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... FASRIO2 MrI) DVARETIES. I -.: T-ASHIONCA - - . VR'E. I I The Right lon,. the Lord .Chief3 Ju1tice. has errired atlnrrlrchglsss, acconipenled by Misses Lefroy and GcergiLrtroy.-,: ;!. :..'' :' .1,, 1,, ,Ih.; :o0.Ferrall ,as~narvived iet~llis. reside~nce, arripn-vsiiuoarc, fl-nitheP cntinkcl t. ' Siirg'on Bu'tclier fiis lfttowrifor three week9. Doctor Evory'aKe i-;tdy,,wIsbselellali has icen re ...


... I 'GREAT OCTOBER FAIR OF TUAI. ( (FROa OUR CORRE5PONDENr.) TUAm, mioenDAY.-ThIs vas one of the largest cattle fairs ever held in Tuam. In fact, it was the opinion oi many that it came very nearly, if not actually up tr Ballienaloe, in point of nunshers and general quality of the supply. LOng before daylight the lots began to pour in, and to such an extent that a large tract of the. adjoining ...


... I I~c - : nAI- .'~ -_ e lig] The Globe of Saturday, which is thle only Londron t papebr that has any comments Ont the fall of Perugia, the intelligence 'not- having~ reached Londnutllt on l Saturday, has the annexed commtentst onl the arffair' ,t Petuia i avened. estedas :Inbyat- rp catured Goenerale Anhony Schmidt, the hru uero ofptioes la 'Peruigia calpta.' 'ihe Pa~sid tioops fought ...


... I FASHION AND ATIES.. I His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant enter- tained tbe following diotlngilaed company at dinner in tihe 'Vicecregal Lodge, on Saiturday :-Tii Earl and Countess of Carnwath, the Earl and Countess of Scafield, the lion. and rI 51ev. F. Grey and lady Elizabeth Grey, Miss Lascelles and Ui hliFS E Lascelles, Lady Grant, Lord Gough, thed Bigst Hon. Edward and Aira Cardwell, ...


... I FASHION AND VARIETIM | Mr. William Smith O'Brien, accompanied by Mrs. O'Brien and family, left Linerick Saturday evening for Dromoland House, on a visit to Lord lchiquit. The Marchioness of Londonderry and a party of distinguished guests arrived at Powerscourt Houso 03 Thursday night, having arrived at Xlugstoin, via Holyhesd, fromn London, at six o'clock, pm. With regard to the cOn. ...


... By degrees flounces appear to be regaining the posi- tion which, for a time, they had partially lost. For dresses of thin texture they certainly form the pret- tiest and most suitable ornament.. On. barege or tarlatane, plisse or bolliflonne may be used effectively. For Summer toilet, large open-sleeves wvill be adopted. Bodies arg worn low, or high and buttoned up,. In the former case ...


... WINTER HYMN. By WILLIAM R1OSS WALLACE. MWE hear the trumpets of the great Wind blow Through many a mountain-pass and column; We seo the banners of the storm-clond flow, Broad, dark, and solemn; The sea is ehantigi legends stern an(l old By darkling strand and leafless promontory- Gone Sumlier's wreath, gone Antuoni's robe of gold, Cono all tile pomp and glory. FatIler, be with usl An endless ...


... T H E CO UR T. LONDON, MONDAY.-The Queen and the Prince Consort., accompanied by Pr ince Arthtiu' and atten(1ed by the Countess of Desart, lon. IHoratia Stopford, Lord Charles Fitzroy, anti Lieut.-Colonel the I-Ion. D. de Ros, went on Saturday afternoon to Lincoln's Inn hall and library. Hlis Royal Highness presided on Saturday at a mneeting of the British Association, held at Buciglhiarn ...


... an vttmoxinlll. THE MARTYR OF DAMASCUS. hi the dreadful massacro of the Cbristians in Damaccus, Mr. Graham had been placed for safetv by the British Consul in the houso of a Maoslrln, and the Turkilsh guard-who noted as his escort on leaving his place of refuge-on being attacked by a band of Druses, LEYT our Missionary to his fate, when he fell a victim to their infuriate rage. There's wailing ...


... FA S H.ION. T' I E C O U 1R T. WNINDSOR CWSVLI, D)l c 1. -Tho Royal diltner-party yeslerd'ay included Pricoe Alf ed, Pri cess Alicc, PIrilce Lonis of liessc, the1 Malqis 11(n3 Marellinmuss of ACail''t01', antd lanrlv G aorgi1na1 Iamtiilton, Laily Caro)line B~arrington, tile Wltiht 11oll. SirlThomal~s IV Iise, 1,aron voon 'IVstorwelhlor, latd Mljor COwell, It, E. Thoe Mar~lquis :nir ...


... FASH ION. THlE COURT. LONDON, FarDAYi-Her Majesty the Queen held a Privy Council yesterday afternoon at Bucldngham Palace. It was attended by bis Royal Highness the Prince Consort, Earl Granville, Lord.President; Vis- count Palmerston, First Lord of the Treasury.; Sir George Grey, Chancellor or the Duchy of Lancaster; Viscount Sidney, Lord Nbamberlainr; and Earl Spencer, GroomIl of thie Stole ...