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... it may comfort the editor under any It criticism which may be levelled against his work, h Slavery Doomed-by F,%EDERICK MILNE EDGE 0 -is an essay on slavery in the United States, with ethe object of showing that the results of free and slave labour must ...


... line of fair literary advocacy of a political cause. Mr. Charles Buxton has a genuine hereditary right to contend against slavery; but on other questions likewise, bott in parliament and out of it, his public career as an active liberal has been commenced ...


... pro- le venting the purchase by the tribe of Boers of Por- tl tuguese territory. The good faith of Portugal, in the anti-slavery treaty, is regarded by Mr. M'Leod it with but slight respect In the following briskly fe told incident of his voyage along ...


... w ich ier f't; r! b * 5 ;t tralto voice had made, by singing. n.t Ti'I el n. y Boy,' ais announced, but the Jiiic-i ' - o slavery ditty, Sons of l-rt dotlt, hwar lilt' 1M. Gassier's big, manly voheit tlol a-il In III; ronn *uit Itse, being encored f.:r ...


... when, or in what manner, slavery is to end, but, if the owners of slaves were so disposed, it appears to me that there would he no difficulty whatever, politically, financially, or socially, in diminishing the evil of slavery, and in pre- paring the way ...


... India; pione of them venture to caleulat on a greater crop than ii0lbs. of clean cotton. Now I happen to Wmow that during slavery, and with very imperfect drain- age and cultivation 400lbs per acre was not an uncommon crop in Berbice and 600lbs. in Jamaica ...


... of Poerturgal ; and the late Portaria of that monarch at once placee his Msjesty foremosot among the advocates of slavery. Until slavery is entirety abolished in the African dominions of Don Pedro the Fifth the stave-trade soul fteurish, while outraged ...


... controversy. It moreover enters largely into the statistics of slavery, a subject discussed by the British Quarterly upon the text of Mr Antony Trollope's book on the West Indies. Social slavery at home is considered generously by the London Review in an ...


... wbere a public soul remains To guide the public body! Let us go- For I em weary of the beat of drum- The dust of troopt-the slavery and the slaves;- And long to rush Into the open air Out ef this fever-to the land of Health *- To tread the sward of Fzeedom ...


... to ho allowed to wear a European hat and coat, and to f ien off the blade turban, which is their sign of degradation I aed slavery. The Mogador Jewesses are not very s tri L to faith. They will marry any well-to'do Christian geutlo- man who should make ...


... where he cannot be replaced except at considerable expense. This is one thing which peculiarly aggravates the do- mestic slavery of Mozambique, viz., the facilitywith which the negro is replaced. To keep them in subjection, every opportunity is seized ...


... E. ; its altitude is 3,750 ft. above the sea level. in The chapter on slavery contains much that wi fo excite serious debate upon the subject. It shows he that the horrors of slavery are not seen in East ail Africa. The property is well fed and little ...