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Advertisements & Notices

... njH SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS J. AL OVR EGLAN an at ~saRAILAY TATIONS, wil SCPLI al CUNTY OOKELLRSand NEWS ?? ers a wllenbd thm ls t sll h DAIL~ i TEAM COMMUNICATION between LIVER-' POOL and LiEW YORK. The LIVE RPoOL4 NEW YORK., ,. pRILADELPHIfA STEAMAHItP COMPANY intend despatch. Ntielr full-posered iron cre steam ships. alling at Queenstown,! emabark cabin pasenes anI deo tchas, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F11HE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS1. AL TER ENGLAND and at the R.AILWAY STATIOKS, Mesr. W. HV. SMITH and SON now BELL the DAILY NEWS at all the RAILWAY STATIONS at S THREE PENCE per SINGLE COPY. and will SUPPLY all COUNT Y BOORSELLERS and NEWS AGENTS on such terms as will enable them also to oell the DAILY1 SlEWS at the markedlprice of TRREE PENCE per SINGLE COPY.) ISa, Straiad. T~EVTT ad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL DINNER of the HUJLL LICENtiED VICI LLERS' ASSOCIATION wvill be held ou WESDNESDAY November 30th, 1859, at the Kingston Hlotel, M~arket-place, Hl~ul. Tbe Mayor, Z- C. PEARSON, Req., in the chair, supported by the Sheriff, Whl. 110GB, Esq. The 31embero for the Borough are invited. Dinner onl the table at Forur o'clock. TicketS, including Dessert, 6s. each. May he had of ...

Published: Sunday 20 November 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 90 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ~w~TLINE of PACKETS.- J0 fJ,,tttgw-0A.;Gi-,tt_; per Mtessrs. Greca's; skb .a.E'Jo )i;mEL ulGUtNE (l'rt P'hillip) dircet- 11, 185 inhe vst to ilyinotth, and PASrSENGERt'S The I ?? ort Yridaiy next, the 18th Novem- TOlRS *r 'dilght cii the! following morning sltait, I j ~ietr i . 13. WilcocksO-r. Greon and Co., 72 ab mpo, thsl f p'eitalt'i can travel from Paddingtont to I' ce,lr ad-ClasS fares, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ALLINE of PACKETS.- kC . ~txt WE MONEY.-For MUELBOURN`F ,. o sail froul LLLt Ieli. Decks on i0th Dvi- 1_1~ 71 Messrs. Green's splenidid river-built ftliiiUll, lit ?? register, Oti~l 'ice~.,Commaniler. 11,kri. ela du fll, poop and lofty 'tween decks, offers frcifcabin, second, intermedi- sat reduiced rates, and carrics an cx- o apy to Phillipps, Show, and Lowther, b~hg;or to F. Green and Co., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UARVEY'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACt OF MALT A ID HOPS, tOR making the differgnt kinds of Ale and Porvqr without Biw. F ingUtesil. Cash plice on delivery: Per-gallon, tOe; Bitter or szoort, I2s. London Depot, 'No. 8, oew Broaestreet-ceurt, EC.' To rrivate families, eatains,' emigrants-end others, Malt and Ropi in this ssfo and solatle cosstelitnce privide the ready means of makinu enlune beer id any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CREPELAINE.-A new and remarkably cheap , fabric for Mourning. JAY'S. TllE LONDON GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 247. 249, and *16, Regent-street. (1AVENDISH-HOUSE. - DEBENHAM, SON, X C and FRUiEdBODY begto announce that heir STOCKEll now re- plte with the latest novelties In lidke, cloaks, dressces robes de bal. and fancy articles adopted to the present eeason.-g4i and 44,Wlinore-atreet, trnd Nos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, W., near the Pantheon. l R.CULVERWELLME.R.C.S.,L.M.,LS A, &0. LONDON. *'an ho consulted daily (only) as above, opon all eases of Nervous Debility, Involentary Blushing, Palpitation of the Heart, Loss of Mcmory, Thcapacity, Sterility, and all Urinary Derangements of both Seea, Junt Published, with Engravings and Prescriptions, No. 4, An entire New and Original Work, ...

Published: Sunday 20 November 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6183 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ENGLISH. OPERA CoventliIGarden. 'Under the management at Miss Louisa Pyne and I Mr. ?? Harion TpE public ar esetfiully informed that the jiresont popular coperscn Lntbe pre rfredafter Dfleasber 25th. -.csquent upon the producio Mr. antey 11500area ad Fllig. ?? WdEsdwayrd, ?? B-Sallet, LA FrivaNCeE ?? 4. X Peeqaa, 6d; £1 5e.; Li9 Is. tidress circle, 5s. onaophitatronsca lals, so.; pit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELGIAN, DUTCH, AUSTRIAN, and all other B FOREIGN COUPONS now becoming duo aretbehng PAID, at favourable exchange, at the Banaifdg-otficOe, 71 Loumbard-tteeCt. DAM SPiIELMANN and Co. IRCULAR NOTES and FOREIGN MONEY. Travellers to the Continent. Colontes, America, ke. ran have C CULAII. NOTWS of a9 and tie each, payable at alpi tnripal towns; alse FORDEIGN MONIES and FOREIGN STOCKS. at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... scar - - 2 - - - = - - - ?? - - : T EICESTER LICENSED VICTUALLERS' X SOCIETY. The ANNUAL DINNER of the above Asseclation is fixed to take place on TUESDAY, 22d November, at Mr COUNCILLOR BROWN'S, the GEORGE HOTEL. THE WORSHIPFUL THE MAYOR, JAMES FRANCIS HOLLINUS, ESQ,, has kindly consented to preside. ...

Published: Sunday 13 November 1859
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 57 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 U RN I N G.-The Public are respectfully Informed that MOURNING of every description, in the . reatest variety,.uited to all reqoireaentsupon the mostadvantageous aterms to purchoogre, wall be found ready for immediate use. with an ex- a tensive varletyof choice riilinery. at PIGOR'S FAM ILY MOURNING WAREHOUSE, the drst mstnblisbod In the Uulted Kingdom, 163, Regent-street (cerner of Nsew ...