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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T JIATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. TLast Wedsk but One of tire Engagement of tho cele- Coerldi~lil, 31r. JORN DREW; who is received nighrtly creoAd'Aan delighted aurdicnces.-THIS EVENING (Tttes- 0thme Ol, tIre pcrformences tvill commence with the . Iofc RUY 'MOiIE.-itory qto~ro, Mr Joirn Drew;- De p caq Cw1eston ;Scrubbas, Mr 11 liarfoot; Do Welskoin, .. D Pafilla5 ; Colonel Thunder, MrP Holston; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1EATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. T mr. JOHN DREW as lRory OlMoro' and Doctor ioole.'fhIIS EVENING (Monday), November bth, tho °finanecs will commeonco with Samuel Lover's Drama on- JiOlY OhlORlE--Iory 031oro, Mr John Drew; Do Mr C Weston ; Scrubbs, Air H1 Barfoot ; Do Welskeln, 13 8 ,IaIsam ; Colonel Thunder, Mr Molston; Soldering All1 F Allen Shan Dhu, Mir F Huntley ; iKathleen, lI'n snor Thorne * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. art X\ 1., Publicieilcd ith tho Magazinie.i ,or Soptecuber,. 'rces Nineponc, of L TxIIE' YEAR R:2)UND,' A Contains t'0o1onrhclSon of Wilkie Collins's Story, I ti, TII AVONIAN IN WHIITE. hlice Commencement of a Now Serial Tulc, by CHAIMES LrL es , entitled, A DAY'S RIDE: A LIlE'S ROMANCE. Tlio Thirteencth Journey of THE UNCOM11MERCIAL TRIAVELLER, By CnAIxIs Dltc'INS.1 Also, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITATRE ROYALE DYUBLIN. Night but ORO Of *he engagemnent Of Mr. and TARLS KEAN. Mi;EAN. Mpir amaisn N Chapman, Mr Sr tta CthCartTHtIS EVENSUt (Montay), bGrirth, the perforantes will commence with Shuaks.. a et lragedy Of RlICHIARD I 1..--ltbard. Mr Charles PtI .. NaDs lienry Vl. He F liunttey; Prince of Wales, Miss Henry, Earl of Ricbmond, Mr lr J F Cathearar - pube Of lUehingham, Mr G Everett; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1IBATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. r r Mr. JOHN DREW as Gerald Pepper and p Doctor 00re*_THHI EVENING (Saturday), November 3d, the ° 8rcel wiR l commence with the admired Co medletta. ptie DELIlCATE GRlONTfGIDI-CItizcn Sangfroid, Mr W to ''re; AlphOnse de Grandlor, Mr C Weston; Pauline, bliss ShTlene After which the THE WVITE HORSE OF THE ,,pEpSGcreld Popper (with song) , Mr John Drew; Major hlusfclt, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIB ATR9-flR YkLS'i'D-UiISN. On THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, December 2s11b, | pinuaneea '*1W: 4dthonentle 'ith the DOA 'entd L wILE TREASURL-Sfty Charles Howard, Mr W Baye. Mal* Captasi Walter Maydesbiusl, tir 1 Barloot; Gettrudo, S Torne ; Lady Howard, Mrs Walt0 Aisynhanm. To ,,irde with the Chrhstui-lPantomime entitled JACK THE NT-lLLERl t F~ HARLEQUIN, KING ARTHUR, AND g 2IGHTS OF Y) ROUND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. Ort AU Lh le pto pib ANTEI, a sober, steady Man, to keep a T hlal Set 6f Books and collect 8aI debt& Hours, from 9 SAX to S P.Mo. Wages 14e, weekly, wh *n adnce i found deseriug; must be wae recau Oenda AddreU3,0tl g age, A B. 8, Upper Baggot-street. Ho , an S IJLJANTED, in a Public House, an active Girt Ias Thorough Serntmst be a good wasber ao ViiWlteat- Apply' t 0o. Grq~t D s' ~ 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDED ESTATES._ LA1NDEYE ESTATES COURT. FiNAL1 N5T!CE TO, CLAIMANT'S Arm INCUfliBRANCEiCS. In the Matter of 11T ME 'Ntethat 'rho Estate of ..Ta Et SeNeotleeo ru Lady Elizabeth Moore, rbrances affecting part of the Owner and P'etittoner, Lands of Seasosn, Logatlin, 4mooirernlarghi, Brockallolefld, Btathland, and Btroadlay's, all commonly known by the name of Liallymsoro Eustace,' formerly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. -EJj,`iC`COLLEG'E nelar 'CALMARSAPr-nrci-p-al~,M.T LAST(nIE, CUEVEC(EUIO, assisted by Twelye Musters in Iholy Order'). TLRbiS: X30 per Annum, including Physician anid De' t!t'it, Attendance, Laundress, Stationary, Books, &-c. Mtons. F. LAMBERIT, one of the Professors, is now In DUBLIN. for a few days, and will be lhappy to conemunicate witls l'.eili~s. -Prospsectuses, withs the plan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHIMNEYPIECES in Italian, Belgian, Irish, and English Marble, Eaemelled Slate and Cast Iron. suitablo for Dravingrooms, Diningrooms, Bedrooms, d c, A very large stock to select from.-MAURICE BROOKS, SACKVILLE-PLACE, Dublin. ARVINGS IN WOOD. ECCLESIO- C LOGICAL DECORIATIONS-3sicb in thie department of art has been sent to England and elsewhere to be executed while articles equal In quality, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST. JOSEPH'S CHRISTMAS BAZAAR.- The ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAARI and DRA11UNG of PRCIZES for the above Institution will be held in tite ROUND ROOM cof the ROTUND on WVEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 20th end 27th of December, 180 uinder 3 distinguished patronage. Tic claiertebte ladlles, ;lt5 assist I in furnishing tables for the Christmee Bazaar, are respect- fully solicited to prepare as many fancy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOM PAPER, in great variety, at , MAURICE BROOKS'S, SACKVILLE-pLACE, Dublin. l OOM PAPER.-A most eXtensive and varied assortment of the Newest Patterns, from 4d. to lbs per dosen. Builders' Ironmoegery, Grates, iKitcihen 1l 1sg es, Staves, ac., Metal and Ilrble lantelpieces, Window Glass, PnintNOdi Coioure,_THoM~SDOCiKRELL, 68, South Greet fieorge s, strtect. oG.16 TMPO1^TANT.XThe only ...