Original Poetry

... v I - ?? . .frioiltal,;.i .,at fg., ., , .. I - 6: .; m. : ITALY, PAST, PRESENT, 'AID rF TURp. - - C.To L W Words that made the bold fear, Uatdeied in the old year, *- 6kinjlhi the cold ear ; ?? Auitruian Dip1lwacy, - And WItUL electra stpark, as they dashed along the Flash'd on Europe like the blaze of her ancient beacon firea. c Simple words; yet ?? in might, Telling of wrongs that ne'er ...

Original Poetry

... ?? riglival Poetry. A. RHYME UPON SOME 1RYMESS BY A R!FLEMANI P Shididlsately ppeared iu Vis 1'tper. WSe lhas spoken out a chailenge ? WIho has dared us to the vrorst, Let the lips be dumb for ever- Bei the traitor eelf-accurst- a Mho would conjure, e'en in fancy, A spotier on the sod t O0 ar fatherS blood baptismal E Gave to freedeom iad to God A Oh, my eountry ! snother counrtry s Thou ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR, SATURDAY. - 11er Majesty will hold a Privy Colincil at Buckinghiam Palace on the 23rd inst., to give her formal assent to the Royal Speech. Ti'o date of the arrival in town, for the London season, of her Majesty, the Prince Consort, the Royal flimily, and the ladics and gentlemen of the Court, will, it is said, be the 15th of February. The Marquis of Clanricarde left Desart ...


... TFrcoral Ec-'i-oNs Ct' ruer LA.ST Foil Po ICs, AN D or Ru-ut I;Cl Trim Fls. By In. E. Cardinal Wisetnau. New and tl revised edition. London: -urst & Blackett, 13 Great N Marlborough Street. ,a rssfi~sF' the Pope is at present the ?? interesting potean le tate in Euroe All eyes are turned towards him, and his vi sovereignty and kingdom are unquestionably about to tinder- t go important ...


... LITEBATURE. The Gordians Knot d. .48tor' of Good n f ri By SHIRLEY BROOKS. 'With illustrStions5 by John Tenniel. Riohard Bentley. Mr. Shirley Brooks is one ot the most realistio of our writers of fiction. In his writings we have no ideal, distant, or abstract world, no gentle re-touching of old traditions, or minute and careful elaboration of a few deep and simple elements of character; the ...


... LITERA TUBE. I Croeckford's Clerical Dtirectoryfor 1860. This is a biographical dictionary of the episcopal clergy of our day. It contains the names ot 17,500 deacons, priests, and biahopo, arranged in alpha- betical order, with a considerable body of information respecting each. For example, people were asking the other day for information about the position and antecedents of the Rev. James ...


... TENNYSON'S NEW POE11. Macmillan's Magazine for this month contains the pro- misedpoem by the Poet Laureate, called Sea Dreams- an Idyll. The scene and the subject of the dreams are suggested in the opening passage:- A city clerk, but gently born and bred; Big wife an unknown artist's orphan child- One babe was theirs, a Margaret, three years old': They, thinking that her clear germander ...


... llatir.,I FElALE INFLUENCE, By C. rATMORE. WIUENEVER I come where women are, How sad sce'er I was before, Thawed like a ship frost-bound and far Withheld in cee from ocean's roar, Third-winterld in that dreadful dook, With stiffened cordage, sails decayed, And crew that care for cairn and shock Alike, too dull to be dismayed; Yet if I come where women are, How sad soeeer I was before, Then is ...


... At the ADELPHI and the PRINCESS'S Theatres dramatic versions of Mr Dickens's Christmas Carol and of his Cricket on the Hearth have been revived with great success as Christmas entertainments. At the LYCEUM the Tale of Two Cities is in preparation. Mr Tom Taylor is the author of the adaptation, which will be produced with the author's sanction, ada not wholly without aid from his counsel. The ...


... .. .- . .. . .. . . . It is alarming, peculiarly at this time, when the female go ink-bottles are perpetually impressing upon us v woman's Y1 particular worth and general missionariness, to see that the dress of women is daily more and more unfitting them for tc any m mission, or usefulness at all. It is equally unfitted for o1 all poetic and all domestic purposes. A man is now a far b ...


... THE ILIVERPOOL POULTRY EXHIBITION. The sgventh annual Liverpool exhibition of poultry .was opened yesterday, at Messrs. Lucas and Co.'s carriage repository, Great Chairlotte-street, which, as usual, wae audmirably fitted up for the reception of the feathered tribe. In consequence of the high entrance fees, the stock perhaps is not so large am may have b-en witnessed- in other parts of the ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, TUESDYY.-IHer Majesty~s dinner- party yesterday included their Royal Highnesses the Prinee of Wales and Princess Alice, Lady Carolinc Bar'ington, Major-General thu Hon. R. and Airs. Bruce, Colonel Parker, commanding officer 1st Life Guards; Colonel Bradford, commandine officer 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards; Captain Grey, and tht Earl and Countess of Sheibourne, who ...