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... amounted to 447 horses, 642 black cattle, 561 pigs, 149 sheep, 4 calves, and 4 goats. Total number of stock, 1,807.- Northeru Whig. CASTLEISLArea.-Our fair on Mouday was badly supplied, but quite sufficient for the demand. Spring. ers and milchers not worth ...


... astounds 'r'hi air is dense and wiltry; the plain heaves As With an earthlquake; to the coverts tiy The birds writh tremulous whig end piercing note, The stWed, ffriglted with averted ears And snorting nostril. leaps from side to side ?? w ildly, alid writh ...


... official return of the numbers of different etock at. Rmarket:-288 horses, 764 black cattle, 849 pigs, and 331 sheep-total, 2,232.-Whig. CASTLEISLAND.-On Saturday, previous to the fair day in Castleisland, buyers crowded in early in the miorn. ingin great numbers ...


... always identifies hiimsellfawithl his party. But let ldin shift his quarters. lie hiis left the Tory paper, aid gonie to the Whig o' the Radical, when lie no sooner l becomes acclimatised than he is just as ulehi It Wlig or a Radical, as the case may ...


... his maternal uncle, Mr. W. Joseph Denison, who bequeathed to him the bulk of his wealth. His lordship was a supporter of the Whig party. The deceased was a patron of the turf, and lad a princely racing sttd, He is succeeded in his title and extensive landed ...


... lady had knocked at Johnston's door.; had been intimate with Fox, the beautiful Georgina of Devonshire, and that brilliant Whig society of thle reign of George Ill.; Iad known the Duchess of Queensberry, tire patronuss of Gay and Prior, the admired young ...


... as advocate il 103, and at his death stood seventh on the list of the faculty. Ini politics lie was it steady ?? of the old Whig party; and in 1837, through the in- iluence of that pa rt, lie was chosen Lord Provost of the city. At tile coronation of her ...