... India; pione of them venture to caleulat on a greater crop than ii0lbs. of clean cotton. Now I happen to Wmow that during slavery, and with very imperfect drain- age and cultivation 400lbs per acre was not an uncommon crop in Berbice and 600lbs. in Jamaica ...


... to surrender was returned to him again. However, if F, the Popie's defeated champion wants a sword, let the friends u of slavery present dhintwithonoeby all ameans. The sort of men sword oat g ntabbe fr pres~tatla thehero of Ancona nin i, odrPs0.- ...

Literary Notices

... either, but-conclude with a quotation gc from a speech now before us of Wendell Phil- an lips.:- ' ' w ?? do not believe -slavery will go- down in all blood. There is not bloodenough in the thirty- . e one States to steep it in. We are not a fi gh tug ...

Original Poetry

... Dttrg. .: ,I p LAY OF THE MAID-OF-ALLTWORIV 0 1 vhat a weary life we lead, 'Twixt woek and scorn !, , We ?? in ConstaDt slavery, N. igit noon, and morn! ,With early morning e begin .Our endles8 day; -Nobreai;&st-hoar-no diiner-hour- No time for play ...


... of Poerturgal ; and the late Portaria of that monarch at once placee his Msjesty foremosot among the advocates of slavery. Until slavery is entirety abolished in the African dominions of Don Pedro the Fifth the stave-trade soul fteurish, while outraged ...


... of night. Change I forward. Some despots yet madly aspire To glories heroic in plunder and gore I To fetter the nations in slavery's mire, To strangle fair freedom, make ignorance lore. Fair freedom advance- galled nations, rejoice True reason, best ruler ...


... energies an zome go-ahead seheme,-somne W ,liquidatjcnt. of debt, or missionary enterprise, or susteata- TI -tion fund, ,ir anti-slavery agitation. A dozen -other ?? 'will immrediately present themselves from these few ex- .4nples. Mr. Arnot is a celrgyman of ...


... mrainfining the Tights i and trilegea ot her mirs and cbildren, Were ?? I church would soon sink into that condition of abject fl slavery and impotency to which the state has reduced t. V tbe dtsnltaries of the Anglican establishment, who i ar dblsged to decl ...


... U-t, and sometimes, on extra occasions, sill two o'ctuck: in tbL Imorning. After a year's endurenee f tli~s wvor-o m~ae n r slavery, the blooming cheek and sparkling eve were exchsan,,ei for a tlin; pallid countenance, and a oelan.'oly ooo!,. Lae was obliged ...


... when cild, But which your silly dupes adore. o' Ye know how Ilaly has been, Ofb Thank most yourselves, for, weary years, Of slavery a mournful scene- vof A wretched land of blood and tears. Il~ e. beat blood nb'er had Celseed to drip, [out Her tears continued ...


... controversy. It moreover enters largely into the statistics of slavery, a subject discussed by the British Quarterly upon the text of Mr Antony Trollope's book on the West Indies. Social slavery at home is considered generously by the London Review in an ...


... wbere a public soul remains To guide the public body! Let us go- For I em weary of the beat of drum- The dust of troopt-the slavery and the slaves;- And long to rush Into the open air Out ef this fever-to the land of Health *- To tread the sward of Fzeedom ...