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... He profmna to be a moderate Conservative. The other can tidatef were Mr. Skipton ' moderate Whig, and Mr. Greer ultra Liberal, a Radical from the start. The Whig nowhere on the poll, and thenceforward It W 34 a gallant race between Men e. M'Cortnick and ...


... which is most amusing is the fact that these prophecies are not confined to oue party. The whigs tell us the tortes d'ont support us, and the tories tell us the whigs wont ; and yet we are supported, and right nobly too ; and our appearance year by year—if ...


... especially obnoxious to the Liberal majority In the COOllllOll., and to the p pular party throughout the country—the one, a Whig ainecuri-t; the uther the very champion of aristocratic) Privilege against the rights or the people. Al. technicalities apart ...

T OWN TALK. OM LONDON CORIDOIPONDENT. (too. roadort will Mot do n.d hold ooroelres re• spoosadr for oar able ..

... the isec mil port iu the empire, was very important. The most important Whig opponent ut'thi lie lget was Sir Francis Baring, who was, iu s cap testy or other, a member of every Whig from 1830 to 1852. His son, also, has been a Lord of the Admiralty. Sir ...


... prominent is Lord Overstone—also a great financial autherity,—whe joins Lind Idoeteagle and Sir Francis Baring, two former Whig Chancellors of the Exchequer, in resisting the abrogation of thii profitable tax. But it is to the strong declaration of Lord ...

MAY 19, 1880

... seriously considered what will be the effect of an adverse vote; The tax itself is one which the excise have condemned, which Whig and Conservative administrations have condemned, and the repeal of which has found more favour with the public every day. The ...


... in anything. You may safely say that nothing but most unreasonable bigotry would lead a Tory to say that all Whigs are scoundrels, or a Whig to my that all Tories are bloated tyrants or crawling sycophante. I must confess that, in severe reason, it is ...


... the north against the south, and attempting to govern the country by means of patronage, upholding by these nufair means the Whig influence among the constituencies. Never had a grosser insult been offered to the magistracy of a free country than by the ...


... represralati ,• the city of Londonderry by the death of SU Itolsot Alszander Ferguson, an old and faithful follower l b ' Irish Whig Liberal party. The event took ' Tuesday in Dublin at the house of a relstise, wheKbw heir been residing since the commencement ...


... country. Apropos of Dublin Castle—Lord Carlisle is the last Lord-Lieutenant, or, to speak with more certainty. the very last Whig Viceroy you will have in Ireland. This you may take for granted. It is just possible, if the twits come into office, that you ...