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... THE COURT. WINDSOR, SATURDAY. - 11er Majesty will hold a Privy Colincil at Buckinghiam Palace on the 23rd inst., to give her formal assent to the Royal Speech. Ti'o date of the arrival in town, for the London season, of her Majesty, the Prince Consort, the Royal flimily, and the ladics and gentlemen of the Court, will, it is said, be the 15th of February. The Marquis of Clanricarde left Desart ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, TUESDYY.-IHer Majesty~s dinner- party yesterday included their Royal Highnesses the Prinee of Wales and Princess Alice, Lady Carolinc Bar'ington, Major-General thu Hon. R. and Airs. Bruce, Colonel Parker, commanding officer 1st Life Guards; Colonel Bradford, commandine officer 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards; Captain Grey, and tht Earl and Countess of Sheibourne, who ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR C.ASTLE, JAN. 26-The Maharnjah Dulcep Singh arrived yesterday afternoon, on a visit to herv.Majesty. The following visitoll's also arrived at the Casdle:-_Viscontnt Eversley, the Right Holl. Sit' James Graham, the Right Hion. Sir Hamilton and Lady Seymour, amid Colonel Oliphant. In the even- inv her Majesty's dlinner-party included hlie Princess Alice, the lion. Mlrs. C. ...


... IN MEIMORIAM. Non, Torquati. genus, non to facundia, non to Restituet piataos.-Hoa. ATu! never more shall wife or sister greet Those eves where heaven-born purity Looked mildly oat, and in whose placid seat The soul of honor held her high security. No more we'll hear his rallying voice, Hiis merry laugh or tender tone- Shall with his joy no more rejoice, Or charns his sadness from its throne ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, Da. 31;_-The Queen, the Prince Consort, tire Prince of Wales and Princess Alice dined with the Duchess of Kent at Frog more House, yesterday. In attendance were thie Marchioness of Ely, the Earl of Caithness, Major-General the Roni. R. Bruce, Major-General the lIon. C. Grey, and Capt. Du Plat. The following had the honol of joining the Royal party after ?? Caroline ...


... TH B COURT. WINDSOR CASTLEJAN. 14.-TneRoyal dinner-party yesterday incliled the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, the Earl and Countess of Clarendon and Ladies Constance and Alico Villiers, Lord and Lady Colville, Colonel the Hon. E. and Lady Louisa Douzlas Pen- nant and Miss D. Pennant, Major-General the lion, C. Grey, Major-General the Hon. It. Bruce, the Riglt Hon. B. and MtIrs. Cardwell ...


... HE COrNHILL MAGAZINE. NO. X, January. London: Swith, Elder, e' Co., 65, Cornhill. A ?? far exceeding anything hitherto known in periodical literature has justly attended the publica- tion of the first number of the Cornhill M1qgazine. It has been ushered into exi:stence with rare advantages, and has been accorded a rare and enthusiastic wel- come. 'hie namne of its editor stands deservedly ...


... T HE C OURT. W rXVISOR, SATURDAY.-ViS sount and Viseountess Palmerston and a distinguished party are invited to partake the hospitality of her Majesty at Windsor i Castle from Tuesday to Thursday next. There vll be a dramatic performance on Wednesday evening. It is expected that hier Majesty will arrive in Londond on the 23rd inst. On the 24th the Queen will open Parliament; and on the same ...


... I RkEVI LEWS. Till: ANcIENT CIIURCII. By WI. D. KILLU3N, D.D. Londoti: .Nisbet 1j' Co. Beliast: l's 11. MComb. WtEx we inform Ou' readers that Dr. Killen is Pro- ?? of' Ecclesiastical Itistorv il thue PresISyterian Cillege, Belfist, we suflicient ly indicate the aim and t 'flency of tuie volumeiio beobre us. The anthor tells us in his preface that lie writes undler tile influence ot' ...


... THE C OURT. WINDSOR CASTLI3, JANNUARY 10.-Her Mlajesty's dinner-party yosterday included the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, Lady Emnily Seyinour, hliss Sey- mour, Sir James Clark, Major-General the I-oi. It. Bruce, Captain Grey, Alrjor Elphinstone, R.E., and Mar. Fisher, who arrived in the afternoon from Ox- ford. The Queen, accompanied by Princess Louisa, walked in the Uomo Park this ...


... FAIRS IN ULSTER FOR THE ENSUING WEMIK. AN'TRIM.-Cairneastle, Monday; Artmoy, Wednes- day; Glenarin, Tliursday. i.t iau.-Killilea, Friday; Newtownhamilton. Sa- titrday. CAVAN,-Blacklion, Monday; Redhills, Virgfsia,. Tuesday; Arva, Mtillagli, Friday. DowN.-Newtownartls, Monday; Saintfield, Wed- biesdav, lVarrenpoilt, Friday. DERRV.-Magliorafelt, Thursday; CastledawsoI, Saturday. DoNIEsAL. ...


... liusu: REVIVALS: THE ULSTER AWAKEMNiN. By the 1iev. JOHtiN %VEl, ID.D. London: 1rii/r7 llull, l'irtue, cS5 Co., 25, Paternoster Row. Bellast: C. Aitchisoa. This volume, containing more than 200 pages, de- scribes the origin, progress, and fruit of the Ulster aivakening, with notes of the tour of personal obser- vation maode by its able author, Dr. Weir. The work is dedicated by permission to ...