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... | p n 'I I ?? rp_- I . : _ . IUI SUl the ?? good people of Beaunmaris have enjoyed many nageir d in pleasant evenisgs in the Town-hall since the establish. ments un ment of the above Society, but scarcelv one moie so notbe ing than that of Tuesday last. willbi *th Randsl Leche, Esq., of Chester, bsing on a visit to fremrnt e pfriends in the town, iad having with him some excellent p .fo tee ...


... ?? , - .tt f BY THE SEA': ' Thou my d bfllowed,'retlesea Sea * Thou awe and terrr ofthe lands 'That match not thy immonsitybm ., Blue trampler' of .their~thousand strands, * With endless llfe-eteenal power *Thou ?? thingeofbreath; ' Ages to thee but as au hour,' Thpu'knowst' not tieoth Thy fellows -are theeternal air, : The ?? stars the night, -'The wilnds thy aste ofwaie3 that tear,'; ' ...


... :, d ,I.. . ?? . ottf This lower world~contains no spot Ma o ' ,Wherever we 'rnay roam, I' Cbi O ! : To bind life 'a comforts 'round our lot, fn Ig Like a truly English bome;- r grai )r - C >! ontentnlientreigns in every room . idec Fronm.basenient-tttberoof; ; ?? whi ie There smiles in all their freshness bloom, u .While sorrow stands alouf-. . Vio Then tell me not of foreign fiels,, . Ind e; ...


... TO ! - X, .; - _, . ?? I. Oh! how I love mjynativejmountainsj., * Their lovelydales andidwoodlandsifair9,, ' e .:Their impid ssteams:5and snny fountains, ; iJ ?? ,Whose bubbling musicifillithe ?? . ti ; To stad upon 'greatiSnowdon's sammiiit,; J i .,..Andt tbink of those who've go~ne before, : ?? I i . . .Of Arthltr's,.Owen'so Griffith'siglory,: ,. o And listen to. the torrent's roar. ; hi Oh ...


... . ? , ?? V it 0, r j, -, ?? WkW ' HBNINT'ER''' f, , ?? The Winter Flag inhis palace P of ioe,- What monarch so merry as he I Crystals, that form in the strangest device. o Like jewelsh a g ?? knee;. B llsthead i edwi e6llygrenwreathi, t , l8 song i8the witer's cold bast;, Hetdwells in a'cive-tbe w'~atefsbe'neatbi t Flow ?? till hi se~.scnis past.~ ?? ; Oh ?? lking is the W-inter ?? For he ...


... -- ?? ?? , ? gavdioulatth. ? ? Sw 0 PEVNILLION. ' A, n- Er cdf aim Elizabeth, snere ieunse Mr. Lewis, a Sarah u- Llocyd, CVas'reen, ?xr hon ,afafarw o'r defodedigaetk, rn Gorphenaf 7fed, 1859, yn y 7fed m2lwydd oi hoedran. MAE 'n moli yr Oen yn mharadwys; o Yn ?? hi rydd iddo glod vn Dros fyth, am ei heclhub o fawr bwys Id f : Y byd lie mae pechu yn bod. y Darfodedigaeth, angen yw, Fn \ Nid ...


... WE WISH FOR -PEAC E WITH, ALL THE 1~ ?? i.:lw~ ;:I .W ORLD. -. . DEDICATED TO THE LOYAL VOLUNTEERS OF ENGLA4ND NAVAL AND MILITARY. Alim- ln the day/s wuhen we went Gipaying, a long aims agno. .S Up I up i ye loyal Riflemen, :.-Ye ?? too, And listen toeyour country's call, 'You'll perhaps have mueh to do; ,For i'sonds: of wdr, though heard afar, ?? - bo'dning throagh the air, Then up, ye ...


... g? AT940MAM. ?? Y GAUAF YW. B Hyn ydyw ilais yr eira gwyn, U Y gauaf yw; A dymia leis pjob dol a bryn, Y gauaf yw; a Ni raid i'm ddweyd i'r mneuaydd draw, b Na'r mynydd ban, na'r ardd is laiw j Y dydd &'r hirnos yn ddi-daw, Ddwod Gauaf yw, A'r adiar man vn oclain sy, Yn bur ddi-nodded heb un t * Pob rhlvw a chwmni ddwed yn hy, l Y gauafy w. t Iryn ydyw llefy corwynt certb, . a Y gnuaf yw ...


... . lavadouilleth. Y PELYDRYN. BELYDRYN bach dysgleirwyn, Dywed beth wyt di? Sy'n dyfod 'o bellderau, Gan 'spio i fewn i'm ty: Pwy a'th waaeth ?-mynoga: Beth wnei ymn 'nawr? Dywed beth yw Uth beges? Belydryn lion ei wawr. Myfi, medd y pelydryn, - Wyf ronyna gloeit) tnfld, s:> O oleu a anfonwyd1 Gtan yr Haut fy n'sad; - Duw yw yr hwn a'm creodd, O'r wybren daethym i, Yn Ilewrclh ar dy Iwybyr, ...


... oe, ~, * Time swings his secyhe o'er rugged grounda, 1 And muows his swath 'mid chaius and crowns, v Withotita c6lnk.orrattlie; 1E And seeretly he bears his wounds.; t] On life'sgreat field of battle! b *So soft he treads upon the mould. So silently his tale is told, We eoaroely kuow we're growing old. a So silent in his rnarch below, Throughout this world of weal and woe, 0 iis ...