... THE C OURT. We believe there is a probability of her Majesty's payinga short visit to Balmoral in themonth of May. We do not announce this as an arrange- ment positively determined on, but we learn that the Queen is anxious to see the Highlands in the Spring; and that a sort of conditional promise was given that her Majesty would visit Scotland during the Spring. We may, therefore, perhaps, ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, TUESDYY.-IHer Majesty~s dinner- party yesterday included their Royal Highnesses the Prinee of Wales and Princess Alice, Lady Carolinc Bar'ington, Major-General thu Hon. R. and Airs. Bruce, Colonel Parker, commanding officer 1st Life Guards; Colonel Bradford, commandine officer 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards; Captain Grey, and tht Earl and Countess of Sheibourne, who ...


... REVIEDWS. SI3iP-BUILDINIG ox NEW AND ECONOMICAL PRINCI- rLEs. By Capt. A. MACGREGOR nEIt, R.N. CAPTAIN A. MACGREGOR SKCINNER IIas contributed some very valuable information on the subject of ship-bllilding in the form of a letter to the Presideut, Vice-President, and Council of the Institution of Naval Architects; and he has also proposed a new and economical method of construction, the merits ...


... THE C OURT. LONDON, TUESD.AY.-Her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Priticess Alice, and attended by the lion. Horatia Stopford, Lord Charles Fitzroy, and Lient.- Colonel the l-on. D. de Ros honored Mr. Bcll with a visit yesterday afternoon, at his studio, in Douro Place, Kensington. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort presided yesterday at a ...


... THE COURT. The Queen's dinner-party on Wednesday evening, included the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Alice, and Prince Alfred, the IHanoverian Minister (Count Kielnmansegge), the Greek Minister and 'Madame Triconpi, the United States Minister and Mirs. Dallas, the Earl and Countess of Elgin, and Lady Elma Brmce, Lady Fanny Iloward, Viscount Falkland and the Duchess of St. Albans, and Lady ...


... THE COURT. The confirmation of Prince Alfred will take place at Windsor Castlc on Thursday. , the 5th of April. A select number of the nobility and personal friends of the Royal Family will be invited to the ceremony. There will be no state observed, and the religious rite will be performed with every simplicity. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales arrived at Buckingham Palace on Friday, ...


... F A IR S. ARuarA01 FAMR.-THlUnSDAY.-This was one of the largest yet hlci in this city. Beef averaged filly £3 per cwt. for well-flnished beasts; coarse beasts were sold at 40s. per cwt. and upwards, Cood two-year- old hullocks and heifers were in moderate demand, at £4 to £1, while yearlings brougthlit from £2 upwards. Muilch cows command high prices, some going to £14; springers anxiously ...


... F A I RS. BALLYBOT FAIR.-The usual monthly fair at Billy- bot was held on Monday. There was a good show of cattle, whichi sold at rather higher rates than those of last month-first-class nailch cows selling at from £9 to £10; springers were in good demand, and young heifers realised prices at fieon £6 to £7. Sheep sold slowly; quotations changeable. In the horse fair there was littl: business ...


... HAYMARKET. Last night, a new arid original comredy, called The Frznzilp Secret, was produced with great applause and all the demonstrations of success. The author is Mr. Falkoner, who is known to the public by his comedy of Exrt-emes; but his recent production is certainly inferior in interest and as a work of art. As delineations of modern society both are preposterous, but the first piece ...


... -. ' I MADAME CLAM NOVLLUS FARWK ?? CONCBRT. Wadamealsn ?? taken herfhwell-hfr lstb farell-elthe publi. Heo Pate n o tull , ?? &Sy :bglis val performer has had during the present catury- - ended, end ab. isteslato privat life, carry. hgwltlzhertheamjet andth good ises o esioe who hs derived fro her perfornas the highest wa uacatredp~ s w the ?? cmimic ?? bestow, and of erseyue whohasz had the ...


... 7 I, 4Ah',I go;l . L | MR;f. 31IN VUC$tARDiSi CONCBI T; j This keg, place at St. J=a )~ ?? nigh, wa i t wI drc-metasees A chtiq pi fail to create a etiton In the musical world. The de - Rtounutdia the siae of Mr. Richards, was- preratory for an extenilve tour in the provinces arranged by Mr. Willert Beale, and embracing a groat arbount of vowa and fnsten- mental talent. For this tour, to ...


... ROYAL ITALINH OpmA.-La Gama Ladra, one of the best and moot popularof ini's operass-attactive, not only from the exceeding beauty of the music, bet fhom I ?? at Covent1 garden on Saturday evening, to a. crowded andience, and with the greatest success. The character of the humble heroine was sustained with great beauty by Madame PeacD, 1 who gave it effect by her unobtrusive simplicity, quiet ...