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gabs, seder deed ads* leaked his retir e ohs was end as podia& wife and • dews to The girl

... be ass imme. What he said preps was the hewn entitled to a the twins Loan t the footing that you don't contend There stay be Whig wok the pursoces Mr Yens' would aosider pedaled from objecting that there was no one to go to hid. He would say as. word on ...


... Livuogrosa has communicated to the Royal Society a aerie. of valuable magnetical observations made recently in Africa. Tim Nor Whig learns from a private Douro of information on which it can rely, that Mr Gladstone has withdrawn his name from the Canton ...


... TYRANNY AT SEA. (From the Northern Whig.) In the soft atmosphere of a well-furnished drawingroom, with all the airs and elements of comfort in ample profusion, the hearing of the little tong, Life on the Ocean Wave, rings sweetly on the ear. The romance ...

Compue's Moe., Perth, July, 18111

... stand convicted of one of the basest jobs which could be laid to the charge of a ministry. It was not surprising that the Whigs should have entertained such an opinion regarding this contract., because, , proverbially, ill doers are ill dreaders. So ...

gittratuvt. curious The British Workman, and Friend of the Sons of Me People. 1860. London: Published at the ..

... resorted to for the purpose of forcing the Government to withdraw their illadvise I achememuch as an income-tax is deer to every Whig financier. A great deal of mischief la thus being done to our Indian trade, and if the finances of the country were before ...

NM M WEff -~ the boon of the hoses bendig ; diggers upon . quail. deep in the mad. The

... first Lord of **Admiralty-- th2,__Lll greeted ehipmaster In the world, Ni merely sem in growth of oak-timber, did net know 'Whig but he would enquire. lamas hood. was not much matter of surprise; the noble Duke amide to perms many of the amiable and chow ...


... still farther away, takes his position at the bottom of the trait beach of the opposition aide—never mind who is is adios—Whig or Tory. The royal Duke en grand lases sits within arm's length of the flovenip, his eosin. The sans order is still more te ...


... suede et disgproval bale * r a u can a nt w h a t he, MB sten; -that • does, what he may MM. this al.' Adieu lima thatSi else Whig toyrards lib. Bose sit would have have hat more credit kr it, bat this ms elk Ta kla wri the ers to sear all goad Ash eroded ...


... Immediately after followed Lords Carlisle and Granville, the venerable Marquis of Lansdowne, and a whole host of the leaders of the Whig party. The arrival of the body at the grave was, of course, the culminating point of interest. The mourners and pall-bearers ...

pttropotibut 6ossip. (FROM. OUR OWN CORRESPOND .) LONDON, Wedeseday. The truly English letter of Lord John ..

... were the ether despatches so unimportant that they were kept hack ? There are doubts on the sebject It is the first time that Whig Ministers have mutinied for publication. How you, Lord =et—our old Cam Hobbouse ? do you vs. . Caked business? the murdered ...