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BIRTHS. At 37 Killer

... mont Street, on the 14th inst., Mrs. John Smith; a son. At 136 Buebanan Street, on the 14th inst., Mrs. John Fraser, Queen's Restaurant; a daughter. At 6 South Wellington Street, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Chas. Forsyth; a daughter. At 106 Bll Street, Peel Terrace, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Peter M`Farlane, a son. At 27 Weymouth Terrace, Southampton, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Walter Ritchie; a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ?? BIRTHS. o At 4 Park Terrace, on the 25th inst., Mrs. William Auld; a daughte At Clober, on the 25th inst., Mrs. James Pender; a son. E At 275 Garscabe Road, Mrs. Andrew Forgie; a son. P MARRIAGES. 0 At 137 West Regent Street, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. e James Ferguson, Kilbirnie, Thomas Neilson, Esq., mercbsn.. Glasgow, to Jane Blackburn, second daughter of James t Swan, REq. At 6 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At a Wemyss Place, on the 15th instaut, Mrs William Nairer -a son. A ellpark, Partickbill, on the 15th inst., Mrs. Duncan Lennox; a son. At 1 Mansfield Place, on the 15th instant, Mrs. Leopold Wollheim, a son, At 12 Monteith Row, on the 14th instant, Mrs. Thomas Sherriff; a son. At 134 Blythswood Terrace, on the 14th instant, Mrs. James Mi'Vey ; a daughter. At 31 Watt Street, Tradeston ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRtHS. At 51 Whitevalo Street, on the 5th inst., Mrs. Arohibad| *Pollockc . a son. At 98West Street, on the 5th lt., 3Mr. Pete M'Laclilan; At Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, on the lth instant, Mrs. Janaea Ferguson; a daughter. - At 5 Albyn Place, Edinburgh, on the 4th instant, the wife of Thomas Alexander Hog, Req., of Newlistoa a *daughter. At 48 Queen Street, Edinburgh, on the 3d instant, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. li At 2 Wellesley. Place,-,on the .29th inst., Mrs. Andrtw c Hoggan a daughter. - a -At 51 SoothAjieley Plae, on the 28th instant, Mrs John Cowan junior; a son. Atiirkintiloch,-on the 28thinat., the wifeof Dr. Thora Blackwood; * ason. m 5 At 139 High Street, Ayr, on-the th. instant, the wife of C Mr. Archibald Guthne, draper;- a son. 1 At 14 Hereford Street, GLondon, on the 25th inst., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 27 Renfrew Street, on the 3d instant, Mis. Edward Henderson ; a son. At Smith Villa, Ayr, on the 3d instant, Mrs. Alexander Anderson, of 6 Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow; a daughter. At 5 Rutland Place, on the 2d inst., Mrs. JamesDickson; a daughter. At the Station House, Croy, on the 2d instant, Mrs. Wm. Scott- a son. At ihornliebank, on the 2d instant, Mrs. Algie; a son. At Downving ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 4G0St. Vincent Stteet, on the 23d instant, Mrs. WMn. Hodgson; a son. ' At 38 Pollok Street, on the 23d Inst., Mrs. H. Leramich; At59St. James'3 Street, Kirgston, on the 23d instant, Mrs. H~ugh Smith; a dauoghter. / At 46 Camabridge Terrace, Hyde Park, -London, on the 19th inStant, the lady of Colonel Sir Henry J~aes, Roy31 Engineers; a son. At Athens, on the 29th ultimo, the wife of ...

BIRTHS. At 25 Blyths

... wood Square, on the 26th instant, Mrs. Walter Baxter; a son. At 2 South Wellington Street, on the 26th instant, Mrs. Alexander Harvey, jun.; a son. At 4 Grove Street, on the 26th instant, Mrs. William Csbourne; a on. At Alder Lodge, Helensbargh, on the 26th instant, the wife of Stephen Walker, Esq., M.D.; a daughter. AtCabtlecraig, onthe 2thinst., Lady Gibson.Cartichael; a son. At 32 Melville ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 55 Mforay Place, Queen's Crescent, on the 24th inst, Mrs. John Robertson; a son, -E At 48 Holmhend Street, on the 24th instant, Mrs. John tl Norman- a daughter. SE At 10 4ueen's Terrace,: on the 24th instant, the wife of 13 John Innes Wright, Esq.; a daughter. d *At Dowanbill, on the 2kth instant, the wife of William Tod, Esq. of Ayton; a sen. -At Park Terrace, Stirling, on the 24th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 70 Great Hamilton Street, on the 25th instant, Mrs- Thfliam hT 'lPhtsron ; a son. At It5 Breadalb ?? Terrace, on the, 24th instant, Mrs. A. D. Ptav, a s~ At 53 Cadogan Street, on the 24th instant, the wife of Mr. Jana-s Lenuii(n1 . et'.lekeejur; a daughter. At 3S Bill Street, Garnethill, on the 24th instant, Mrs. David lice; a st'n. At Lad.;iiderry, on the 23d instant, Mrs. A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 22 Monteth Row, on the 20th instant, the wife of the Rev. Murray Mackay, tbf Young Street Free Church; a' son-still-born. AtMuirhouse Place, 286 :Pollokshaws. Road, on the 20th instant, Mrs. John Gray -a son: At 3 Royal Terrace, on the 19th instant, Mrs. Robert Banna;n. a son. At New Dondyvan, Coatbridge, on the 19th instant, Mrs. James Marshall; a son. At 12 South St. Munfgo Street ...

BIRTHS. At 2 St. Jam

... es Street, Paisley, on the 14th instant, Mrs. Alex. Paton; a son. At Viewfield House, Pollokshields, on the 13th instant, Mrs. William Wilson; a daughter. At 123 Grafton Terrace, on the 13th instant, Mrs. Joshua Brown; a son. At 57 Brougham Street, Belfast, on the 11th instant, Mrs. James Cowan; a daughter. MARRIAGES. At 8 Ann Street, Arbroath, on the 14th instant, bh the Rev. James E. ...