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... THE COURT. LONDON, FRIDAY.-Her Majesty the Queen held a levee in St. James's Palace yesterday afternoon. Her ?? and Lth P'ince Consort,atteiided by the ladsies and gentlemen in waiting, arrived from Buck- inghamn Palace at two o'clock escocted by a detneh- ment of Life Guards, and were received by tile great officers of State. The Duke of Ccubri'16e was pre- sent at the levee. The Queen and ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, JAN. 31.-The Prince of Orange, accompanied by the Prince Consort and Prine Edward of Saxe Weimar, attended by their gentlemen in waiting, wvent to Eton College yesterday afternoon. The Royal party was met at the college entrance by the Provost, who conducted them through tihe chapel, the library, and schools; after which they retained to the Castle. The Duke of ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR, SATURDAY. - 11er Majesty will hold a Privy Colincil at Buckinghiam Palace on the 23rd inst., to give her formal assent to the Royal Speech. Ti'o date of the arrival in town, for the London season, of her Majesty, the Prince Consort, the Royal flimily, and the ladics and gentlemen of the Court, will, it is said, be the 15th of February. The Marquis of Clanricarde left Desart ...


... TaR ART JOURNAL for July. London: J. S. Virtue. Belfast: J. Harton, Waring Street. THE engravings this month are Peace, from the icture by James Drummond, ?? and Bacchus and Ariadne, by Turner. The'former is in the Royal collection at Osborne, the latter in the National Gal- lery. They are very different in style, and no two pictures could better illustrate the different effects that art ...


... A T N I G H T. 1DYiNG? ?? do butjest! You smile in the dark, .1 know! Surely I should know best How the quick pulses go. Lay your hand on my cheek: FEEL, though you sup not, the red. Why, in another week, I shall have left my bed! It 'was being so long alone- So sickof the world's vain strife, Uncared for, and unknown, That sapp'd the springs of life! You have given a world of love: Nay, ...


... THE COURT. Her ?? and the Prince Consort wvill leave town, for WVindsor Castle, on Tuesday, for the Ascot week. A succession of visitors will be invited to the Castle, and on Wednesday and Thursday grand din- ners will be given. St. George's Hall will be used on this occasion. The Court will return to Buckingham Palaca next Saturday.-Court Jorw'nal. Her Majesty the Queen will arrive in Berlin ...


... FAS -I [ON. . T Hl E C O U R T. WINDSOR CASTLE, NOV. 22.-Ier Majesty's dionel- paltV vestilav includedO i PrineA tied, Piincess Alice, and iet i'rincess of Leiiingen, tile ?? Prince and Prilicess of' ilolsteiti Augnustenlubomrg, thle Eall anld uniltess of Clarondlll, tile Lady in Waiting to thu I [ereditnlry Priicess, Lady Caroline BarringtDIn, Major-General ie, Nlon. C. and Mrs. Grey, tile ...


... T IT E CO UR T. LONDON, SATURDAY.-I-lS Royal HighleSS the0 Prince Consort rode on horseback with Prince Alfred yesterday morning,. The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred and Princess Alice, and attended by hIC llon. Carolinc Cavendish, Mion. Horatia Stopford, Lord Alfred Paget, anl Colonel the Him. A. lardingC, went yesterday afternoon to thc Floral lail, Covent Garden. The ...


... TuE ELLISONe GALLERY.-We (Adienseutms) have to announce the fiundation of a new public gallery of art- the Ellison Gallery-henceforth to rank in name and standing with the Vernon Gallery and the Slieepshanks Gallery. Mrs. Elizabeth Ellison, of Sudbrooke Holme, in the County of Lincoln, has made to the Department of Science and Art tit South Kensington a most noble gift. It consists, for thle ...


... T H B C a O TUROT. The Queen, accompanied by the. Princess Alice and Prince Arthur, and attended by the Hon. Beatrice Byng, took a drive in a carriage-and-four oh Tuesday afternoon. The Equerries in Witihig attended on horseback. The Earl of t.Iin 'had an audience of her Majbsty yesterday at Buckingfiaim Palceo. The Prince Consort rode on horseback yesterday morning, attended by Ctlptain Du ...


... By degrees flounces appear to be regaining the posi- tion which, for a time, they had partially lost. For dresses of thin texture they certainly form the pret- tiest and most suitable ornament.. On. barege or tarlatane, plisse or bolliflonne may be used effectively. For Summer toilet, large open-sleeves wvill be adopted. Bodies arg worn low, or high and buttoned up,. In the former case ...


... WINTER HYMN. By WILLIAM R1OSS WALLACE. MWE hear the trumpets of the great Wind blow Through many a mountain-pass and column; We seo the banners of the storm-clond flow, Broad, dark, and solemn; The sea is ehantigi legends stern an(l old By darkling strand and leafless promontory- Gone Sumlier's wreath, gone Antuoni's robe of gold, Cono all tile pomp and glory. FatIler, be with usl An endless ...