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Morning Chronicle


... LITE, RA TUIX. TA. coreuspoudenec of 'Xapoleoi . LPilulished by order of the Emperor napoleon Ill. Vol. I, o II, lI Paris 1H. PIlan. a Monuments avithont number, and of every de- scription, have been raised to the memory of the First Napoleon. Poesy has setig his victories in un- f dying strains aid in every ]netre; painting lies 0 traced for wondering posterity the sublime scenes t* of his ...


... F ISNE 1 R Th TIHE ARCHIl'ECTITRAL EXiHIBITION. Tf any oue of the great representative men of ancient, or even of the Renaiissane crchiteeti'eI were to rise up froml his dust-if one of the Rhaml- sees, full of his ideas of stpendollis grandeur anld eternal duration, were to be condtueted over London I and some of our ?? provincial cities, with what ?? contempt would he look upon our pigmiy ...


... LITERA TURE. The hife and Labours of Sir Charles Belt, IK.G.JL k.R.SS., L. and E. By AmErtE5& PCIOCT, MI.D., Author of Charles the Fifth, &c. London Bentley. The first sensation which a reader will experience on perusing this volume will be one of reproach that the biography of a man wlhose talents and1 dis- coveries have gone far to ennoble this country in the eyes of the scientific ...


... GRAND EXIIIBITION OF FINE' ARTS AT BER USSELS. i _ LUnderthe immediatepatronege if the Belgian Government.] The exhibition commences on the 15th of August, and closes on the 15th of October, 1860. It is open to the works of all living Belgian or foreign artists. The objects intended for exhibition must be addressed, A la Commission Directrice do 1'Exposition Geinerle dcs Beaux-Arts i; ...


... TIME A!AG 1A ZINLE. THE UNIVERSAL REVIEW. nt The Uniersal comes out in great force in its oh New-Year's number. Its articles are, as usual, in upon subjects above the ordinary periodical C he line, and are unusually full of information and re- st r. search. In the opening paper, entitled The Na- fr ii, tional Money-Box, the author has collected a large c, )St mass of highly interesting ...


... ai' o t/te Canadian 1Rec River Erp~orling j..,.ill0i oj* ]7, and of die Asminrnboine and gildh~l'I~ k!o;'ng Lpedltion of 185)S. Ly JiitLII11 Hmi), ?? KF.R OS., Professor , .,q1jjstry andb Ueilogy ill the Iunivulsity .ilitV College, T1oronto. Two vols. Loudioii wiad cc). ~ ~1101115 Nvov. Noble not only ill the b ?? ?? in whi fe it lii s been, Iiil :ilstj in Ow he~n ils whlieli nmoderli itsu~vry ...


... .,&IITHFIEI, D CL UB CGA TTLE SHiOW ?? it ~~~FIRST DAY. o hI Yesterday wae the firet day of opening the Smithfield slic I- Club Cattle Show to tile Public, and duringi the morning tal, a the approaches to the Bazaar, in King-etreet, were thronged thi~ with carriages of the aristoerecy, en immense proportion of VC 5whom w~ere ladies; the visit of her Majestyoen the previous NIL day, couipled ...


... 1.OYAL E'NGLlSII OPERA. In 184C Mr. Vincent Wallace's opera, Afetilda of HJun- _ gar, was brought out at Drury-lano Theatre. From that E time up to last week the composer ef Zaroitsa-one of the 0snoat successful operas of the last quarter of a century-had given nothing to tha stage. Unless, like Meyerbssr, our English-or, more properly, Irish-musicia. takes an un- i conscionable while in ...


... LITBRARY REPORT. A most profoundland important work has ap- peared from. the pen of the Abbe Domenech. n Gratified at the favour which the public accorded .a to his Missionary Adventures in Texas and t Mexico, he has given us a further instalment of rh lis ethnological studies, in two volumes, entitled e Seven Yearns' Residence tni the Great Deserts of North, tB America. By the Abb6 Emr. Do ...


... UNVIV.ERSITY IYTELLIGESCE. LONDON. FIRST B.A. EXAMINATION. IXAMINATION F'OR, IoNOVIMtS. Tbe follosring is a list of candidates who have passed the for honours in the respective subjects:- MIATIIEMATICS. Dale, 'rhomas (E:;Ihibition), Trinity College, Cambridge. Stiebel, Jacob, University College. Grimuley, Horatio Nelson, University College. Iisch, Benjamin, Uni:ersity College. ...


... TiE MA GA ZDYES. (Fmnsr NOTICE.] The August number of Blackwood2's Aiaione is an excellent one, even for Black wood. It would, of course, be too much to expect every article in it to be on new and original matter; and if, therefore, the first, that Oil National Defences and Volun- teers, imports into its legitimate limits the ele- ments of a question which has been long since ven- tilated, ...


... IYESTBOURNE LECTURE-H1ALL. MR. OTTLEY ON SECRET DIPLOMACY. On Saturday evening Mr. Henry Ottley, an eminent journalist and connoisseur in art, delivered at the West- bourne Music-hall, Westbourne-grove, a lecture in aid of the prize-fund of the Society for the Encouragement of the Fine Arts (of which association he is honorary secretary), on Diplomacy, and the Prerogative of the Crown in ...