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Advertisements & Notices

... Ailti- Silave ry Fas~ll 0111 Allti-sluvery Zeal Iin England.'' ____ 1ev. S. J. MAY. I A SERMON 011 thle pleselit aspects of Slavery' ill tile Ullited Stlltes of Aillleftc, 11111 OIl else dtLIt5S of Rng-lishlChrliitilals a111I BrAutil Chlrchus, ill rela~tionl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVENING, .lanuary 30th, 1800, when d O will be produced a new Dramla, dramatised from s' Mrsi Harriet Beecher Stowe's Work onl Slavery, entitled id ~~THE SLAVE HUNT; se or., HAFPY DAYS OF UNCLE TOM AND LITTLE EVA. Y- Mr. Lamb's three wonderful l)ogs will appear ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -er denlral4 lat~nd 11evenae for Scotlad. 10 W qolance Eldinburgh, , 4 g,1,A~VF1Y bAIE~R O. G nisn :t-kn~Wn F ?? cf ?? Anti-Slavery 1 e ~ad to deliver a.LE(17lAja ,on.,the ;abject~ A 4i t SLLvEny, in QUEEN STREET ?? MOniDAt , ?? Jahiuary arL;-! Thuereto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMERICAN SLAVERY. A LETTEA OF SYMPATHY to DR CHiEEVER will lie for 'SITafA¶i1Utt until T'ESDAY, 10th. inst., I ?? at thfe lifnder-mentioned places. It- is r e~ Spectfally reqmested that partts approving of Di CflEEvEBCs attitude iba regard to SLAVERY will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMERICAN SLAVERY. A LETiT-R OF SYMPATHY to DR CHEEVER will lie for SIGNATURE until TuESDAY, l0th inst., Forenoon, a 'the under-mentioned places. It is re- spectfully -requested that parties approving of Dr CssEEVE-'s attitude in regard to SLAVERY will sign ...

Advertisements & Notices

... accompanied by a letter of sympathy in his present prosecutions' -on account of- his faithful testimony against T American slavery. 'urther contribations will 'C be igladly received by' the committee - Miss Duuncanw I ' Heriot Row, treasurer; 'Mrs Lillie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... instaut. at Mount-pleasant Schoo l roomx at, SIght p.m., by E, HAVE~Y, Eeq., on 8i |_ aelp oe., : . ljelS - A ME:RIOAN SLAVERY AND THEIl -A D}ESIGNS OF THJI SLAVE POWERt IN Amitp RICA.-A LECTUREn on tlhe above subject will hie detiverod rnd ln HOPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 15th inetant. at MountL-pleasant EhoroE eSoboorooame, a 3t Ekight p.m., by H.IVEY, Req., eD Sir R. Wampole. A MERICAN SLAVERY AND THE L 3)1iSIGNS OF Tll~l BEAYE POWER IN AME : BICA.-A LE~ru~ls ox tao abov e t will be deliverod . in HOPE HAbLL, Tucas ...