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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATIONS.S MeMessrsrs. Cnd.. DAY coniues tobheest4lbed eon 0d cases of Nervous Debility, Trembling of the Hands, Deeprs. sion of Spirits, Indigestion, &c.; their mode of treatmut is very expeditious, and involves no actuaal r rcsraitin diet or occupation. Fee-Tea Shillings. A guarastee giren for the cure. Country Patients, b y forwarding the fee, reil ie promptly attended to, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lyATRE ROYA4L DUBLIN. f I SEVENINGG (Saturday), November Ztb, the per- JTu will commence with the admired Comedy of THE iohTBEAsURE i Charles Howard, Mr Blake; Captain galdenblu5hl, 3Mr S Calanem; The Hon Leicester FPut- ltler. ,,G FNeville; Lady Florence Howard, Miss L 10rm Gertrude, M iss F Hayden. To be followed by the Ws of A SHEEP IN ?? CLOTHiNG,.-Colonel Percy 3fr ?? Colonel Lord ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. O All Letters to oie -Prpaid. VF¶oC0 BOM2SLTORS.-W i~aflttedc aor theo country, two Compositorsl to wrrees at Caset also, two Turn-over Apprentiecua who as~dt etto years of their time. Apply, this morning, lll o'cleck at 62, Henry-strect. ?? ?? ?? JI House in thle Wine, Spirit, an~d Rectifying Trade, a Town yryie;also a r~rter wisa understid$ his businesS. Ad- dress Ren Traveller, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION&S C Iessrs. C. and J. DAY continues to beconsultedon al cases of Nervous Debility, Trembling of the lands, Dcpres. sion of Spirits, Indigestion, &c.; their ruose of treatment Is very ecxpedltious, and involves no actual rcstraint in diet or occupation. Fee-Ten Shillings. A guarantee given for tho cure. Country PatIents, by forwarding the fee, vili bie promptly attended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .WANTED. W AU Leffr eo be r Pid J3ABMALD-Wanted, a strong, active yonng ndevopfty rstands her hffi and thils Paper. im edat T°O COMFlOSlVORS t imrenieaPeicI .Ls a few good Corn osit~us for a ° N~gOD aP r Office In a ~OO5~Y twn. r5m~~ ?? given to °Obert stead~ymen. Admdress W C F, W H ?? and Son, Dlubli' ' TITORING BXER~Wte4l for an cx *^T~ ?? Baksef Eetablislimotft In a pro- : nia town aense ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CU ? oNFIDiNTIAL CONSULTATI0V\SG le- C Messrs. C. and J. DAY continues to be ?? I ble cases of Nervous Debility, Trembling Of the Raens, Depro. Acd slon of Spirits, Indigestion, &c.; their mode of traelt he is rely expeditlous, and involves no actual restrahaisttae hle or occupation. Fee-Ten Shiingsc A guarantee gira fir tbea cure. Cointiy Pattents, byforwvarding tle feeI bil pronmptlyattended ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'H-EATRE ROxYAL, D-UBLINT. ?? R H1 qKtN I. Engagemient of Nil .0 R.CAIR.,E Fora limited-PeriOtd. vlB be Assisted by MISS CHiAPMANM R. Q:. .. lilli.j. F. CATHCART, late Mermbers of the RoyatAicess'i 0allIjS EVENING (Monday), Nov. 2Otb,11859, W1l be ?? TragedyQof MACDETH-lMacbetb, Mr IlnuMr G-Mverett; Maeduff, Mr J F Cath- C rt.; l'v itch, Mr Grany; Lady Macbeth, Mrs Charles 'To conclude with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. ~0 Y A L A OOI NS.t S FrgBE, UiOLSTV Y, IZIE, AND STORAG Drawgrg eofm, parl bchalber, dreslngre oom. halU gull kitcheon furnsture for Sale. 'Terms cash, or approved MMll- or sred in aty qcnuantlty and for any length of time. IFr eoture for iire 13 especitiily sultedto the Mdiitary and 'the Public requiring to change their residences. A'tetlies, aluhatlont, sad funerals onductetd by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE OF GOOD CHEEI-TiE SINKING MAY BE SAVED, H (YOLLO WAY'S PILLS.-The history of x i this great remedy is themost wonderful medical rese. lation tliat the world has ever known. It estalblishes tile all important fact that w aEtsrvsmr. and in ?? sasa hin ternal disease exists, the disinfecting, searchianv, and healieig properties of. the Pills ara fully equal to its subjection and eure. Tbis is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T inS EVENING (Wednesday), November 16th, the Per- T ces will eommence with the Drama of 'lE FOOL'S 10 E~a-nSGEGaleetto Manfredi, Mr F Allen; Bertucdi, Mr C scraino DeDllAquilla, Mr Blake; Francesca Benti- ,]rjr lsFaydon; Flordelisa, MIss Cleveland. To con- elude Witb the admired Comedy of LEAP YEAR ; or, THE ADeiAs ?? Solomon Soine, Mr Granby; ': 3Mouser, Mr Blake; Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTLEMIFN'S ROYAL GNVGER- (f NrNSS ArD HIGHLAND CAPES. TODI' gLiS and CO. wish to call attIOtRVO to utlarg end varied Stock of the aoro ?? t gertlemanl7y Garnments, which thy7 keejo ReadY- V116, in all the different Materials aoltelbl tor c 'ent essofl, ViZ. WVATEItFOrD TWEED. CIIEVIOT TWVEED. IC.ATIIER TWEED MIELTON CLOTI. BLACK AND BLUE BEAVtER iltisli FRIEZE, BROWN IRISH FPIEZE, GREY. BLACK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. iS EvENLNG (ThUday), November, 8tia the pere T ees wlu commence with the Admired Di ana ALINP oICU ?? DE BURCY-Co ?? Bouzeval, ' CVicnt; Lcon de Beauchamp, Mriedlen;.Lncien de Cf a Mr Neville; Madame deNerval, Mrs Wallis; Pauline, e cic-eiand; IHarriet, Miss L Thorme. To conclude with Xioeldramo of THE MIILLER AND H11 XEN - Grindhoff, C Vincent ; Lothair, Mr G W Blake;- ...