... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, 'I THIS DAY. Concert Hall-Saturday Evening Concerts open for the 6f a3Ol. Clayton Hal11-Valentine Vou-den's Entextainment. Royal C .ls.3eum-,Mr. Gardiner Coyne in Two Irish Cbaracte ...


... I:. HO I = e -. aORN IrTA g 0~ ORIP ao I engage maj be done Iit'S x t .BlT11-MARRIAGES; a DJiATI c N*?O ISOtOO of 1314b. Manliap, or Jbah r bhaetd 4 Adirly' tSrZ~ 4 W° ?twplrPWAMreotr, UM. Robert, Xra ...


... FASRIO2 MrI) DVARETIES. I ?? T-ASHIONCA - - . VR'E. I I The Right lon,. the Lord .Chief3 Ju1tice. has errired atlnrrlrchglsss, acconipenled by Misses Lefroy and GcergiLrtroy.-,: ?? ?? ?? .1,, 1,, ,Ih.; :o0.Ferrall ,as~narvived iet~llis. reside~nce, arripn-vsiiuoarc, fl-nitheP cntinkcl t. ' Siirg'on Bu'tclier fiis lfttowrifor three week9. Doctor Evory'aKe ?? has icen re-estabi6ilic 'by a' proi ...


... REPOR T. The Committee, in Issuing their First Attnual Report, have much pleasure and satisfaction tn beinz able to congratulate the Patrons and Supporters of the School on the success which has attended Its operations during the year ending the Blst January. 1860. The Committeeareglad tostate that the roomsengaged by them in Worihgate-street. respecting the eligibility of which some dotbt was ...


... THE ReV. HoUGo PIGOT'S HISTORY OF HAI)LEIGKr. -There is no town in Suffolk which offers greater at- tractions to the antiquarian, historian, and archaeolo. gist than that of Hadleigh; and it is with great pleasure that we inform our readers that to whichever of these classes they may belong. their researches will be much aided by the perusal of Mr. Pigot's work on that town. Mr. Pigot has ...


... L I T E RAT U R E, THE BADDINGrON P1ERBAGEI* Mr. Sala's novel lais been subjected to severe oriti- eism. The saturday Review gave it to their unsc~a. pulous slasher; the amiable editor of this periodical Lass his list of authors to be abused, Mr. Sala, with Mr. Dickens, is on the black list. Let the popular George Augustus place his name upon a new title ' page, rind all lovers of ill-natured ...


... , The latest brochure on Italian subjects is contri- buted by M. Hippolyte Castille, under the title of Le Pape et ?? As our readers have heard Bo much already in the shape of argument about the pope's temporal authority, we shall take the li- berty of passing at once so an account of two succes- sive interviews with Cardinal Antonelli and his holil ness, very strikingly narrated by the ...


... ?? - THB ILLUSTRATED HORSE-DDOTORi2 Mr. Edward Mayhew has lo0g enjoyed a b;gh re. ,utation as a veterinary surgeon. As the editor of Blair's Veterinary Art, and as the author of The Horse's Mouth, and Dogs: their Management, hi name has long been pleasantly familiar to all who interest themselves in dogs and horses. A close and shrewd observer, a methodical compiler of the results of ...


... BRTIiSH WORKUMAN, for April- The number for the ensuing month of this magazine, which, for the excellence of its pictorial embellishments, the general style of its typographical execution, and the fine, manly tone which pervades its literature, stands at the head of the penny periodical press, gives an account of Sir Richard Ark- wright, the poor barber whom King George knighted. Sir Richard, ...


... HtURRAH FORt OtLt ELBM ! aY ELVA COOY. murrab for ?? I men Of tl nding; Who have sprung wkindt e Warst y branid, Bot willtg nor ager t brand eight oet burning. Buttegave bsrat rob tbey have fronts for a blow; Theyhav bm etfratd 5ee'how the'll win them; Show them lsure' a trigger, and eyes for a foe, They b0have 5d5 fgt roe Briton i in tbem. That WhiU prhe eGarey, and tbe Green, and the Bl*e; ...

Pickings from punch

... _tickUl front 4' l uncb, DARING FEATS OF EORBANSrHP. -The honourable member for Stroud has acquired considerable celebrity by putting his spoke in the wheel of the government. GivE IT 'EM.-Punch reads paragraphs stating that the savage Druses claim affinity with the Scetch. This is all bosh. But he is decidedly of opinion that the sooner the Druses are scotoh'd the better. A FAIR ATTEMPT. ...


... ?? i N:. :1 . s i Rft-BpN I ! ;1 . i ! ! . li' ?? I' ,, :laRCIIERX *MEEi'JTG AT PnsN Y GARDDrie, NBA6 RuaBoN;.-On'Friday week an archery meetingwashikeld at .Pon y.gardden, the b'eautissfuil seat of LaduyFMarshall. Her ladyship gave a numb erlof ipripes forthe 6ecauom :amongst therm ' valuab]e gold bracelet 'Tbe!'6ontest coommenced at al 1 } -o'elock a:nd continued tillT3 a3inthe afternoon, ...