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Strathclyde, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... the boekin the hands of his son or danghter.-C. ,L C. London: Charles H. Clarke, 13 Paternositr Row. - I' i G OD AGAINST SLAVERY. By Dr. CgEEVzR G of New York. Price 4s. Apart from the great intrinsic rmrct of this Volume, it contain the Lectures for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH. DR. CHEEVER AND AMERICAN SLAVERY. Just Published, Price 2d,- R EPORT Of PUBLIC MEETING held in Queen Stretwet Halal, Edinburgh, on Thursday, December 22, IS59, with teferenc to Dr. Cheever and American Slavery. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 15Prince's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ilooias, This Evening (Monday), 26th 'Uareh, at EiLbt o'clock. Iulj'ct:-e-'Jhle Coustitution of the United States, Is it Pro- Slavery or Anti.Slaverv I B.AUIE AtACDOWALL in the Chair. Tickets to he had at Messrs. D. & J. Smith's, 17S Trongats; ir. 1 ci'sr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Business, on and after 1st March, at FIVE o'clock ?? Saturdays excepted. PRESENT CRISIS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY. G EORGE THOMPSON, EsQ., the well-known G Anti-Slavery Lecturer, and late M.P. for the Tower Ham- lets, will Deliver an A D D R E S S on the Moral, Religious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMPSON, Fe,_Ate *eU-llown IkA Anti-Slavery Lecturer, and MDP.fcbtieTowsr lets, will Deliver rih- ADDRESS on the Mdoral, Rel1w iid P01itical Aspects of t5er UnitedStates, in their beama on ethe Question of Slavery, ina the 'Usty Ha1I, on Tuesday Evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Robert Miller, 57 Gallowvgnte; John Gemmel, 49 George Street; and from Members of Committee. P.IESENT CRISIS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY. GEORGE THOMPSON, ESQ., the well-known ) Anti SiaveryLecturer,and late M.P. for the Tower Ham- lets, will Deliver an ADDRESS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beivg formied, full particulars of which will be announced at the Meeting. ANTI-SLAVERY BAZAAR. The COMMITTEE of the GLASGOW NEW ASSOCIATION for the ABOLITION of SLAVERY have resolved to hold a BAZAAR on the 25T and 26TIc DECEMBER, In the TR ADES' HALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to praeret to this audierce-what iolormna- ,E tien be rtay deein important for it to know jeepeutins the condi- .ttion of Slavery in Amnericas, and his personal striuggle with the -Slave-power oi his coucstr. - - lilo-ved by- Rev. HENRIta CALDltRWO)bD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tervices will commence at FAeevri o'clock D Foxenobn, Two Afteinoon, and at Half-past Si- o'clock Evening. F ?? _ B AMERICAN SLAVERY. t( . NNlLORDIS DAY First, October 14, the Rev. V O D. CBHREVER. of New York. will Preach, in the M1orn- G inz in Elgin Place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on Monday Evening, 26th i March, at Eight o'clock. Subject:- The Constitution of the' United States. Is it Pro. Slavery or Anti-Slavery l BAiLiu 1ACDOWALL in the Chair. 1 Tickets to be had at Messrs. D. & J. Smith's, 171 Trongate; Mr. Neil's, 16 Glassford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rev. Dr. BunEs, from Toronto' w7ell known as the 'able i advocate of Fireedom- will Address the Meeting on the subject of 1 Slavery i-the United State's,>and' the 'Socil and Moral Improve. meat: oE the Fugitive Slaves in:-Canada. ;Several distinguished 1; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rooms, on Monday Evernig, 26th March, at Eight o'clock. Subject:--, The Constitution of the United States. Is it Pro. Slavery or Anti-Slavery ' BRAI r R r MACD OWALL in the Chair. T;ckets to be lad at Messrs. D. & T. Smith's, 17S Trongate; Mr; Neil's, 16 ...