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Morning Chronicle


... .1/AC.MJLLA Y',S MA (;AZIN-E 11: Ov ven a soparate place to this new peri- aot whi( h the thirdl number i3 just publislled, >tott of the really important names attached is a small magazine, priced at a shilling, articles are, for the most part, short ; but ?? we have contributions from Ten- 'e Morgan, the author of Tom Brown's la s, the authoress of John Halifax, and h 1J. A. Ilakesc3y, ...


... LITERA TURS. y princs a, i/edgey. By Alr;FD Tzywrsoy, it ?? Poet Laureate; with twenty-six illus- ni tratiouS, engraved on wood by Dalziel, Green, al ,Ibols, and E. Williams, from drawings by le D1niel 31acliSe, R.A. London: Edward Moxon gid Co. yl I've poet dwells in a land where ideas reign, and ti ts are more or less ignored. Of all things that t sees he looks only to the beautiful; of all ...


... LITERA TUBB. Zlistoire des Prtncipaux Ecrivains Francaia dtpuuis ?? de 1 Litorateure jusqe'd iws Jo?r:. Par ANrOi1N Rocim. Deus Tomes. London: Williams and Norgate. These modest volumes we earnestly recommend to all who desire to know something of the litera- ture of France. They are jus6 SO nifny degrees removed above an elemental work as to make it no disgrace for them to occupy a place on ...


... LIT.E14TUBE. is- On the Origin of Species by 2/sans of Natural ter Selection; or, the Preservation of Favoured Races y- i the Struggle for Life. By CHIARLES DARWIN, 8- M.A., Fellow of the Royal, Geological, Linnean, he Lc., Societies. Author of A Journal of Re- ,as searches during Her Majesty's ship Beagle's ,ly Voyage Round the World. London John he Murray, Alblemarle-dtreet. a11e scientu; ...


... ?? T0HE LYRIO DRAMA. 1 st numler of the X1e9 QUuarerly 'Ifevieut Tale an adnil'able article ullner the above c wrltitten, we believe, by 'Mr. Grueiseen, the ?? critic and anateur, from which we ex tzet the following passages hr s ilt The first at the Thribtre de I'Opdri hcni~ ir, Il'ri, on the 4th of April, 1859; the second ia ji lgl, Italia1n Ot-rat Ccsvent-garden, on the 26th of J.nly a Ie ...


... | L[SkCoND NxOTICE.] . th Narrative of the Earl of El gib's Miission to China, ti( and JTapan, Ic. By LAunzNCE OLIPHIANT. Two vols. London: Blackwood. se ,or, Apart fronm their political objecta and commercial P° :results, the successive embassies'to China have pos- ea sessed a collateral interest, its opening to oar viewr a glimpses of a strange land into which it was other- c wise, and at ...


... LI TERJ TURS, the kni 7'L1ek of College Life. By FPts- I ?? NV. ni, M. A., Fellow of Trinity local C.Imbridge. mithor oi 1 Eri': ; ur, Little j,)ised Edinburgh Adam and Charles sti'uck t5 ?? to evad, ?? ?? TVorL.5 or fitin Upon school autar college life have rushed of late so Well received by the public, that few A nd ye r 0 t ,Nr. Farrar a second time testing are, ac gicg His last tale, ...


... LITERA TURE. The Life of Fiedd-Harshal Arthur, Duke of Wel- lianytosr. By CHARLES Doria YONGE, Author of A History of England, &c, In two volumesr London: Chapmnan and Hail. Being ignorant of the precise circunmstances i under which Mr. Yonge's work has been published, we cannot take upon ourselves to say that he hus t done either ill or well in publishinlg it at the present momelt. ...


... TIME A!AG 1A ZINLE. THE UNIVERSAL REVIEW. nt The Uniersal comes out in great force in its oh New-Year's number. Its articles are, as usual, in upon subjects above the ordinary periodical C he line, and are unusually full of information and re- st r. search. In the opening paper, entitled The Na- fr ii, tional Money-Box, the author has collected a large c, )St mass of highly interesting ...


... .3f usIc. he Consuo yand Haydn . durifor inezzo-soprano and 'or- to Il toa/t. The wordsfounied on an invident in George Sands of [ 6bnsuseo,' by .1 E. 6`aipenter; tile Afesicadapted fra'm es !Theinesby laydn. By STEprreNe GLOvn. Robert Cocks f and Co. What Mr. Stephen Glover's real intentions were in draw- e ina from the works of IHaydn,insteadof hisown imagination, l for qubjects intended ...


... LITERA TURE. Cii- I 1 Vtieit to the Philippine Islands. By Sir JOHN are BowRNIG, LL.D., F.R.S. . London: Smith, iral Elder, and Co. ral The British rulein the East was established )n- by tlie merchant; the Spanish by the monk. 1'h It was thus that the richest and most imt-1' be n- portaut islands of the Chinese seas were ac- Aio quired to Spain. While the vast continental possessions once held ...


... lITAM4 TU'R/, ot h 0ilti lrtte,/ Ielsles De- .tls tle tev. I,, 1' . II (u0tO, M. -. 1Eon1- 1 1s It en v . d e pictes ni'0 are frintedl iip n ?? ?? ?? ,1 vcns\ ?? anid wevll-beloved acrquainltanice, n pt k o f Trades. There is a series of en- t 9each representilng 8orne Chlinese trades- p 'iii g h lis ocetuiatioli, withL a few pages of 05vl R twlided, gfiving some further expla- 115r sd ...