... oIMrTUAR. I 7hs Story of Neow Zeaand, Past and Prseut, SSavage and Q Ci;sed. By ARTIMI-S. THOMSON, M.D., Su eon Major 68th Regiment. In two volumes. Murray. Dr. Thomson is well qualified for the task of describing that picturesque and promising regions the New LZealand group of islands, which ip Interest- ing not only to the friends of the colonist, but to the student of physiology and to ...


... History of the Reign of Henry IV., King of France and Navarre. By MARTHA WALKER FRPYm. Part I. Henry IV. and the League. Hurst and Blackett. Miss Freer is steadily going on with the French history of the sixteenth century. After giving us, in her previous works, a tolerably full narrative of the lives of several notable monarchs and prin- cesses of the latter Valois reigns, she commences, in ...


... LITERA TURE. An Arctic Boat Jous'niwy in the Auttmn of 1854. hi By ISAAC J. HAYES, Surgeon of the Second tb Grinnel Expedition. Edited by Dr. NORTON SHAW, with an Introduction and Notes. Bentley. th Amongst the various expeditions into the Arctic as regions, of which thirty or more have been under- th taken since the final departure of Sir John Franklin bt in 1845, with a view either to ...


... ~ i --a) ?S ?? ,- - I o, . ?? - 4 ' ;: . ?? . : . ?? . : 01 I I .. I. 'T-I . Last night W. BW fe ioert (the firt of a fd %li~e)4 Ibm : i r The price of :dison -ft a shilling, I : as an immense aemblage; the music-hall being au densely erowded as it used to be when the Serr1' Oanlen were' sX nact in vogue it the dmy, dais of poor Juijien. The concer consited (withX one exceptiou}o pl~ece ...


... ROYAL ITALUN OPERA CONCERT. A grand morning concert was given yester- day, in the Floral Hall, adjoining Covent-garden Theatre. This beautiful appendage to the theatre, us aour musical readers are aware, has been for some time open as a pro. zaeiiade on opera nights, and is now begun to be used as a concert hall, to wbieh there is nothing comparable either it London or (we beliere) in any ...


... LITEBATURE. The Gordians Knot d. .48tor' of Good n f ri By SHIRLEY BROOKS. 'With illustrStions5 by John Tenniel. Riohard Bentley. Mr. Shirley Brooks is one ot the most realistio of our writers of fiction. In his writings we have no ideal, distant, or abstract world, no gentle re-touching of old traditions, or minute and careful elaboration of a few deep and simple elements of character; the ...


... LITERA TUBE. I Croeckford's Clerical Dtirectoryfor 1860. This is a biographical dictionary of the episcopal clergy of our day. It contains the names ot 17,500 deacons, priests, and biahopo, arranged in alpha- betical order, with a considerable body of information respecting each. For example, people were asking the other day for information about the position and antecedents of the Rev. James ...


... . DRURY-LANZ THEATI. The success of Mr. Watts Pbilhipl's last dramatic production, 2%e Dead Heart, wu so great and so honest as toplace its author in the first rank of tbe present-day Iwriters for the bstae, ad to Fause hi next essay to be Dlooked for with considerable interest. That essay has now been made, and if we cannot say that 27w S&ory of the ?? now playing at Drcry-lane, is na good ...


... OTP. 1PUi3BLIC MuI ,UUmS. TBE H SOUTH CK;NSNTN lbLiLE(IONS. tilo2ucui slioillle ltstl ?? lill Ci'lsl- lii~: ,.ti ll l ~ dei-li, Of totlialci' all't Se ttledl of 1irifiise lwilleaitv llt ixtit' litii Il' 'T lii illt~lit, lLSild0 for pubilw O' ?? itli>'ilsteriig (tlic~ Lpdikeritiis stitl Withii i i,,; ,fellcto ii'eI',. t Of t'oili'st txev Ai'Jloi top mit1 d~oiioiig sojilti this lan sotielri~i't ...


... EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF THOMAS FAE'. Asemall but very interesting exhibition of pictures by Thomas Faed opecs to the public to-day at the gallery of the Messrs. Agnew and Sons, the well-known fue art publisihers. in Waterloo-plaee. Soms ten or a dozen wnks have been brought together through the courtesy of their owners, the cbief contributors having been Miss Burdett Coutts and Mr. ...


... TH- CHRISTMAS A IVSEMtENTS. HdAYMARKET. At this ?? the fitherrcnmlg novelty will be entit~le' Queen Ladybir'd mid here C'/idren;, or, ilarlequin and the Kelmu on litt. Thie ocenery of' the fairy stiry fttie beaa p~iinted by Mr. Frederick Fenton, who will, it i.. ailt, pro- (duot, S01it' ?? Of tire aind water; thle mach1inery by Mr. Oliver Wialev, the tiresneti by Mr. Bnrnett Rnd Misn Chery ?? ...


... c ;a Another of those publiciationis which have gained I for the Camnden Society the reputation of being the N greatest benefactors of arebheological literature that I thle ,, lhas produced, graces our table this week. t Jt is entit'ed Narratives of the h'eformratione, chiefly frotz Jhe ,aMtcecripts of John Foxe, the Jfartyrolo- 0 ?? with two C(ontemporary Bio.7raphies of A rch- t 1,,rp ...