl several other Artistes; THE P'ARTICULARSS OF WHICH WILL SIHORITLY APPEAR. ROSA BONHEUR'S PICTURES. Mr. THOMIPSON H AS ...


... A Cabinet Council was held on Monday at the official residence the First Lord of the Treasury, in Downingstreet. Another Cabinet Council wan held on Wednesday. Colonel Clifford, son of Hear Admiral Sir Augustus Clifford, has been appointed Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod at the House of Lords, in the room of the late Mr. James l*ulinan, F.R.S., Clarencieux King of Anns. On Monday week, unusually ...


... State fjr Har, Gentlemen desirous of joining as such, are requested to forward their names to my office, Guildhall Chambers, or to any member of the Committee. A Donation of Ten Pounds constitutes a Life Member, and entitles him to recommend one person Effective Member, with free equipment. A Donation of Five Pounds, and One Guinea annually, the same privilege. An annual Subscription of Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Notice to Advertisers, Agents, and Correspondlents. To prevent disappointment, it is necessary that all adver- tisements and other communicatious should be sent to us as early in the week as possible. We cannot insert anonymous communications. Whatever is intended for insertion must be accompanied with tile name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publi- cation, but as a guarantee ...


... MADRID, Tuesday, Nov. 1. The Stall* of General O'Donnell willleave here about the 3rd or oth inst. Preparations are being actively made in every branch of the War Department for the expedition against Morocco. The Spanish Government has just charted all the steampackets which run between its ports and Marseilles, for the conveyance of the troops for the expedition against Morocco. The official ...


... ZURICH, Tuesday. The signature of the treaty has been delayed on account Anstna claiming payment of the 40,000,000 florins due by France on account of Piedmont in Contentions Mvnze, instead of the new Anstrian currency. Baron de Bourqnenev has referred the question to Paris for and it thought that the difficulty will be overcome, and the treaty signed without further delay. ZURICH. Thursday, 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEn LADY'S NEW'SPAPER &, PICTORIAL T1 TDI MS is the bLA Illusitrat ed Wer-liv Journal for . Ladies, being especially devotedl to their inte'restst, irmtruc- tioni, arid anituseonlt. It moitairit each week, besides thle xrsual Illustratlows oif theo Evctt of the 13sy, the Latest Pal-is Fashions and the niorset %work table patterns (%voikirrg size), and is therefore p-u tienlkrly valuable to ...


... THE ITALIAN QUESTION. LOUIS NAPOLEON'S PLAN FOR THE REGENERATION ITALY. The Times correspondent in Paris has received the following most important document from a friend in Italy, It a letter addressed by the Einjieror of the French, on the 20th inst., to the King of Sardinia. The correspondent adds that has hesitation in guaranteeing its authenticity:— Monsieur Frcre, —I write to-day to ...