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Freeman's Journal


... I - T~lEQUEN AD-T EMEiRnOR o10 AUSTRIA. -Somue German journals state that there Is every probability thert tile EmoIneror of Austria will shortly lhare aisotbar.inlter vi lew witI piin Illustrious persosnage, ead ~tho Queen of Groat siltaie Is nonsned. as tehc soereigng Indicated.' The Emperor, it, is nald. will be temporarily residing In tile neighbourhood. of Cobnrg In the month of ...


... FASRIO2 MrI) DVARETIES. I -.: T-ASHIONCA - - . VR'E. I I The Right lon,. the Lord .Chief3 Ju1tice. has errired atlnrrlrchglsss, acconipenled by Misses Lefroy and GcergiLrtroy.-,: ;!. :..'' :' .1,, 1,, ,Ih.; :o0.Ferrall ,as~narvived iet~llis. reside~nce, arripn-vsiiuoarc, fl-nitheP cntinkcl t. ' Siirg'on Bu'tclier fiis lfttowrifor three week9. Doctor Evory'aKe i-;tdy,,wIsbselellali has icen re ...


... BALLiNASLOr F&IR, (FnOM OUit RPoTEtA.!) BALIUNASLOE, WooNaESDAY, EVENuNG.-The great annual fair of Ballinaseloe, which may be truly desig- nated -an event of national importance, and the inte- rest of which increases every year, will open to-morrow morning at six o'clock. For some days past the inha- bitants of Ballinasloe have been making active prepa- rations for the reception of visitors, ...


... I 'GREAT OCTOBER FAIR OF TUAI. ( (FROa OUR CORRE5PONDENr.) TUAm, mioenDAY.-ThIs vas one of the largest cattle fairs ever held in Tuam. In fact, it was the opinion oi many that it came very nearly, if not actually up tr Ballienaloe, in point of nunshers and general quality of the supply. LOng before daylight the lots began to pour in, and to such an extent that a large tract of the. adjoining ...


... I FASHION AND ATIES.. I His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant enter- tained tbe following diotlngilaed company at dinner in tihe 'Vicecregal Lodge, on Saiturday :-Tii Earl and Countess of Carnwath, the Earl and Countess of Scafield, the lion. and rI 51ev. F. Grey and lady Elizabeth Grey, Miss Lascelles and Ui hliFS E Lascelles, Lady Grant, Lord Gough, thed Bigst Hon. Edward and Aira Cardwell, ...


... I I~c - : nAI- .'~ -_ e lig] The Globe of Saturday, which is thle only Londron t papebr that has any comments Ont the fall of Perugia, the intelligence 'not- having~ reached Londnutllt on l Saturday, has the annexed commtentst onl the arffair' ,t Petuia i avened. estedas :Inbyat- rp catured Goenerale Anhony Schmidt, the hru uero ofptioes la 'Peruigia calpta.' 'ihe Pa~sid tioops fought ...


... I FASHION AND VARIETIM | Mr. William Smith O'Brien, accompanied by Mrs. O'Brien and family, left Linerick Saturday evening for Dromoland House, on a visit to Lord lchiquit. The Marchioness of Londonderry and a party of distinguished guests arrived at Powerscourt Houso 03 Thursday night, having arrived at Xlugstoin, via Holyhesd, fromn London, at six o'clock, pm. With regard to the cOn. ...


... FAS111 N AN D) VAURETIES 1\la.ItltAG1C INi 1111il LwrEl.-The marria,,e C t 115113 bs tollybl CAi11pboill Esq., son of theo iito Sir cu:e CamIbCil, of l ;ned, N.D., to Lvelyx, eldest datiglil ,i It-n'102 Stu ft, lE.q., of Croslie Wust, Gallowvay, :WII(t e ,; sghtt'fr of til lalte A;;ndirul Lodr (jieooge Stuart, G 'Il;>;: '11 riltlutrl! l it St. o-orM.gc, Ilfaovcr-esqtnrer Ti'l eLimols ritO a1 ...


... |. FS SION AD VARIETIES: . The ucheiss of 8uther1and arrived at Staf- fordIHouseon Saturday from Tronthain 8alL-. -Her 'grace left on Monday on a visit to her Majesty stWindset CUelds The Duchess of lHamilton and family have 'arrived in Aritngton-street, London, from Scotland. Lord Talbot de Malabide haoj btenm elected'a Vlce President of tlb College Historical Sdciety. -The Right Hon. Colonel ...


... I , FASHION AND'VALIETIES.' Lord and Lady Durnally, fimily, and suite, have returned to Kllboy from Dublin. The Earl and Countess of Bective have left Pray to join Mre. Thompa.n at TUnderly Hall, lHirkby-Lonsdale; restrenslcand We arelhappy to learn herladyehiphasquite recovered from her late severe illness. Lord Otho Fitzgerald, one of the directors of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, to at ...


... -. FASHION AND VAETIES .The Earl and Countess of Fingll, family, and iulte have arrived at the Royal Hotel, Ringstown. :Lidy Louth left Louth Hall on Thursday for Parklstreet, Grosvenor-square, London, for a short stay. - The Right Hoi. Abraham Biewster left Fort Aiugustus, X.B., en Thursday, on his return to Merrion square. Mrs. Netterville Gerrard riived in Dublin, oa Frlday, .e route for ...