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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... F URNITURE and DECORATION. MEDAILLE D'HONNEUJR EXPOSITIOAI UNIVERSELLE 1856 PRIZE MEDAL GREAT EXlIIBITIION OF 1851. JACKSON and GRAHAM invite the nobility, gentry, and families about to decorate or furnisb to visit their spacious SIaOW-ROOMS Galleries and Manuofatory, at 36, 37, and 38, OX FORD-STREET, and Perry's-place. Freston-place, and No manes-mwev adjoining. P APIER MACHE and IRON TEA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELGIAN, DUTCH, AUSTRIAN, and all other B FOREIGN COUPONS now becoming due arebeing PAID, at favourable exchange, at the Ban Lombard-street. C IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. %J Travellers to the Continent, Colonies, Americs, i.e -an have CIRCULAR NOTFS of £5 and £10 each. pnyablc at Ya DrinCiPaI towns; also FOREIG3X mONIES and FOREIGN STOCKS, atthe Ean-nkg-offices. 79, Lom~ard-stroet. ADAU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 711HE SALE PRICE of the D)AILY NEWS JL ALL OVER ENGLAND andat the RAILWAY STATIONS. ?? SM 1. %ITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NiEWSa. tiltho RAILWAY STATIONSat THREE ?? per SINGLE COPY, &n ss!l SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOH8ELLE1'5S and NEWS &GE,ToR TOonSuoh terms as will enable themn also to '0l1 the DAILY VVattobe unsed price of 'THREE PEXOlaper SINGLE COPY. 186. Strund. MESSRS. MONEY WIGRAM and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELGIAN, DUTCH, AUSTRIAN, and all other FrOREIGN 0OUPOfiS nowr becominE due are being PAID>, at Javourable exchange, at the B3aukdng-ofi.ces 795 Lombard-StreetC ADAM SiELYIANX and Co. ClIRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. V I ravellers to the Continent. Colonies. America, &C. an uhave CIRCULAR NOTES of £o and £10 each. i bafablO ant G rin opal iOwns; also FORE9IGN 33iONIES and FOREIGN STOCKS, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M0 U R N I N G.-The Public are respectfully Informed that MOURNING of every deesription, in the gre~ateet variety, suite' to aU reqeiremo , upoon the 0most advantageous terms to purchasers, w Il be found ready for immzediate use, wvith an ox- tenoivevartotyol choice ahilinory. sIPUGiS'S F3AMILY MOUBtNIN'G i WAREHOsUSE, the first esasblished In the United Kingdom, 163. liegent-strect (corner of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rVIRE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS JL ALL OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. au e-ore. NV H. SMITE and SON now BELL the DAILY NEWS at mlthe RAILWAY STATIONS at THREE PENCE PrSINGLE COPY, %ad will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS and NEWS AGENTS on such terms as will enaible them also to secU the DAILY OWS at the marked ?? of THREE PENCE per SINGLE COPY. 186. Strand. O T I CE to M AR IN ER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REPELAINE.-A new and remarkably cheap fabric for Mourning. JAY'S. TIIE LONDON GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 247, 243, and 261, Regent-streot, ICH SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. RtIi DOUBLE JUPE RICHLY WOVEN VI9LVET ROBES. ALBANAISE BAYADERE SILK ROBES (extra3 widths In the ekirt). of the ricbest quslities. 4 guineas original priceg 8z utneas NEW RAYE and DiOQU'Er SILKS, Sor young Indies, 2s to is. per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yjIiEE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS JL- ALL OVER ENGLAND aind at tbs RAILWAY STATIONS. lies W. H. SMITH and SON flaw SELL the DAILY NEWS; at ,ij the RAILWAY STATICONS at THREE PENCE per SINGLE Copy, &nd will SUPPLY all COUNTRY SL5OISELLEr.S and NEWS AGENTS en such terms as will enable them also to sell the DAILY jiIS at the mocked prico of THRE PE~NOPOtpr SINGLE COPY. ~IESSRS. MONEY WIGRAM and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELGIAN, DUTCH, AUSTRIAN, and all other B PFOiCEIGN COUPONNS now becoming due ?? laxourable exchange, at the Ban-fes79, Lombrdstereet. BadIADAM SILHANN and Co. g-4IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. / Tavallers to the Conti;r-tt, Colonies. Amneica, a., cmn have tOCULARI NOTiS of .S and £10 cuere ahie at aft laetpsal towns: also FORLIGN MONIES and FO55dtti0N STOCm r, at the P-ancS~g-ovics, 7S. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TV HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS A ALL OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. yesyT. W. iI. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY !tElifWfi at gtietAILWVAY STATIONS at THREE PENCE Per SINGLE COPY, PA will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLErS and NEWS AGENTS on such terms as willenabl them also to sell the DAILY; JrfwS at the marked price of THREE PENOE per SINGLE COPY. 186. Strand. T HE STEAMBOATS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I R- M 0 U RN I N 0.-The Public are respectfully informed that MOURNING of every description, in the greatest varietyEA uited to al reqoiremeateupon the most kadvantgeous tcrms to purchaers, will be /ound ready Sor imcdiate use, with anex- teaoive varietyof choice miliniiery, ?? Gl'S FAMILY M OUR N ONO JAY'S. THE LONDON GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSEt 247. 249, and 2t1, Rtegent-street. R CH SILKS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11ELGIAN, DUTCH, AUSTRIAN, and ail other B FOiREIGN CoUPO NS now beoming due itO boing PAID, at juvourable exchange, at the Banking-offices, 79t Lrombard Ntreet. ADtmjlsPLELIANN and CO. f1IRCULAR NOTES and FORE1GN MONEY. CLJ Travellero to the Continent. Colonies, America, &a., rans have VXB.CULAE NOTElS of £2 and £tO each paiyble at alt ?? Sownot also FORtEIGN MOZNIE'S and F h 'IGS STOCKS, at ...