Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE UERAL OF JON BROWN. (From the Hem York Tribune.) After having described the progress of the funeral Cortee from Troy to North Elba, the home of John Brown the reporter of the Triuane says:- I a1r. Brown had expressed a desire that his body should be Laid in the shdow of a grewt rook, inot far from his house. This rock, after the more striking features of the scene just named, was the first ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OP LiORD MACAULAY. It is with great regretwe announce the death of Lord Macaulay. This unexpected event took place at his lord- ship's residence, in Kensington, at eight o'clock on Wed- nesday evening. Although for many years past Lord Mfacaulay's health had not been good, yet up to a fort- night ago, when he had an attack, arising from disease of the heart, it had not been such as to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Bors.-Dec. 25, at 26, Walpole-street, Chelsea, the wife of Major C. 87olezewski.-Dec. 26, at Souta-Etreet, Gros- venornequare, the wife of Lieut. eol. Haygarth, Seots fuellier guard& -Dec. 16, at 19, Grove-terraee, Peekham, the wife of Dr. Blomfield, F.R.C..-Dleo. 23, at Thornton-le- Street, the Couutess Catbcart.-Dse. 22,at Worltngwarth- reetory, the wife of the Rev. F. Freneh.-Dec. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD MACAULAY. England had soffered En irreparable lose by the sudden death of Lord Macaulay which occurred at his residence inKensington, at eighlo'clcck ?? evenling. Although in 1852 he had a serious and pro. tracted illness, from declared disease of the heart, the attack was subdued, and till within the last three weeks his health was tolerably good. About a fortnight since he had ...

* - . BE1TS3 'RTHS

... At 16 Newton Street, on thie 1st instant, s Joh B.,, .Steartt; 7a daughtenr. At 22 Ahbotsfard.Place, on-the lat instantrXrk. James. Craig,.Jun.; a daughter. t e M Joseph ' At 13 Garden''Street, 'oi'the1 inistanit, Brs.Joieph. -H. Wrright ;n daughter. - ' - At 100 St Georges Road, on the 31st utiino, '-Mr George Gray; Aii daiightet-. * - ?? ?? At 6 'Catedral Street, on the 31st ultimo, Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AateOLO).-Oti the 28th1 tlt., at Staplofbord Rectory, Her1., If .Edward G. Arnold, of a eon. Baows.- On the 29th ult., at Adelaide-lodge, West Hove, Brie0 the wife of Dr. Richard Brown, of. e on. g~, BUMNtAoeD.-0 the 211th tilt., at the Brighton-road, Croy,9a, th wife of Lewis liransby Burnand, Req., of a eon. Drsa.-Ofl the 12th of November, at Calcutta, the wifi ~~f U K, Dyer, Esq,, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARJIAGES, & DEATHS. : No uotloe of AZarrlge or Death can be inserted unless authenticated by the neuo and address of the sender.- Notices of Births must be paid wr aa ntdvertliseneuts tElARRIAGE9. De, 22, at St. Mary's, Altham, by the Rev. W. Sharp, In. cumbent, assisted by the Bev. S. J. v. Adamson, J. G. Booth, EAq., surgeon, Padflem, to Jane, youngest daughter of the lateitobert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT''S. December 28, at Camila Vale, Monaghan, Mrs. Jesse Lloyd, of a daughter. December 2S, at 41, Fitewilliam Square, Dublin, the wife of the Rev. Charles Graves, F.T.C.i), of a daughter. December 29, at Aberdeen, the wifet ot Dr. Lloyd, Staff Surgeon, of a daughter. December 27, at Eggesford, North Devon, the Countess of Portsmouth, of a son. November 7, at Unmballab, the wife of Major ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY FOR !1859.. Deaths amuong. te aris6ora during tbe'year 'otw drawing to A el hau been mord thah ordinarily. numerous. Oqt of the; members of the peerage. of the three inugdcui.4 there have died the Dakoe of Leeds, the Marquisses of Waterford anr Bristol; the Earle of. Rothes, Aylesford, R~ipen,'.Chprleville,I 'errerA, EDe.von, M~oriy,'ankerville, athcarb, HEr- borough, De Grey, Miin6t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE LORD MACATTL&Y. (From tse Times.) No death which we could chronicle will be more deeply or miore wi dely lamented than that of Lord Macaulay. EHis loss is not. simply that of a great man. It is the loss of a great man who accumulated immense stores of information ,at perish with him. As on the funeral pile of someOri- ental potentate the wealth of a provinoe is heaped up to be burne?, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Eggesford, North Devon, on the 27th ult., the Countess ofl ortsmouth, of a Eoln. At Sprinig Cott-age, Trinity, on tb e 2Gth ult., the wiie of David 1Itpburn, Eeq. (of the firm of Orriek and :Repburn, delitists, 7 Abercroinby 1'licc, Edinburgb), of a daughter. At Kiir kland. Fifeshire,:on the 2Sth ult., the wife-t It. Thomas Peter, Fsq,, of n daughter. At 4s Avenue de Neuilly, Parie, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, A DFATHS. BIRTHd. OHIDSON.-Yee. 28. at Dory V1i`l A~tbur th-alo. Liverpool, the wife of W. D. Olidson, cEq., of a 4on. KXIrG.-Dee '28. at kitonehouee, Plymouth, the wife of Mr. W. Ef MJ~~1. of. doo¶,htambewell Mi .it-Ilee 2;7. at orhtroairnze. GroaveflHt partr, Oambtowll thbe wifoof M~r.P. Mlobtichtjoo.,ot aidluohber. IIIOCI-Der. al, Ervotn roari the ?? of i. J. do 0. Rrol. ...