... ST. AUGUSTI XsDJ- eass so r -~lesa nsile floo Oer, e oh chu7,td lake uad v G 8q~l liT'5 od heaven in the ?? s ...


... I HOUSE WI S - 1 - I .N I * }IOUSEI0 ?? UsVUBPoOm AND umw U um&kBI'I U . jo- e- ?? i . . . 7 ~~sd. ,d t*tt ?? l;6 O 8.. O bl'? .0.? , .?t, p p 8- C ?bF .Jh . *, n ?? Q «'n C B0lli; 4 ' - ?? I wo, I ?? Ha-look 4l 0' '0'St? ..,2 ° * 38 4: ?? 8ji;;C; .5, a 0, ..6 &e04 ; 86 6 2 ° .. ?? 0. 4 ?? 0 S 0,.1 O' a 0o i~jo..~IXSG8.. ?? ?? ?? 0 Q.. .s., 0 0 O, ?? ?? O0 O ! . ?? ?? 0 . 7,:0 ?? 0:.. 0 0. ...


... pT.BW 4MV8EMUNTS, &OG, I THIS DAY. I rama of the Continen&. ?? and other r. Gardiner Coyne In Two Irish i-Mr. Barry Sullivan in a Imatomy, Paradisc-strect. Istreet-Society of Fine Arts' Eings. Postoffice-Place-Exshibition of ?? -(irat and third Monday ia the month free). Ia stitntion Museum, Colquitt-street-Open °di'g(first and third Monday in the month free). To CORRESPONPD-Nfs. 405 p ...


... BRIDLINGTON HOsRTIC.ULTURAL SHOw.1 The annual exhibition of the ?? andI district ?? Flural. and Horticultural Society 'was held on Wednes. Hruit day, the 15th inst.. its a spacio fedblnngt Ren John Kirby, Eq, Situated near tothe town on the colti south, of easy access, and exceedingly well adapted for colle a social -gathering on a large scale, affording abundance Sand of room for promenading, ...


... FASHIONS FOR MAROR. [From Le Follet.1 Throughout the season, gold and silver gauze has beern very fashionable for ball dresses. Tarlatane, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of velvet or of gold- spotted all over with gold, silver, white, cerise, &o.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, which makes a simple, but very charming, dress, with two ...


... !'HE mfTflIH IrUSEfUMr. At the time of its publication, a few days since, we gave an abstract of tee Report of the Select ttea appointed to inquire how fin, and in what way, ( may be desirable to find increased space for the extension and 0r raligeinent of the various collections of the British Museum, and the best eleans of rendering them available for the pro- motion of science and art. As ...


... I TIM WE2STMINSTr Pn ,Y. Tbjis is an ageof revivals, and as the spirit. rapper all up the gbost of the departed, Daniel Wea,,, recreates aspirt in the lapsed, what go son can ba shown why the Westminster Play sh ld ot be restored i the old dormitory of SL Petrs School, WestDmi, Yetthis regular foeruner of the Christmas holidaysC wel nigh being numbered with the things that have M For the last ...


... . . ?? Filippo Strozri. A History of the Last Days of the Old Italian Liberty. By T. ADOLPEUs TaoL- LOPEZ Chapman and Hall. f The genial and accomplished biographer of the girlhood of Catherine (le Medici, and a decade of l other celebrated Italian women, bas not only an eye for the picturesque history of Florence in past ages, but an earnest sympathy with her share in the I national ...


... LITE-TURE. XAT ?? about Doctors. By J. 00lDX J LrATRESO.O* pyi Hurst and Blackett. hieet A colloction of medical allia was a happy thought, beer though a best Of difficulties must have started uppi nearly as soon as the first idea, of such a Project rese offered itself to the mind of the author. We may mor congratulate Mr. Jeaiswohswain conceived the enterprise, u ~on ab tywih w which he has ...


... ST. JAMS'S.s A young Serviaa lady, Mdlle. Albina di Rhona, who has made a great sensation in St. PRtersburg, made r her first appearance last night in a little sketch written for a, the display of her talent as a danoer. Very pretty, and se with a little elegant figure, expressive face, and graceful oe ; action, M~dle. di Rhona soon won the favour of the audi- V' once, and asm greeted in each ...


... LITER A UR E. EAnRoxfcs Or POLITICAL ECONOMY. By Freddric Bastiat- Translated from the French, with a Notice of the Life and VritiTngs of the Author, by Patrick James Stirling, F.R.S.E. London: John Murray, Albamarls Street. 1860. -FEDERIC BASTIAT, whose principal work has now been first given to the British public, through the admirable transla- tion by the author of The Philosophy of Trade ...


... TRE-A.TRE-ROYAL. XfT) AVT% 1rTV frrwART.TigRRA IP I MM AND MRS. CHARLES KUEAN. I -, ,4tocse twin constellations of our diramatic hemisphere an- lost 'night after an absenice of several ye'ars. -* They r'atbt oncluded an engagemfentt in Edinburgh, which has been Mnk e sense, both Irom the~ e xcitement it haicaaist among ?? s seiallythe ftshionable and literary, aid fotral brp.W-ray that ...