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... THE ILIVERPOOL POULTRY EXHIBITION. The sgventh annual Liverpool exhibition of poultry .was opened yesterday, at Messrs. Lucas and Co.'s carriage repository, Great Chairlotte-street, which, as usual, wae audmirably fitted up for the reception of the feathered tribe. In consequence of the high entrance fees, the stock perhaps is not so large am may have b-en witnessed- in other parts of the ...


... A RO3ANTIC MARRIAGE. I - _. . lee he The following bit of roinanco in the life of 1- Lieutenant Mauary is related by Mr. Willis, in the he IT~n Joitriia:- ,. Ina the earlier days of hisl profes~sional career, the 4present cofimandiderwas a wrid.Irip iian on board one to of thre sloops of war sent to cruise in the Pacific. 'Che duty being niarely to give authoritative couri- tenianco, to the ...


... (PFromWD ),e CP{d of Vermont.J Goi!goin going! Who bids fgr the mother's care? Who bids for the blue-eyed g*ri7 Her A in is fair, and her eoft brown hair Is guiltless Of a courl' The nmothey claesped her babe With an ann tbat love made strong; [She ohie4ived norih, your hel,; Told' of tberpirit'ro .g eyeed Sh garzed fom the hitlet crowd, But no pitying glance she saw, For the crushing foe ...


... PRovIsIoNs FoR ACTIto SAILORS.-A few days ago a at large cask of buiscuit was opened, and a living mouse dis- RI covered therein ! it was small, but mature in years. The or cask, a strong watertight one, was packed on shore at th Aberdeen in June, 1857, and remained ever afterwards in unopened;* there witas no hole by which the mouse could in have got in or out, besides it is the only one ever ...

Pickings from Panch

... ipickfu2% from, , Vc I Iipulleb.7 TnE UNPROTECTED FEM1ALES DBESBT FAEND.'- Sir O- Cresswell.: THE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION OF: ALL.-e ho'S your Friend? THE. BEST SETTLEMENT FOR A RICHl Wirn] WHO ELOPES. -A Penal One. SIMPLE, BUT AORICULTURAL.-Q. What is the best time for sowing tares? A, When the landlord goes round and collects his rents. ADVICE TO BACHELORS.-Eat cold pudding to settle your ...


... II _ I FRIENDLY SOOIETIMS.-So far as the great majority of these societies are concerned, there is, strictly speking, nothing friendly about them at all, except a very, pro- per and natural friendliness for the cherished individusl vulgarly known as. Number One, and a strong desire to promote the welfare of himself and family. The society, as a body, stands to the individual members ...


... - LIVE BRAVELY. The world is half darkened with croakers Whose burdens are weighing them down; They croak of their stars and ill-usage, And grope in the ditch for a crown. Why talk to the wind of thy fortune, Or clutch at distinction and gold I If thou canst not reach high on the ladder, Thou canst steady its base by thy hold. For the flower thou hid in the corner Will as faultlessly finish ...


... COLLIXTION OF FLEMVIS. 1 l I PAINTLNGq, AT AIR GALLERAY, CHURCH STPItITU l m: (Fiso)) a Co1re~ode AtJ i' This is a very choice select20n Of ?? oil pa;inxtuin;- of tile V c- 1-V . l1ill works of art , atid ?J011lbii i lig Z' f S; 'li It ilig every variety of talent in ,l -iei; ti cattle :nd t2ture pictures. ila- l q, ?? neat eiabora tly exqu-isite gela'I cl ti! l groatst discrin:iaatiola i ...


... A .RELIC FRO3E ThE. ROYA.L CRATER..I The following beautiful and singularly touching lines were found amongt the shattered fragments of a writing desk, oh t'oe beac , amongst other wreck from the Ropofa Chaster. ;lThb desk belonged to a young lady passengerwho was lost; and it is hoped- that the faith go eloquently introduced in the concluding portion of the stanza, WaS one which supported ...


... PRESENTATTON TO THE COMiITTEE 6P 1 THE ART TRE$MUS EXHIBITION. - On Thursday morning, amectingof the ehutrutorsto the t goarantee faund, in ?? with the Art Treasures Ex- t .bibtlon, was held in the Mayor's parlour of the Town Hall, D Eingl6treet, i1 order to present testimonials to the members e Ai the executive committee of the Art Treasures Exhibi. tlon. The testimonials, seven In number, ...


... - i RAJA. BROOkE. l. 1 solemn night, with visions round ry head, I crave for audience with the mighty ded. La Titinjo speot~re-of the past ArI~ei, surging likea northern blast. The rdightthuislter stands a'cross 'the flood, His hound~s unleashed, and full of human blood I Ble drivs~6eac~ssinto one dark'den, Builds iron walls around the dying men, And in the midst his throne of terror rears, ...


... OXFORD.-Here and there a don is doing his work like a man; the rest are either washing their hands of the dc business, and spending their time in looking after those fri who don't want looking after, and cramming those who of would be better without the cramming, or else standing q by, cap in hand, and shouting, Oh young men of large Ot fortune and great connexions ! you future dispensers of ...