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Advertisements & Notices

... ditto, Ed. A MERICAN SLAVERY.-The Committee of the Preston Anti-Slavery Society, beg to intimate that they have engaged MISS SARAH P. REMOND, a Coloured Lady from Salem, Massachusetts, U.S., to deliver a LECTURE on AMERICAN SLAVERY, on TUESDAY EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eame-tax ng Shipping, InV73CO& Post-Ooole sevenue of Siteam Vessels Government tldgailon no Wrecka on O0Q0coe o Fisher t slavery of Corn Importatltol Peer-raos Sugar and MoluMti Income-tax returns Coffee .Cit IRELAND & CO., 22; ah arket-mteeeth Mancheoter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Harper 'welvetrees' Soap Pow er saves time, trouble, s aoiri, scap, tongue and temper, and entirely d Mon the e femnale slavery of the tub, and the pre- R sent domestic-happines-destrto-vim practice of washing. a It contains nothing injurious, hut is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twelvetrees' Soap Powder saves time, trouble, lmony, andrit, sip, atongue and temper, and entely a abolhes the female slavery of the tub, and the Ure- sent domestic-happiness-destroying practice of Bo ashin. a It contains nothing injurious, but is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... instaut. at Mount-pleasant Schoo l roomx at, SIght p.m., by E, HAVE~Y, Eeq., on 8i |_ aelp oe., : . ljelS - A ME:RIOAN SLAVERY AND THEIl -A D}ESIGNS OF THJI SLAVE POWERt IN Amitp RICA.-A LECTUREn on tlhe above subject will hie detiverod rnd ln HOPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Italin History. 3. Cotton Supply-The Difficulty of Lancashire. 4. Army Oficers and Rifle Corps. 5. Memoranda about American Slavery. 6 Mr. Disraeli's Liberalism-No. II. 7. Intemperance-Its Causes and Cures. 8. The Book World. 9. Monthlies and Quarterlies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twelvetrees' Soap Powder saves time, trouble, money, firing, soap, tongue and temper, and entirely abolishes the female slavery of the tub, and the pre- sent domostic-hakpiness-destroying practice of washing. | It contains nothing injurious, but is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tuesday evenings, March 12th and 13th, 1860, in the Corn Ex-. change, Preston. On Monday evening, the subject will be AMERICAN SLAVERY, its true character, and its moral and religi- ous aspects; England's duties in relation to it. T. Walmsley, Esq., the Mayor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ex~pendll'FI Shipping, Inwedl&0atwAerd I The Incomnetax BSteam Ve#= - Poat-oflce Revenue Wrkag Government ?? Herring Flalien Slavery Corn Importatson Poor-ralts Sugar and MelaS Income-tax Return Riff and Moisese i osfee Shi i *ade COGOS E~~~Xectocaaum~l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twelvetrees' Soap Powder saves time, trouble, money, firing, soap, tongue and temper, and entirely abolishes the female slavery of the tub; and the pre- sent domestic-happiness-destroyinq practice of washing. It contains nothing injurious, but is as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 15th inetant. at MountL-pleasant EhoroE eSoboorooame, a 3t Ekight p.m., by H.IVEY, Req., eD Sir R. Wampole. A MERICAN SLAVERY AND THE L 3)1iSIGNS OF Tll~l BEAYE POWER IN AME : BICA.-A LE~ru~ls ox tao abov e t will be deliverod . in HOPE HAbLL, Tucas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... evenings, March 12th and 13th, 1860, in the Corn Ex- change, Preston. s On Monday evening, the subject will be AMERICAN re SLAVERY, its true character, and its moral and religi- ous as cts; England's duties in relation to it. T a sley, Eq., the Mayor, will ...