... THE VOLUNTEER OF JULY IAL THE SEQUEL. (From Punch.) If yon're ivaking cml] me earlv-though I feel so very queer, T/ at wilh all t-he calling in the world I sban't get up, I fear; I ought to clean ruy rifle, and a precious iob 'twill be- Forthe ?? tight at Chisellhnrst I don'tthink theo'll catch Me. Grant'r cooking-w negon on theground they told us weshonlnd find, And so I lebt. unluckily. my ...


... WIND AND SEA TbaSes is a jovial comrade, ye laughs wherever be goes; His merriment shines in the dimpling lines That wrinkle his bale repose- lie lays himeelf doiwn at the feet of the Sun, And *1akee all over with glee, And the broad-backed billows fall faint on the shore, In the inixth of the irighty Sea. Ent the Wind is sad and restless, And cursed with an inward pain; You may bark as you ...


... Alusi. 1I FnsMAN'S SOING. By Norman Macleod, D.D. Dedicated to the Glasgow Riflemen. Published antd sold to allt a Bazaar for Barony Parish Missions. TaerT IX GOD AND no TEE RIGHT. Song by the Rev. Nor. man Macleod, D.D.; the melody by Mendelssohn; arranged by William Hutchins Calcott. -Published and sold to aid a Bazaar fur Barony Parish Missions. Wasar the above songs have a strong ...


... ?? NATAL: An Account of the Characteristics qui Cnd 0~ablties of this British Dependency, published hol ji#ide theauthority of the Government Immigration ?? tuder the the - :d4ance and information of emigrants. die 3Board, for the gu-- etJmsMnL., r Compiled and edited by Robert James Mana, M.D.1 Hi ?? Superintendent of Eduac9i.°n - Natal Lou- }l1 ,don *arrold k Sons, 47 St. Pauls Churchyard. ...


... .. i .. : _ .- _ _ . , t_ -.L.11.E ?? v -w~ --d __ v-1- ty *slhl n Egypt.'-Ani unpublishe I poem by EdPwin AstLerstoze, i the Dt b in Univeriity Magazine) Slowly, at length, A.s loath to strike, Aaron stretched out the rod: 'With large bright eyes upturned, and ?? lips, On heaven a moment gazed; then downward looked, And smote the water. A As when fire breaks out In a thick-peopled dwelling; ...


... LITERATIURE. ScOTLAND IN THE MinDui AGE. Srnns OF EARLY b: ScoTrc HISxoRY srNDSOCcA PROGnSS. By CosToo Imnes, Professor of History in the University of Edinburgh. o: Edinburgh: Edmonston &Douglas. 1869. a Si Tus delight and deep interest with which Mr. Chambers's v Domestic Annalsof Scotland werereceivedby the public, t might have been taken as a hint that any further explore. t tions in a ...


... L I TE R A T U R E. TER-CENTENARY OF THlE SCOTTISH REFOSIMATIOXN5sComlfle- c merated at Edinburgh, August, 1860. With Introduction W by Rev. Jamfs Begg, D.D. Edited by Rev. F. A. Wylie, m LL.D. Edinburgh: John Maclarjn. 1500. ?? th THIS is a very fitting record of the interesting nstionalecb- m- inemration of August last. The editor has show oider- ai ablo discrimination in his selection from ...


... TFrcoral Ec-'i-oNs Ct' ruer LA.ST Foil Po ICs, AN D or Ru-ut I;Cl Trim Fls. By In. E. Cardinal Wisetnau. New and tl revised edition. London: -urst & Blackett, 13 Great N Marlborough Street. ,a rssfi~sF' the Pope is at present the ?? interesting potean le tate in Euroe All eyes are turned towards him, and his vi sovereignty and kingdom are unquestionably about to tinder- t go important ...


... REPOR T. The Committee, in Issuing their First Attnual Report, have much pleasure and satisfaction tn beinz able to congratulate the Patrons and Supporters of the School on the success which has attended Its operations during the year ending the Blst January. 1860. The Committeeareglad tostate that the roomsengaged by them in Worihgate-street. respecting the eligibility of which some dotbt was ...


... THE ReV. HoUGo PIGOT'S HISTORY OF HAI)LEIGKr. -There is no town in Suffolk which offers greater at- tractions to the antiquarian, historian, and archaeolo. gist than that of Hadleigh; and it is with great pleasure that we inform our readers that to whichever of these classes they may belong. their researches will be much aided by the perusal of Mr. Pigot's work on that town. Mr. Pigot has ...


... 4 DR&MA. ~ ,- I thttt ?? for the benetit- of . 1, lese. in Wi 'io tothe d Mw 4i .4 mto , conductor,~ afe wct igsstpe ieecte0.Stm ~ s~sti~i|=w : ?? . 1i]g, FM NW -I id IW I1ih n UomgsIezrb e ebes hery myself lefos , ;= X ?? puli generall Ua~no brt pmed oacco mel onioctsea. .Ve'wib- the Pos t ton eeof'aj ely ii ; pFsitinereW btyst I yve act tr e didieneey th the jt a lps k or :h r tds y - ...


... musIc. IABTER EVE PERFORMANCE AT WINDSOR CASTLE4. On Saturday evening there was agreat performance of snored music, given by the Queen and his Royal H4iunews the Prince Consort to a large party of distinguished guests. Our readers will find elsewhere the details of this enter- tainment contained in the Court Circular; but its re- markable character, and'its importance in connexion with the ...