... By degrees flounces appear to be regaining the posi- tion which, for a time, they had partially lost. For dresses of thin texture they certainly form the pret- tiest and most suitable ornament.. On. barege or tarlatane, plisse or bolliflonne may be used effectively. For Summer toilet, large open-sleeves wvill be adopted. Bodies arg worn low, or high and buttoned up,. In the former case ...


... Xd FBZ. dr AT , GdzlBrol MdJCl.8sTz. The first ateps have been taken towards the reaisation of Mr. Thomas Fairbalan's scheme for a free art gallery in Manchester. A numerous and infr'eetial meetinh 5 was held yesterday in the Mayor's parlour, at the Town-hi t in that city, the Mayor presiding, to consider the pro Mr. Falrbairm, after explaining his seme eubstantlauy tt in a letter reently ...


... WINTER HYMN. By WILLIAM R1OSS WALLACE. MWE hear the trumpets of the great Wind blow Through many a mountain-pass and column; We seo the banners of the storm-clond flow, Broad, dark, and solemn; The sea is ehantigi legends stern an(l old By darkling strand and leafless promontory- Gone Sumlier's wreath, gone Antuoni's robe of gold, Cono all tile pomp and glory. FatIler, be with usl An endless ...


... T H E CO UR T. LONDON, MONDAY.-The Queen and the Prince Consort., accompanied by Pr ince Arthtiu' and atten(1ed by the Countess of Desart, lon. IHoratia Stopford, Lord Charles Fitzroy, anti Lieut.-Colonel the I-Ion. D. de Ros, went on Saturday afternoon to Lincoln's Inn hall and library. Hlis Royal Highness presided on Saturday at a mneeting of the British Association, held at Buciglhiarn ...


... an vttmoxinlll. THE MARTYR OF DAMASCUS. hi the dreadful massacro of the Cbristians in Damaccus, Mr. Graham had been placed for safetv by the British Consul in the houso of a Maoslrln, and the Turkilsh guard-who noted as his escort on leaving his place of refuge-on being attacked by a band of Druses, LEYT our Missionary to his fate, when he fell a victim to their infuriate rage. There's wailing ...


... FA S H.ION. T' I E C O U 1R T. WNINDSOR CWSVLI, D)l c 1. -Tho Royal diltner-party yeslerd'ay included Pricoe Alf ed, Pri cess Alicc, PIrilce Lonis of liessc, the1 Malqis 11(n3 Marellinmuss of ACail''t01', antd lanrlv G aorgi1na1 Iamtiilton, Laily Caro)line B~arrington, tile Wltiht 11oll. SirlThomal~s IV Iise, 1,aron voon 'IVstorwelhlor, latd Mljor COwell, It, E. Thoe Mar~lquis :nir ...


... FASH ION. THlE COURT. LONDON, FarDAYi-Her Majesty the Queen held a Privy Council yesterday afternoon at Bucldngham Palace. It was attended by bis Royal Highness the Prince Consort, Earl Granville, Lord.President; Vis- count Palmerston, First Lord of the Treasury.; Sir George Grey, Chancellor or the Duchy of Lancaster; Viscount Sidney, Lord Nbamberlainr; and Earl Spencer, GroomIl of thie Stole ...


... to Tho thirteenth annual sbow of foals and yearlings ;be it was held at Easitigwold on the 10th inst. The number of entries was 109, cousiderably exceeding those of any previous at year. There was a good attendance of the neighbouring gentry and farmers, notwithstanding the uesfavourable day. Richard Rowlay, Esq., of Weldon Bank, near Pickering; Thomas Robinson, E-q., of Methley, Wakefield ; ...


... E ?? The tenth annual exhibition of the Guiseley t, I Agrioultural Society was held yesterday, in a field pic- I vtursesquely situated between the church and Guiseley Hall, fi the residence of the Rev. T. B. Ferris, the rector. The P day, excepting a momnewhat boisterouss wind, was very fine, 51 bpresenting a delightful contrast to the recent gloonmy and 13 7wet weather, and there was, as one ...


... IE T DS SMITHFIELD CLUB. . -, ?? ?? , , ~e fflrt eichibition: of fat stock in connectior^ with tficishr took place ?? and yesterday, in tbe !Siitt d dattieMtrke; undeg'tbe patronage of the Lord IsLieatenrraL of tioe West Riding, the Earl De Grey and }1dipou- Lordi.Lonccsicorotra7 8ir.J. tRaimaden. Bart., Al.P, HC,. Meynell Ingratn, Eiq., and G. L. Fox, Esq. ir. ceiaunrxceA si purred iursi~~tb; ...


... IJER AI4JESTY'S E TEA TTE. ?? b The reappeaarlmce of Mr. Sims Reeves last night, in his frC favourite part of lobin lHood, after several weekls' secession, sa necessitated by n severe domestic affliction, was almost as , exciting an event as tho first night of Mr. Macfarren's now ngt opera. Although Robin Hood did not entirely lose its at- du traction in conseqnence of the chief character ...


... l.l 1 R11K-J 'T THEATRE. Miss Amy Sedgwick commenced last night, at the Hay- | market Theatre, a series of readings fraoi dramatic enod other writers, which promise to be very attractive during the brief season when, by a curious regulation of the Lord Chamberlain's office, dramatic entertainuments are only tole- rated on condition of being incomplete. With Miss Sedg- I ick's remarkable ...