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... THE COURT., WIINDSOR CAsTL1E, MONDAY.-Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent and the Phince end Princess of Leinineen dined with her Majesty yesterday. Her Majesty's annual distribution of food'and clothing to abont e0P p1or pelsolns of tile Windsor and clewer parishes took place to-day in the Riding-house of the Castle. At ten o'clock the Queen and the Prince Consort, accompanied by the ...


... T HE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLe, JAN. 5.-The Royal dinner-party yesterday included the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, tihe Duke of Cambridge, the Earl and Countess de Grey aud Ripon, the Earl and Countess of Shel- bourne, the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, the Right lIol. W. E. and Mrs. Gladstone, Major-General thle llon. R. Bruce, Sir James Clark, Captain Grey, andl Colonel Clifton. The Queen, ...


... B3ENTLEY'S 31tSCELLANYX. London: R. Be7nley, Neew Burlington Street. , wjitl, in this iinsgazino, who hias assumed the (flh (IlC ?? of Oaida, deserves considerable pmise. Ills stories, wnhich have appeared in many mwtihers, are ot' tho ' fast order; but, at tho same tinw, te never troubles the reader with a line that could he called dull, but usually contrives to malke his stories ...


... T If E C O U R T. W[INDSOR CASTLE, SATUPDAY. - ller AfljcSty'S dinner-party yesterdily included her Royal Highness Princess Alice, the Right llon. Sir Charles Wood, the 1[on. Mi'rs. Bi ddulph, ?? James Clark. Theband of the Grenadier Guards was in attendance, and played duriing dinner. ller Maljesty's private band a rtcrwards peifoirmed in thie draiving&-roons. The Queen did not quit the ...


... T HE C O U R T. WINDSOR CASTLE, JANUARY 7.-Earl Cowley left thu Castle yesterday. There was no addition to the Royal dinner-party to-day. SUNDAY, JAN. 8.-The Queen and Prince Consort, the Prince of Walus, Princess Alice, and Prince Arthur attended Divhio service this morning in the private chapel. The ladies and gentlemen in waiting were also present, and the domestic household. The service ...


... THE ART JOURVAL for January. London: J. S. Virtue, Beltast: J. Hartin, Waring Street. TAKEN as a whole, this is probably the best number of the Ait Jour'nal ever publishedl; and it is a bold thing to say so, considering the high excellence which always characterises the work. Any one of (he engravings, three in number, is well worth the total price of the publication. The first is from ...


... FRASER'S MA1(AZINE for January. London: J. W. Parker, West Strand. Fryaser has two papers, sufficient of themselves to make a magazine interesting. The first of them is Part IT. of Memoirs of Percy Bysslie Shelley, by Air. T. L. Peacock-Part I. of which appeared in the same periodical for June, 18658. Mir. Peacock held his pen in the interim, awaiting the publication of Mr. ilogg's ...


... T1-E COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, DEC. 29.-Lord John Russell and Mr. Hi. F. Howard arrived yester-day afternoon, Mr. H. F. Howard had an audience of thlc Queen, to which lie was introduced by Lord John Russell, her Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Lord De Tabley and ?? Sir H. Keppel were Lord and Groom in Waiting. In the evening the Royal dinner-party lecluded the Prince of Wales, ...


... RETURN OF THE COURT TO LONDON. LONDON, TUESDAY'.-Ier Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Princesses Alice and Helena, left Windsor Castle at eleven o'clock yesterday morning, attended by the Viscountess Jocelyn, Lady Caroline Barring- ton, Viscount Torrington, Colonel the Hon. Sir Chas. Phipps, Lieutenarit-Colonel P. Cavendish, Colonel F. IT. Seymour ...


... , NARRATIVE oF THE OPERtATIOaa OF A DETAChMENT IN AN EXPEDITION TO CANDY, ClYLON, IN THE YEiAR 1804. By Major JoHNSTON. Dublin: l'f Gashran, 50, Upper Sacekville Street. Although1 this work has been some few years printed, anid ba hitherto been rather confined to a private circulation than intenidied for the public, the interest that has been of ]rte excited in referonce to Ceylon by the ...


... THE CO UR T. WINDSOR CASTLE, TUESDAY.-Htr Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, attended bv Lady Fanny Howard and Miss V. Wortley, joined her Majesty after dinner vesterday. The Royal dinner-party in- eluded the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, Major- General the lion. R. and Mrs. Bruce, the llon. Mrs. T. M. Biddulph, Sir James Clark, Capitain Grey, Milajor Elphinstone, R.E., ard Viscount ...


... CONVERSAZMONE IN THE MUSIC HALL. IT is a pleasant thing when science leaves the laidb ratoiy or the study, and exhibits its results in tli midst of an intelligent and brilliant throng. Th public heal of ater achievements, and benefit ?? thel in a hundred ways; but beyond a general, and therc fore an indefinite, idea of what is doing il the worl of investigation and experiment., little, in ...