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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... TFrcoral Ec-'i-oNs Ct' ruer LA.ST Foil Po ICs, AN D or Ru-ut I;Cl Trim Fls. By In. E. Cardinal Wisetnau. New and tl revised edition. London: -urst & Blackett, 13 Great N Marlborough Street. ,a rssfi~sF' the Pope is at present the ?? interesting potean le tate in Euroe All eyes are turned towards him, and his vi sovereignty and kingdom are unquestionably about to tinder- t go important ...


... j G'R'AND 'EVEN'ING 'O NC, E :Ri.L I MVMinXa AfHEM1E HAYES. i' The cone&rit n'iuc$ by ?? Merijon Kyle, music publisher ,with Madame OCathirine Hayes 'as the leading' E, attr5 ?? ?? in the City Hall last night, the at- Y' 'tefndanca being 'omewhat 'mege; considering that lidy's .world wade 'iiutation as a vocaist, and the not uareason* t able OhargeYadmsion. Madame Hayea's iin excellent - voice ...


... THE CRIMEAN WAR.' (Abridgod foru the Tines.) On the 3Gth of Septem-er Mr. John Croomes, for the Under-Seeretary of State, wrote a letter to the Military Se- cretary of the Horse Guards, in the name of Lord Parmure, requesting that the Military Secretary would state to his Royal Higness the Dake of Cambridge that Lord Panmure eonsiderei it expedient, while the incidents of the siege of ...


... L1T.ERATURE. Ons or Tanss. By Charles Lever. London: Chapman & Hal, 183 Piccadilly. Ton two numbers which have appeared of this tale give : considerable promise that it will not be unworthy of the received talent of its author. Of the construction of the story it would be vain to speak, as it is scarcely yet deve- t loped, but the illustrations of nature, and human nature, C promise to be of ...


... 1qSTGpOGOWV)1USIC&L ARSTIVAL. e£rsm onc& of th tst6ucalotiav Glaowp - tootpace yest diby evem~g, igzt wsltt mootgratifyig' to dtrrende atince tasovwthat thittauguraion of- an undertolereg so.-important ,awaa thoronah success >'iThet City Hal was crowded with prbably- the g eats ssemk blage of our nobility and gentry ev3 wethih its walls; and the presidency of the Honoura the Lord Provost lent, ...


... MACMILLAIS TMAGAZINE-POEMB ' BY -TENNYSON. W- .- I . . The second number of 4'sMacmillan is an excellent one. We make the following extracts from a fine poem by Alfred Tennyson, entitled BSo DRAMx, As IDYLL'- THE HUSBAIS DREA,. ?? Of such a tide swelling toward the lidk id A d from out the-bodlm onter deep Swvept with it to the shore, and enteed one Of tose dark caves that ruq beneath the ...


... LITVE ATURE. Cano0z: Mi CCO wT OF r IS D,TPnr AHISTOIUF t-S CaR, niT ToLODAICAL, WIIE NOTICES or ?? NATURAL na lIr6TOiY, ANTIQUITES, E2DP P UonucnoIs. BySirJames la Emerson Tennient, S.C.S, LLD., &c. IlMustrated by m yaps, Plans, and Dr;wiugS- Third Edition, thoroughly gr, Revised. London: Longmnan, Green, Longman & Ro ena -'bert& toO to- A coNsflERABLE portion of our readers must already bae- ...


... FIRST GLASGOW MUSICAL FEVat wrurarrT r F ?? tVAr. MISCELLAREOUS CONCERT. -I The second of the Festival concertst-consitin, of tions from the works of Mozart, Beethoven, We it deissohn, Verdi, Bennett, Benedict, &c.-took Plac, le night, in the City Hall, which, as on the previous e ag was crowded with a most brilliant assemblage. Sirh 3£. Shaw Stewart, M3.P, presided on the Occasion X and b R ...


... LIT RAT U BE OOP?3D1 or CARSTON MISSONS: Their Rise, Progress, atd Present rosition. By the Rev. J. Logan Aikmsn. London and Glasgow; Richard Griffin & Ce. 3I the twel century the nitions of Europe sent forth their vur.iors u' ar eat pilgrims ?? on crusades towrest ?? Rely Lan I from the ontamnation of the followers of Dealse ?? of te ?? cetuy. Vain were these csSifea, rotwithstanding the ftry ...


... L I T'UA T VR E. T4nMAnvI: or eMF EaWUe EWIrn'8ISSION T3 CEHNA AND lv JIAN, in the Ysmi2yl7, ?? 5 - Laurence Oliphant, 1: Frivate Secretay ?? Elgia, Author of the Russian I Shores o theBlaolcS a, &c. -TwoVilmee Edinbugh' n D 'aid odon- William Blackwoed Sons. . '-(ScOND Nacn)4 t TwXOy otahined the simiature a;td ratification of Vie itratj f oTiensin, dated 26th ly, 1858, Lord .E nresolved ...


... PIClX-INGS FROM PUoay, STANZAS TO A RESPECTABLE COVICT. (H:GHES TEE somCITOH.) Go Moeal servitude, Fewth= frietud, rogue, scouldrel, thief; Go. repd o'er.thy future brood, With unpitied shame and grief. Now, thou base, dishonest kliave, Cheat of men who trusted thee, Ten years long thou art a slave, Smooth Respectability! Pick tby cakum, wheel thy load, Puff and blow, and sigh, and groan- Tlou ...


... THE ELGIN EMBASSY TO OMNA ANTD JAPAN.*I 17he'disastreus repulse of the British forces at the mouth of the Peibo river, on the 25th of June last, drew a greater amount of public attention to our relations with China than bad ever before been directed towards it. The announcement that a considerable naval force had actually been defeated by an enemy whom we bad been accustomed to regard with ...