... BIRMINGHAM POLIOB COURT. YMSTILRDAY. Refore Sir Johl, Boatliff and Messrs. T. C. S. Klfners~eli Wsd a. R. Cope. CHARGE OF STAALING A COAT.-EvTi1 Allten, a young woman of 10060 character, was charged by Police-constable hICormiok, under the following circumstances: The oDiicer, being on duty about two this morning, met the prisoner and another girL She had under her arm a man's coat, and on ...


... EXTRAOPRDINARY CASE. Dr. F. W. Griffin, of the Bristol School of Chemistry, supplies to the Times the following account of a case of poisoning which has lately occurred in Bristol:- On Thursday, the 15th inst., various persons became seriously ill after eating Bath buns purchased of a confec- tioner at Redland. Among the sufferers were six youths, pupils at a leading sohool at Clifton. ...


... YESTERDAY. Bcfore H. Smith, ?? Coz, aend Willium Jancs, Es'rs. AN EXPERlENCRD BU5RGLAR MIsCALCULATING MATTE5.-A robuot fellow, described as a sawyer, of St. Martin's Place, Five Ways, and giving the name of Joseph Siznekis, was charged with breaking and entering the workshop of Mr. Richard Price, of Latimer Street South. The burglar, who Sergeant Teggils said. had just come out of gaol for a ...


... YESTERDAY. BEFOar MI. R7COrEnaRe HILL.r TireE OUTRrAnse IN0 CARErc'r' COUsRT-Thormae Davitt, 22, dealer, was indicted for having, on the l1ito of December last, unlawfully and maliciously wounded Marlin Heeley. Mr. O'Brien prosecuted, ansd Mr. Morer defended the prisoner. The facts of the case, which weegiven fully at the tine, are doubtlees within the recollection of our seaders. The parties, ...


... CROWN COURT. MONDAY. 3L VORlE Mit. JusTIce KI;AsTINI. Tnt: ALLF.XFEID CONSIRllACY TO DE1raAUVi Till: EAIL OF STA1.B FOBD AN4D WAIIIUNOTON-George Hachett (on bail), a very rcspectahble-lookinig man, was indicted on a charge of unlawfally centpiritg with One James Parrish to defraud the Bight HOD. Georgo larty Gray. Narl of Stamford and lVarrington, of cortain sums of mouey. Mr. Wlhateley, Q.C., ...


... SATURDAY. lkf ore Sir Johtn creliff and F. I. Wdch, Meq. ETEALixo BOTTsS.-An unfortunate, named Carolinc Xon5O, living In Harford Street, was charged with having in her posseesion a quantity of bottler supposed to be stolen. Police constable 154 stated that be apprehended the prisoner In Great Hampton Street at three o'clock that morning, with the bottles onder her shawl. She did not give a ...


... YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. Kynners'ey and AMiddlemore. A WILD JIUSLHIWOMAN.-A dirty dlssipated-looking Irish omen, rejoicing in the somewhat euphonious name of Mary Loody, waso charged with having heen drank and disorderly on the pevious evening. Police-consteble No. 60 described the ?? pesfosmancea. Her behaviour wsa the moat wiolentest he'd ever know d on. She ahied all about the street, and ...


... THE MUEDER AT .STEPNEY. The death of Mrs. Mary Eassley, at No. 9, Grove Road, Mile Elnd Stepney, is still involved in mystery, and at a late hour on Friday evening large crowds of persons eol- lectted in front of the premises, when Sergeant Tanner, of the cief detective. olice, Great Scotland Yard, and Sergeant Copping, of Arbour Square, Stepney, attended by order of their superior oficers to ...


... ZIYl' ,ED-EADkFUIL MUTRDER AT.V I . i. - ?? - STAMPORD. .: On'the 12th ?? charged with tbe-murder of. 'Miss Brizabeth Pulley, was brodtght sp before the loal magistratfes for'frther examination t Daring the week which bas elapsed 'sinoe the last hear- ing of this horrible ease; the police .have been indefati- Itgabla.'jn their efforts to connect the:- obain of evidence ?? the aacaused,-with ...

Published: Friday 20 April 1860
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 427 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... Last week, Chief Baron Pollock, and a special jury, ,were employed, at Derby,.in, trying- a siugnlarly inter- esting ~will case. The issue was sent down -last year, bya order of the Coulrt of :Chariceryada ?? assizesfor they above county a verdict for the plainliffE was giveu. An apolioation for'a new trial'was aqceded to, and'the iasne was' again tried. The 'plaintift, waa Mr John Else, of ...

Published: Friday 30 March 1860
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1180 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... - . I .. - -Mrs. - 1, .- _.-H ?? - --11? ? - ( Aw ?q? 1 . aot ineeses eedl bvbash Wit- I examinea Miniited at Berwjoc . Srday Were the H i W, vho. ' rdiu 'to e previons evidence, hL ' ireceived £7 each for their votes inr favour -of! oi L~ orl 8,1*Aie- . eaiatqs howevf,- -they inosbs positjelo 'denied ?? onel penny or ' adi inddt idemny 'at-e'et wever ?? the i otes came ot5ct i~ OWil 'thl~at ...

Published: Friday 10 August 1860
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3620 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I Yesterday the Midleuimer Generrel Qusarter Sessions wards loy this boroug-h were opener1 at the Town-hall, before the - pri S&Auael Warren, Eeq. QOC., ?? Recvrder. Misejor The following gentlemen wvere sworn on the Grand seedwiv Juiy :-Messrs Marcus; Cook Englitsha (foremnsn), Charles been to Alder, Wma. Brown, Win. B-tterill. Samuel Des Forges, prison( Robert Jameson, 1Edmund Philip Dixcn, ...

Published: Friday 06 July 1860
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3247 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Crime and Punishment