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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... L I T E RAT U R E, THE BADDINGrON P1ERBAGEI* Mr. Sala's novel lais been subjected to severe oriti- eism. The saturday Review gave it to their unsc~a. pulous slasher; the amiable editor of this periodical Lass his list of authors to be abused, Mr. Sala, with Mr. Dickens, is on the black list. Let the popular George Augustus place his name upon a new title ' page, rind all lovers of ill-natured ...


... , The latest brochure on Italian subjects is contri- buted by M. Hippolyte Castille, under the title of Le Pape et ?? As our readers have heard Bo much already in the shape of argument about the pope's temporal authority, we shall take the li- berty of passing at once so an account of two succes- sive interviews with Cardinal Antonelli and his holil ness, very strikingly narrated by the ...


... ?? - THB ILLUSTRATED HORSE-DDOTORi2 Mr. Edward Mayhew has lo0g enjoyed a b;gh re. ,utation as a veterinary surgeon. As the editor of Blair's Veterinary Art, and as the author of The Horse's Mouth, and Dogs: their Management, hi name has long been pleasantly familiar to all who interest themselves in dogs and horses. A close and shrewd observer, a methodical compiler of the results of ...


... FASBIONS FOR MARCH. (From Le Follet, JournaZ ?? Monde:)' Throughout the season gold and silver gauze has been very fashionable for ball dresses. Tarlatare, with flounces embroidered with coloured spots of vel- vet or of gold-spotted all over with gold, silver, cerise, &c.-are all in favour. We have also remarked an organdi, with white stripes, wrhich makes a simple but very charming dress, ...


... LITERATURB TEE ASTRIONOMICAL EXPEDITION TO SPAIN. The dull literary season hge set in with its usual 8everity. Promises we have, in plenty, bat books SCnow ready,' or in afew days, are rare. Guide books by the dozen issue from the press, to catch the flitting traveller; but these are no more literary per. formancesthanare Letts' Diaries Practical Time Tables and Guides, and Tourists' ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, HER M&1ESTY'S THEATRE. mings end operas appear never to die. On TUes. day last HER M rAJEsTY TnaAT'E finished its season, and on Thursday it was working away as hard as ever, and no more feeling the fatigue than would a steam- engine. The explanation is that the now season, com. menced on Thursday, is to be a series of extra nights at reduced prices, for the especial ...


... PUBLIC AMtT$BY-ENTS, 'TOYAL LYCEUJAO THEATRE. The second season of the LYCEUM THMATRE, under the management of Madame Celeste, commenced on Monday last. A variety of new features claims our attention. The performancee are new, or new to this house; ard the list of artists Las beon ?? re- cruited from home and abroad. Mr. Charles Dance's graceful little drnma, Delicate Gtround-, lte of the ...


... LITEBATURE. CHRISTMrAS BOOKS. Christmas is as certain to be welcomed with timelyI books, in Ielloow, blue, req, and gold, as he is to have his holly. crown and miseltoe. Tales illustrating the virtues andahowing the dangers and sorrows of vicious courses; narratives of daring adventure by land and sea; sclence made easy for the young idea; and fairy stories of all kinds employ the pencils of ...


... tPUBLIC AMUSEMEXTSl LYCEUM THEATRE. The great theatrical event of the week has been the representation, on Monday evening, at this theatre, of Mr. Charles Dickens's Tale of TwO Cilia, dramatised by Mr. Tom Taylor. Many of the literary celebrities of London-editors, sub-editors, critics, wits, and Templars-were in attendance on the occasion. Even the dull scribbler of the Smnash-and-Spatter ...


... HER MA.JESTY'S THEATRE. During the past week the Verdi star has been in the ascendant at the old house. On Taesday, 11 srovlaore was given for the second time this season. The parts of Leonora and Mawrico were taken as usual by Madesnliselle Titiens and Signor Giuglini; Signor Aldighieri was the Conte di Luna, and Madame Borghi Maio the new AZUcenm. The pre- sent was only the second occasion ...


... ROYAL ITALIAN OPFER. The fourteenth season of the ROYAL II'ALL&N OPERA opened on Tuesday last, with ISeyerbeer's latest mas- terpiece, Dinorah. The opera, since last year, has, by representation on the English stage, becomae sO well known, that comment here is needless; but on the whole the performance on Tuesday was the best that has been heard. Madame Miolan Carvalho, who made her first ...


... PUBLIC AmcSEMENTS. Some few years since-even long after poor Mons. Jullien commenced teaching the public that they had music in their nouls-the faces of those who relied for amusement not upon themselves, grew long towards the conclusion of Lentt For one whole week there was no place to go to. People who kept nice houses and pretty daughters found that at last Mr- Jones had managed to find ...