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... , CATTLE SHOW-CADDER DISTRICT AGRICUL- TURAL SOeIEETY. 'uLAU aovti-JSLA. The annual cattle show of this society took place at Bishopbriggs, on Thursday the 7th current, in a field kindly granted for the occasion by Andrew Wanock, Esq., Bear- yards, and although the weather was not all that could be wished, yet the commencement was imposing, and everything went on well. At eleven o'clock, one ...


... ?? AND MRS. CHARLES 11WN. Last night our theatre presented a very animating and N brilliant scene, all parts of the house, from the dress circle I to the upper gallery, being filled by an eager, and, we may i add, discriminating audience. Mr. Kean appeared as Hamlet, which we may almost term his masterpiece, at least the part with which he has been more completely ideatified than any living ...


... 1qSTGpOGOWV)1USIC&L ARSTIVAL. e£rsm onc& of th tst6ucalotiav Glaowp - tootpace yest diby evem~g, igzt wsltt mootgratifyig' to dtrrende atince tasovwthat thittauguraion of- an undertolereg so.-important ,awaa thoronah success >'iThet City Hal was crowded with prbably- the g eats ssemk blage of our nobility and gentry ev3 wethih its walls; and the presidency of the Honoura the Lord Provost lent, ...


... UfanaL~sm lltruo vH - * - a -v b The annual cattle show of the Carmunnock Farmers'.Soa iety tosk place in a field near the village on Tuesday, 29th inst., when the judges, Messrs. Hamilton (Tilliechewan), Buchanan (Garseadden Mains), and Clark (Razeldean), after a skilful examination, awarded the prizes in the various classes as follows, ?? Class I. Cow, three years old or upwards, in milk-lst ...


... AGRICULTURiL SHOWS. The.annual exhibition of cattle ank' dairy produce, in con- nection with Chryston Agricnltural Society, iok ple on Tuesday. The show of cattle was held on part of the polikies ft Es.l- lay, whbich, fog several years, hba been very handsoluely granted for that purpose by the proprietor, Thomas Craig Christie, Esq. The early part of the day being shotwery-, the spectators ...


... LITER A TURE. WL Co vnno E.NLAM D A' SCOrLAED. By Hugh 'sa3 REq., LLD'., Sberiffflnbetitute ebPerth^Erei-) T, & T. Clark, Edjnburh. (BECO0NDIOn!Ca.) ln inteetigtras a parti5ilY read before the Soscial a V Umber, 1860; but though a short abstract of It -sFi appear i th5e prinrd proceedings of the AssOciatlOr, it will afford L but an imperfect idea of the subject, as nOW treated of at ...


... PICKING-S PIROMx PUNOEH -% 7 M4Wbesandilie1V t , -1the'author ?? t eei Mr,, O'BrieznuthaA ton , - Totoltetin nuet,'!J it4 Wh etf~ty~ei~fD lb . i ...


... LITEBATURE, TEE HOLY BiBLs, with an Explanatory and Practical Corn mientary. IlustratedEdition. PartslandIL -Imperial At quarto.. lopdon, and Hope Street, Glasgow: James S. ; Virtue. ag _An wko know the very beautiful aud correct manner in irs which so niany valuable works have been sent forth into the ice world by Mr. Virtue will be gratified to learn that he is now ad engaged in -the ...


... Ton will not expect much literary news at this season of the year, when all authors and publishers have, like Queen Guinevere, fled the town, but there is more book gossip- than September usually supplies. Messrs. Longman's quarterly NIotes on Books-a soft of trade circular or price icurrent of their house-announces several interesting books *as forthconming,- Prominent among them- is a, ...


... - - NINETEEN YEARS IN POLYNESIA; Missionary Life, Travels, and Researches in the Islands of the Pacific. By the Rev, George Turner, of the London Missionary Society. 8vo, pp. 548. London: John Snow 1861. Nowhere, in modern times, has the success of Christian missions to the heathen been so decided and triumphant as in the islands of the South Sea. During the last thirty years -In'-4he iever o ...


... ?? I ?? I - ?? CA:rIE, STRATEBLANE, AND B-XLDEPNTWK , d- ~CATT'LE.SIOW. ?? ?? Tie annuatshol w of'tfi6 Rscity tdok place ot Tuesday, ASt:. the Clachaq of Campsie; - The -da thgrhughoat was sll..th44 could be desiredi. aud a good nuinberof spectators werelrs: setD- Tbe entries-of stock ?? former-yeari* The Judges of stock were-NMessrs. John VI'Adson. .foha young. ind Wm. Matber; and-£frbatter ...


... ~- M I ?EW,, _LA AGgICULTUR&LSROH . ?? . ,tv took tlice ?? 0. on t The anual shw of tis society too plce down sayon ~e grounds of the Airdyle race-course. The day throughout was mset ddightfatiL and the sectators were far more unie- roeus than on any previous occasin. On the grand stand ther was a brilliant display of the fair sex, who coinmanded a most impusing appearance from their ...