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Morning Chronicle


... I)UBILIX X .VSU YJJf~ IE Si at last we hlatve sc methin, like a nitionial ?? I' (li ai tI )'Mmt li', AI Iv ( 'CN-il, ?? twso .heroinles; of as ma Iy tkIles, art titlies suleiCiLtlI 'eltie for the nest itiveterate I isi aii. The first is not only an I rish story, 1 tit lh:s soate claim to bw a true one, (t'tihiue or (Gaec ( I'Mailly was at ' huLcenicet' elieft:ainles of the rtonaittic days of ...


... LITERA TURE. ?? Mfan; or, the 8tory of our Old Planet a and its inhabitants, told by Scripture and by A, Science. Londonn: Saunders, Otley and Co. en This is a fatherless book, and we cannot but ex praise the discretion of the author for not owning M his own progeny. le might, however, have done w one thing better, and that is, not have published it. pe If he preserved it for the tea-table, ...


... MR. HULMAN HUNT'S PAINTING. It has always been a question of the greatest in- terest for modern art whether the Prre-Raph5elite heresy, as some did liot hesitate to call it, would lead to a reformation, or simply end in a retrogres- sion to those earlier phases of development in art which are deservedly extinct, For some years we have been threatened with the latter alternative, and. the good ...


... LITERA TURE. Memoirs, Letters, and Speeches of A nthonky Asldey Cooper, first Earl of h/aftesburen, Lord (Cban- ceflor; with ?? illutratirijhixs Lifefroot his Birthto the Restoration. Edited by WILLIAMS S DoUGAL CIJaISTIE, Esq., Her Majesty's Envoy r Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in 3 Brazil. London: John Murray. There are few people in the world who like to Y have their capital ...


... RlEM MAJESTY'S THEATRE. That Mademo-selle Picoolomirni should have omitted t1`o 171gt,y dO7 dc leygvtiefl to from her brief series of farewell per- ThE foreesneos is surprising. After Vl'(o/f/i, in, La Twvansta, her direct best impersonation is undoubltedlY th viaatue 5'0 c flonizetti's opera. Perhaps her reason for rejecting th Thb r ivandit'b- was that she pireferred pronouncing her lost ...


... FINE A , TS. TIE-ILNEW SOCIETY OF WATER-COLOURi 1OV3 beji PAINTERS. Gil The 1res9(!It ?? ill some11 r~lespCtS 8iipasst's sug ;linv that we Call remnember, while in othore it is its p1i01 4ecide~dly inlferior, ntuA rather ?? of it toll Pcldek~i'2c. Ill tlioso riech-tonled initeriors; of carvedII (51k ~uitl tap1 ostry, with ?? historical inoluletits by pomiltrayed by a gronli of conventiomal ...


... LlT1?'RARY IU?I2ORT. 1 ost important event of the InadUites pearance of volumes V. and VI. of i E?! 3 1,a~tifrom the A ccession of hlenry in 1' JI 0r' e~th of Qtue'rJe;j l'i.baleth. By Joux in ?? f°t ?? (London: J. W. Parker and !. u worl3 k, besides being reviewed at 0tt 0 evl colanht and those of our contemn s 6 il1l probably largely moon[)olise thle cri- NV iterary and ltlueattid circles, ...


... LITERATTRuR. Thle Curate., of Rivercidal'e ; RecolleCtiovi* in Mhe eye. pur Life of a Clergyman. Written by Rimself the London :Hurst and Blackett. quo The mendacity of travellers has become prover- We bial, We' hope that the publication of this book boll will not tend to cast the same imputation upon wei clerical authors. The volumes before us are sup- ci e posed to contain the personal ...


... LITERA TURE. -- - - --l_ 3d ?? KAINH AMAOHKH. 1.of The Gr'eek- Yettament. B-oen, Cards nal Mai's Erdition of ed bie rat ivan Bible. With N.,otes ehiefly PTdbological and PT, b- Ezgetic?. l. By ROBERT Oaussli!, M.A., Professor co .t. Ifhlutoi Ui h as of Greek and Latin Literature inteChliUi- h versity of Ireland, and formerly Fellow of Trinity of as College, Oxford. Dublin Pttfifv ?? is a ...


... If ER MA JEST Y'S T7SEA TI? E. The first performance this season of Signor Verdi's rrost popular opera IG Trovatore, on Saturdsy evening, at- tractedi a numnerous and brilliant attendance. Their Rloyal Highneesea the Duchess of Citubriig's, tile Prin- ces Mary, and the Duike of Camibridge, were ntnisog the cotepany and occupied the royal box, nnd, although many of the subscribera are out of ...


... JJALYEITH FIER. Tutrsn.S)r, OCT. 1G.-This market, now becomae the best for English cattle which bias been establisbed for many years, never exhitited sueh a large number of cattle, com- posed of English, polled Galloways, Irish beasts, and coun- try cattle. The show, according to general estimate, nanm- bered upwards of 7,000, bat the tacksman ?? them only 6,170. The extra stock shown arises ...


... CR F,7'SIL PALACE. THE INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL FESTIVAL. The arrangements for the visit of the Orphcoiiistes of France to attend the great musical ifestival at thie Crstal Palaco next week are now fast approaching completion, and the first section of that body will arrive in London this day ; the whele of the remainder, 3,000 in number, will arrive on Stndav. The Western lice of Franco has ...