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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... THITEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN-Mr J SARR18 has much pleasure to announce that he has, Ir conjunction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, mado arrange- snents :for a short series of Italian Operas, comnmencing on MONDAY EVENING, Sept. 10, 1860, supported by the fol- lowing eminent Artistes:- MADAME GRISI SIGNOR MARIO gADAME VIARBDOT GARCIA SIGNOR ANGELO LUISE MIADAME ORVIL SIGNOR GR-AZIANI MIADLLE SEDLArZEX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T flEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN -Mr J liAltRI has the pleasure to announce that ho oxs, is conjonction with Mr. WILLERT BEALE, made arrange- zejts for a short oeries of Italian Operas, commencing on MONDAY, SEPTEMIBER 10, 180, supported by tho following aminent Artistes:- MADAME GRISI IGNOR MARIO MiADAME VIAIIDOT IGNOB ANGELO LUISE lIADLLE ORVIL S IONOlt GtAZIANI MAD LIXE SEDLATzEK IGNOn FAILAR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. \ RESIIAM LIFE. ASSURANCE * SOCIETY, V. 8, JiOL JEWRY, LONDON. T'ic Issued during tho year assuring upwards bf ONE \)tiflLON STERLING. R Nevr Prorainmg received durirng tho year 185, £28,208 2s. 108. Although the principal portion of this Society's Policies are upon First class Lives, Its peculiar feature eonslits In the Assurance, at equitable rates, of the lives of lidlflvdual of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. TATE _ IiS KLLEN'S BOARDIN AND DAY SCHOOL4 18, * PEPGARDINER-STUET! *-h$sl ?? i l ry glng beprA.RVOPENED by wiseytrut that t1S ITUFFT, with ano eficient staff of Muaters They trust that te Publie w ill continue tbe kind p3- tronage so liberally bestowed upon their predecessor. The courae of Instruction (embracing all the branches of a useful and polite education), ia well selected ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UHEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. MR. HARRIS has the honour to announeo the en- 8,cnt of Mr. and Mrs. CHARLES KEAN for F'iOd. ' ?? a assisted by Miss Chapman, Miss N Chap- Or, ia 0 Everett, and Mr J F Cathcart, late Membeisof the rFO Frincess's Company.-THIS EVENING (Monday), S.,raber 26th, 1860, t11e perforinanees will commence with Obspeares Tragedy of MACBETIL-Macbetb, Mr Charles nBaoquo, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TUEATRE ROYAL DUBLIN. Oil T1IS EVENING (Tharsday), December 27th. rfermances will commence with the Drama entitled Oe £PeITTLE TREASURE.-SIr Charles Howard, Mr WV 8ayn. lit captaia Walter )Iaydenblash, Mr H Baroott ; Gertrude, izss l Sorne; Lady Howard, Mrs Walter Baynham, To CIonsle wlth the Chrietmas Pantomime entitled JACK THE ,t8NT.N1rLLER; or, HARLEQUIN, KING ARTHUR, AND G liSIOSITS OF YE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. lMRl. IABniIS line the honour to announce tho com- enmcont of ?? Dramatic Season; with the engagement of Sir WALTER M1ONTGOMERY for a limited perlod-TIIS EENINiG (Friday), October 5th, will be porformed Shak- peare's Tragedy of HIAMLET.-lHanlet, Mr W Montgomery; Claudius, Mr F Alen; Polonius, Mr Granby; Horatio, Mr C weston Laertes, MrWfBaynham; Giost of Hamlets Father, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T iFATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I Last Night but Four of the ZOUAVE ARTISTES.' Till,; EVENING (Tuesday), October 16th, 7will be performed Sherdhatr KnoWles Play of WILLIAM TELL.-Will'am Tell, SIr IV jiontgomery; Gealer, Mr F Huntloy; Sarnem, Mr F n*Ermra, Mrs C Rllr tephensn.- .After which-the French in;de ille (in one act), entitled PAS DE FUltEE SANS FEU -BY the ZouSVO Company. , Thlo 'mowers of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. tJ IDLAND GREAT WESTERN M IL RAILWAY GOODS AND CATrLE TRAFFiC. The Ststions on thi Tam Line are w open for Goods and Cat4e.&raffie. I Par.i &.ars to late, &C., can be obtlfiled at the SRatons. W. FOR)3E4, Msnagor. Broadtinea ublin 18th November. IBMO_ ,_ SPORTING. TUR T I NOG U ND S. II LALOiLTrE'B R lN) SCHOOL'-. ' t Mr. LALOUETTE, at tile reqagst of soveral Genitlemorn, hati, ini ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (jvi iIMINEYPI:ECES in Italian, Belgian, Irish, . and English Marble, Enamelled Slate and Cast Iron. suitable for Drawingrooms, Diningrooms. Bedrooms, &c, A very large stock to select from.-MAURICE BROOKS, SACKIVILLE-PLACE, Dublin. PUBLICATIONS. rjQUE QUARTERLY RTEVIEW, T.. Ilo. CCXVI., is publislti THIS DAY. COSTNT:: I The Empire of Brozil! 11. Deaconesses 111. Public Schools IV. Wills and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIAMOND ORNAMENTS. Mr. ACiiESON begs leave to announce that he has returned from London with a large assortment of New anid Second-hand DIAllOND ORNAMENTS, which will be sold at moderate prices. They consist of Single Stone Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-rings, Rings, &1c., 1n great.Variety, I WM. ACHESON and CO., I09 Graften-streOt LEGAL POSTINGS. COURT OF DANKRIUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY. IN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. !R. IIAI:RIS has the honour to announce tho engage- ?? of Mr. J. DREW, the celebrated Irish Comedian, who lias created great sensation in all the principal American Theltrs, and lies Just arrived from Australia, wiere lie has nyu ?? beyond all ?? Week of tho Ergagenment of Mit. WALTER llONTGO.MEFY.-TIIIS ,.NjEXlING (Wednesday), October 24th, 1SfO, ths perfor- inance8s v ...