Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. KCELLY.-On the 25thinst., in Dover-street, the wife of Sir Fitzrrlyl M.P, of a daughter. ROSENTHAL.-On the 24th inst., at 34, Harcoart-strMt, Dablll, t wife of John D. Rosenthal, Esq., of a daughter. THORNTrON. - Oni the 2let inst., at 4, Caosoiliostreel, Ay', tlhe Ire 9 Captain C. ilB. Thornton, Staff Officer of Pensioners, premaitinr* daughters, stillborn. MARRIAGES. 1l LaYTON ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of in- 0 All ?? sent from a distairee must be autheatfiatad by Ite to signal tue of osc of our asents, or bv sial of a knoton corrca- l. CIoadent. Attn oscnoements of Birte/ are suldect to a charge of . esS. 6a. eadh, and rysist be properly auethentsaioated, of of On the 1Dth inst., at So.arhro', the wife of the Rev. R. BALGARNIE f a daughter. D 1105 lie 31. iir On Thursday last, at Queen ...

BIRTHS. At 48 Pollok

... Street, on the 5th instant, Mrs. George, Willock; a daughter, At 21 Coruna- Street, rori the 5thi iuriti, -Um R. D. Wylie ; a'son. At Shawfield Villa, Pollokshields, on thq 5th instaat, Mgrs. James Miflne ' a daughter-prematurely. At Crasnock Road, Goean, on the 6th inst., Mrs Charles J. Snml; asol . At 51 Wett Street, Tradeston, on tbo 4th inst-uat, ?? Alexander'Forbes; a son. -- | At 2- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... RBIRTHS. At as Camberland Street, on the 12th inst., Mrs John Caven, of a son. At Rankeillor Street, on the 12th inst., Mrs.Lyell, of a Bon. At 17 Greenside Street, on the 11th inst,, MrsJames Walker, of a daughter. At 1 Smith's Place, Leith Walk, on the 13th inst., Mrs James'Waldie, jun., of a son. At Currie, on the l3th inst., Mrs William Prier, of a son, still-born. At 10 Bridge Street, ...

* - . BE1TS3 'RTHS

... At 16 Newton Street, on thie 1st instant, s Joh B.,, .Steartt; 7a daughtenr. At 22 Ahbotsfard.Place, on-the lat instantrXrk. James. Craig,.Jun.; a daughter. t e M Joseph ' At 13 Garden''Street, 'oi'the1 inistanit, Brs.Joieph. -H. Wrright ;n daughter. - ' - At 100 St Georges Road, on the 31st utiino, '-Mr George Gray; Aii daiightet-. * - ?? ?? At 6 'Catedral Street, on the 31st ultimo, Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... e BIRTHS. On the 12th instant, at Longford Rectory, the wife of the Rev. T. A. Anson of a daughter. On Friday, January 20th, at Lichfield, the wife of Arthur Blythe Simpson, Esq., of a son. v MARRIAGES. e On the 17th inst., at Heanor. by the father of the bride, the Rev. Wm. John Priest, to Elizabeth, only daughter of the Rev. Richard Whinfield, vicar of Heanor, Derbyshire. On Wednesday, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRSTHS. I.Dii.-6hthe6 I7th of' Octo~lse lat, at Lklu, a~~ tha wife of the Rov. E. P. AdalamoaufIstjogh'er 173Angsse -O) the. St~ inst., at Pqeo's-wood Idinfeld e,~ * ioof W:'ack Barnes, Esq., of a~daughtr. ftivioxr0--0if the 4th inslt., at Ora nt haro, the vayf r lmdnA,. Esq,etown-clerk, fa son. ofl 1 the 3d imit., at \WinipA,-t,lt1, ~~ Craveni,qttfii daughter.- jITT -CaowsLrOp. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Rovsz.-5th inst., at the Pound, Kendal, WestmOre- land, the wife of the Rev. C. Meadows Rouse, of a son, DENNY.-lOth inst., at 1, Risbee Villas, Wimbledon, Surrey, the wife of Mr. Jonathan Denny, of a son. MARRIAGES. Fnicz-DEzxs.-3rd inst., at Hundon, by the Rev. Win. Syer, Messrs. Walter and John Price, brotherv, and common brewers, of Kedingtonfi, to Martha and Susan, eldest ...

BIRTHS. At 37 Killer

... mont Street, on the 14th inst., Mrs. John Smith; a son. At 136 Buebanan Street, on the 14th inst., Mrs. John Fraser, Queen's Restaurant; a daughter. At 6 South Wellington Street, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Chas. Forsyth; a daughter. At 106 Bll Street, Peel Terrace, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Peter M`Farlane, a son. At 27 Weymouth Terrace, Southampton, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Walter Ritchie; a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS . BUYLLER.-On the 5th irst, sat Lupton, in the conty of Dsvon, thO 10 ?? Boiler, of adaughater. EB RINGTON,.-On the 28th nit,, at Madeira, the V EscbuoteiO thri!09 of a Son]. HUDSON.-On thc 7th inst., at Beverley, East Yorkshire, Mlrs Hid I ,a sass. iI MACDONALD.-On the 8th Wet,, at Sottrington House, Mualton, itte I Mihsdcenald. premlaturely, of twin daughters. MC ANDRE W.-On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 4th instant, at St. Matthew's, Islington, by the Rev. E, T. Alder, Mr. Thomas Bentinck Richardson, pro- fessor of music, Preston, to Ellen, youngest daughter of the late Anthony Cheeper, Esq., of Coventry. On fhursday last, at the Parish Church, by the Rev. J. Wilson, Mr. Robert Bleasdale to Miss Emma Gibson. On the 1st instant, at the Parish Churob, by the Rev. D. F. Chapman ...