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Advertisements & Notices

... 6?outil to -ell, Net, or fa. BOTHWELL. 0 FEV, that PIECE of GROUND called KILN- ]TWELL amounting to upwards of i Acre Scotch measure, situated on the east side of the Glalsgow Roads anud commwunding a fine view up th e Vale of Clyde as far as Tinto. This is a first-class site, and well Nvorth theattention of any person intending to build. Apply to Mr. Alex. Hamilton. Blaker, Bothwoell; or to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 41K flt2CH iTEARYINSTITUTE. MEE~x~~~thisInsitut wil be eldin future in the Th'~110 hoeb ista o te uen' Romas fornnerly. It-all1 3. ADASON, Sec. Nb~ NOV., ?? %~T, y~terdayForenoon, between the Cathedral 114 edhn'~'ret.a Lady's GOLD WATCH. Anyonehv rg eoJ ?? besutaly Ilwarded upon del1ivering it to Mr. ~ t~ ?? ?? 02Bucanant Street. -OS, n aurd y igta Black and Tau BULL 11(; in t~ o tonae f ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? CELTIC SOCIETY. ( ~ b sutunte tl~atthe S'BE advertised. ole~~ Rf7s beg ?? ~ihixtzm. bi3t'- t heoN SO lth ; frhciticurt, ?? N412 PO)STPONED tjil the 121,1 nstc ixt. atr 1'articialt v ill be give n IIcE?, r. blasgO W, 11th October., 1800. sGARIBAI1DI ITALIAN FUND. G -B~CRPT1ONS OF ANY AMIOUNT lreceivetl by 3?tS. i'0-ALD 1M1PT, Treasurer, 21 Gordon Street. l, jets s7otr been seu-nt y the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £.500 WANTE D Imib~edia-tely, to tc:,'e be a 'Ztti Ii !3'ir. GatiMwi ±X!itno F -,adI.-I . Donald ]Cmpt, G'61~:l P. . (lileia' 5.~11~n,\ hr l t~t ei eei1stl'Stifl~ so i st fyi..iitiasbd\, tCId~ I. ?? s le'aithe P on's ecu 2)0nonliet da3naaions sill ema. ecceoti us ?? .0 11cta.e LIoli th itctg0 .t-so. ohmshei ~o :iv inii olotii'titd cilizcnse lay mitt lilxceiw tot-s t-te :?fluitt of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASarn t! ?&sa~jt-(COXTNxUzD).- 1' RM O LET, on the Estate of Airdrsie, I 1st, The FARMI ofGA LE as presently possessed Jby James Jdde.ecna)'ncaou 5Aces Scotch measure. '3j The FARM1 ea BELLSDY S, 'as presently possesseqd by lie - ae areal Arable, arid lie in the imme-diate neiAgh- Jofi~ ahe aontI of Airdri~t hr hr isa readymsarl t nd~ f Frm rodce;andabudance of manure a Oles wll e rceied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - B Mcs0Ei b1R! SalC~tih-(CONTINUED.) T1; DAY (FRIDAY) 24751 AtitlAST, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. PUBlIC SALE OF GlOCERTF.S, PROVISIONS, AND UTI3NSILS: 24 Dozen BOTTLES VERY FINE OLD PORI WINE, Shipped by Carlos Branderedo; 7 Cases Duty-Pa;id BRANDY, Old Cognac, Six Years in Bottle; S 6asks PRSIEt TABLE BUTTER, 16Boxes BROWN AND PALE SOAP, SET OF 35 MiOULDS FOR GUTTA PERCHA SHOES AND . BOOTS, Complete ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - antracti ILYBANK YVOLUTEER RIFLE CORPS.- J The above Corps having more thai completed theirminimunm number are prepared to receive ESTIMATES for CLOTHING and ACCOUTREMENTS. Specmensto beleft immediatelyat the lina Foundry Warehouse, 25 Bobet6son Street.. . This Company meets for Drill and Enrolment of Members in their Hll, 25 Robertson Street (top flat), every Alonday-and Wednesday at 8 ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fas GRAND RECEPTION SOIREE will be given all A to FREDERICK DOUGLASS, in the CITY HALL, on la TUESDAY EVENING, January 31, at Seven o'clock. D wVID SSgiTI, Esq., in the Chair. Mr. Douglass will give a fall account te °f'cliarkletsis.3d. eaertch, nto beb had at the Religous Institution ROODDS' Mr. Collie's, 91 Buchanan Street; Mr. Nelys, 1S Glass- ford Street, and at D. ds J. Smith's, 1,-3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PiLEsItiSEiw ?? ,, 1Xu aii is. EtU'CLA i'NCT; StCanli:') ?? ?? ,, ?? i i '.Ol;?QL Tf3 S741Pt'F.xiS 5i Tlic ElllT STI aerl >O}iTE h3I''RiIC.XNr llOYAx. Bi'iT STFi.4=i Pi5C''RET CCJA;PT'.Y negtoi! rormS!Lprerstilatti2iY 1 .\ iLi.C'n.l to des5flratch t'le followxiel SereLr S.ea.n Shi9s:-:ETDJt Liverponl fCrI ?? wz Y(2gl; d2rect Sat., SIarrh 10. U. RA. . Lirer zool f ol Li-z Ev Yo:zls, si i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jHE GARIBALDI ITAL'TLAN FCJND. CIAIrAN-WALThR EUCR.ASAN, ESQ., 31.P. VI CE. C11AlUS N, ROB1ERT TrALGL1SH, EsQ., If-P., t. B.CHUM.1 ENViNG, RESQ., IL P., MUC H TEINNENT, Esq% of Wellpark. DONALD RKaIPT, RESQ., 21 Gordon Stieet, Treasurer. 1tOEEW~X 7JthTEAE, EsjQ_ HerU. Secetay 'The Corurittee request that pa-rties desirous of suhgeuibiug to IbisFun wil r~ so ithut dlay asit is inten,'led to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wi .anursoay. . ?? & soaj=. ,, ?? ?? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _ __ _ R-SIO . UliVERSI TY. t _t DIRLA, XG Commences a COURSE of MATHEMATICS I r on ArONDAY, c2D APRIL, at 9 .t. - GERMANXY. t DUCATION.--W. DU ROI, Graduate of the' 1University of Gottiagen. ;Brnnswick (where-the purest German is spoken), receives into' hisFamilyMEGHT YOUNG I GENTLEMIN, :to.a cbaarefullryeducated by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L ?? ?? &3: GC MR. CLOKIE'S CASE. in the Press, aid wifbe Published Iiiv ?? Days, Price One Sbilli, 1P 11) EPORTOfFROOEEDIN GS izthe REFORMED I~ RESYTEIA SYOD egrdilg heRav. ANDREW u~bl~l ad ESTCAPBEL ~TlEE R. CONGREGA- =ION, ri~ ot of is Eze~oh romis, andother Charges. C C~ssgw: JON RAI, 10 rgyllStreet. A Newv and EIlXOed Edition, Price Gs. 6d., TEADE RS OF THE REFORMATION. _ L LUgTHERS. C ...