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Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal


... recollection of them will, 1 have no doubt, make you more cautious for the future. Hones of the Poor im Belfast. —The Northern Whig has been sending its reporters into the poor places of Belfast, and it gives very terrible descriptions of the Mato of the ...


... valuable and temperate measure may, assuredly, bo sooner expected from parties so situate than from the Conservatives with tho Whigs in opposition, particularly when neither party is much in advance, to numbers, of the other, for the pressure on the Liberals ...


... acquitted him of all resjionsibility. There is something very gratifying in such instances of honourable conduct. —Northern Daily Whig. A Female Gamekeeper. —Early Sunday morning, the preserves of A. Loreter, Esq., Warrawell, Dorsetahire, wore visited by party ...


... Groat Britain will be nsod by the Whig Government to rob the Pope of what is called his patrimony,” is unvarnished falsehood tho wit of man could devise. Wo apprehend, however, that it would extremely difficiilt to tho Whigs any such ground as is hero named ...


... ministerial statement before expressing decided opinion one way the other; yet it cannot forgotten that finance is rock on which Whig Governments have frequently been wrecked. ...


... bold.dashing, and gay; Lawyers and doctors, so terror instilling. Your dread fame alone should foe men ! Sinking nil come Whig and Tory, Meet with on© mind in Dove Valley Corps ; Think it your duty, come con amore. more patriotic than ever before. Hold ...

the distance

... religion, will be registered against the Whigs npon the very first occasion, and that that occasion may be close band. We have suggested reasons and motives why Englishmen and Protestants should vote the Whigs ont when the bell rings for the divi“ sion ...

■Citeratjr Cleanings

... Irish gentlemen feel that there are great principles that cannot be abandoned, and that, whatever the shortcomings of the Whigs a party, they cannot sacrifice principle punish them, or to exalt their opponents.’* The New Government Measure for the Inspection ...


... the streets, and the tramp of cavalry resounded in the fielda. In the general excitement, the voice of fiction was stilled; Whigs stood beside Tories in the ranks of the volunteers, and one feeling seemsd pervade England; so that well might their must gracious ...

to iodiraet taxation was in way too great. Were they to throw over the immense advantages of the commercial treaty,

... they were such as to induce them put trust in his present wild and improvident proposals. Denouncing the management of the Whig governmenta and budget since 1852, he declared that they showed how dangerous it was to carry on hy political economy the ...


... making such financial arrangements would enable Parliament to dispense with the paper duty, the Right Hon. Gentleman (the Whigs being in office) declared, that:—“ In his opinion the motion was prudent, politic, and beneficial,” and he gave his vote in ...


... the Conservative candidate the same election, amount £10,700 18s. Cd. Mr. Gladstone a.nd the Caiu.ton Club.— We {North, ern Whig) learn from a private source of information, on which we can place every reliance, that, on Wednes. day. last, Mr. Gladstone ...